fix articles 12714, resource
Summer of discontent: Mega-project protests across B.C. (tags)
System change - not climate change! The people united shall never be defeated! The economy should be a part of life, not a steamroller crushing creativity, self-determination and the rights of nature.
New Millennium Resource Wars (tags)
(VIDEO) Workshop: Capacity Building for the Long Haul (tags)
Jenna Peters-Golden of Philly Stands Up and AORTA (Anti-Oppression Resource and Training Alliance) Collective presents a workshop on capacity building for radical organizations.
(Commentaries on Science, Religion, Spiritualism, Politics and The Resource Based Economy)
Rainbow Family Continues in spite of selective punishments by enforcers of "laws" (tags)
PRESS RELEASE: Rainbow Gatherers Ordered to Albuquerque for Ticket Hearings Monday. for updates see Rainbow press crew's website below.
Every year there is a very special gathering of those who love peace, the earth and want to act in their Unity and loving presence with one another... coming from all across the USA and other countries as well...this special event is like no other some of us have experienced. Sharing, caring, living on bare national [ read: all of ours ] forrest lands for a short time, and forming 'family' with those who seemed to be strangers in other places, now are not 'other' but one caring collective.
Peace in the NorthEast Community March and Resource Fair (tags)
Lead by the Churches of NorthEast LA, the NorthEast LA community will march against violence in the streets. The march ends at a Resource Fair. Snacks and bottled water will be served at both the staging area and the Resource Fair. Along with the Resource Fair there will be live and DJ music and a Mini Car Show.
Stop Blackwater West Demo Oct. 6 & & (tags)
Encampment and Demonstration to Stop Blackwater West from building a training facility in San Diego County
final images of TransUnity - Sunday. I wasn't there for the short-film festival, but check on the MySpace site. Maybe someone will post there.
images from the resource fair
TransUnity - workshops & Resource Festival (1 of 3) (tags)
UC Riverside Gender Research Conference (tags)
UC Riverside Gender Research Conference ~Free to All, Free Food ~Activist Workshop ~Keynote: Dr. Sandra Harding, "Can Women Be Subjects of Knowledge?" ~Queer, Women's, Gender Research Presentations
9/14 Los Angeles DREAM Fast Vigil (Day 2) (tags)
Los Angeles, CA - Across the street from an institution of higher learning, the Los Angeles DREAM Fast and Vigil participants continued their efforts to inform the public about the significance and necessity of passing the DREAM Act.
Who Owns the Sky? Reviving the Commons (tags)
"Not since the Golden Age of the 1890s has so much public wealth been shoveled into private hands with such brazen efficiency. Timber companies, corporate ranchers and foreign mining companies.. are plundering our national patrimony.."
Oil wars Pentagon's policy since 1999 (tags)
Top-level document found confirming OIL WAR is perceived as legitimate US Defense Department policy.
BTL:GOP Energy Legislation Offers Corporate Subsidies to Build New... (tags)
...U.S. Nuclear Power Plants. Interview with Michael Mariotte, executive director of the Nuclear Information and Resource Service, conducted by Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus.
BTL:Veterans Critical of Bush Administration and... (tags)
...Pentagon Policies Toward Military. Personnel Interview with Steve Robinson, executive director of the National Gulf War Resource Center, conducted by Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus.
reports from the microcosm (tags)
i have posted a local community activism resource center for the west los angeles area featuring reportage and images from the ongoing anti-war demonstrations including analysis, stories, links, and images. updated every single day.
Unequal Resource Distribution: Prosperity through Hunger (tags)
Profit maximization leads to unrestrained plundering of our natural resources and destroys our natural foundations of life,,In Rio 1992, government representatives promised drastically changing our resource consumption, consumer habits..
SDSU Women's Resource Center Needs Schools Support (tags)
This is a Speech given at the Teach-in for Peace and Justice - A movement building workshop, November, 2001. The topic is the SDSU Women's Resource Center.
Protest DEA Bust of Cannabis Resource Center (tags)
The DEA raided the Cannabis Resource Center, SoCal's best source of medical marijuana. Protest Friday 2PM at West Hollywood City Hall.
Peace Vigil in San Diego at Horton Plaza Saturday, Sept. 22 at 2:00 PM If the U.S. uses force before Saturday, there will be a demonstration that day at 5 p.m., at the above location.
'Oil On Mars' Probe Creates Worries That The VP Really Is THAT Fucking Stupid (tags)
Vice-president Dick Cheney announced today that he would be heading a brave new resource assessment committee that will probe the possibility of beginning US oil drilling on the planet Mars by as soon as 2003......