fix articles 12718, new mexico Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : new mexico

new mexico

The UN Charter must be the heart and coul of any new peace architecture (tags)

The Ukrainian war will also end one day, and we will have to strive again for a new peace order to "save future generations from the scourge of war." A peaceful and fair world for the soon to be 10 billion inhabitants of the earth, 9 billion from the 'Global South', must be built on the principles of the UN Charter. The UN Charter must therefore be at the center of every peace movement.

Negotiating at last and The Russian-American Friendship (tags)

Russia's war is a response to NATO's eastward expansion, long criticized by the peace movement,and to Western policies of rearmament and confrontation, by which Russia feels existentially threatened. It began as early as the 1990s with the expansion of NATO.

A Magnifying Transmitter Is In Use East Of Fort Bliss TX (tags)

some petroleum geologists attribute this activity to injection of high pressure waters...hee hee....even the nuclear fracturing/fracking that takes place in AZ doesn't do this. this is in conjunction with heavy heavy electrochemical assault, continual. weaponry.

The State of Unclassified and Commercial Technology Capable of Some Electronic Mind Contro (tags)

covid is, among other things, a vast cover story for a lot of biotech and electro-chemical weaponry being deployed by the political servants of royalty worldwide...some is prudence, some is about cleaning up loose ends, ala gulf war problems still hanging around...these other deaths, these assassinations i talked about 3 years ago, when i saw it coming, are now all "Complications" from covid. they must have their deniability and lies. here in america covid is coup #2 within the continuing conquest of the world government over our founding documents. 911 was coup #1 of course. its all about perception management at all on.

ISIS is operating a camp just a few miles from El Paso, (tags)

It is rumored that there are militia groups that are studying this issue very closely and intend a response by monitoring and surveying this dangerous situation.

After Hiroshima (tags)

The fight for nuclear disarmament and the fight against climate change belong together, Rhodes said. They are the great challenge to the young generation that is gaining authority in the world. To pass both, he said, is the chance to renew and preserve the world.

Trump: A Disaster For Animals As Well As People (tags)

126 Of Many Ways Donald Trump Harms Animals People Birds Fishes Butterflies Bees The Watershed and Mother Earth

Nation's Largest Voting Machine Co., ESS, Admits Lying Re Having Installed Remote Control (tags)

Election Systems And Software controls statewide voting machine systems in 18 states, 13 of which are GOP dominated.

June 2018 Honduras coup update (tags)

June 2018 in Honduras marks 9 years of military coup. A gathering against this was met with gases, stones, ferocious beatings and a government vehicle ran over a protester and others in the vehicle went onto cut other protesters. Many attacks against indigenous and environmental defenders continue. Threats of evictions for model cities are coming dribs and drabs. Community leaders, journalists, and protesting truck drivers have faced arrests. Other journalists faced attacks on their bodies and threats. A trans person from Honduras died in US immigration detention on an attempt at migration. The Fyffes company known for labour rights abuses gets a 'fair trade' label.

For a World Free of Nuclear Risks (tags)

The International Uranium Film Festival will return this year to USA and show lots of films about nuclear power and uranium risks. And it kindly asks for your support and participation.

Insane Company Wants To Send Nuke Plant Waste To New Mexico (tags)

A radioactive waste company, Holtec, wants to send all the nation's high level radwaste, stuff like plutonium, from shut down nuclear plants, to New Mexico.

Under the Gun in Ireland (tags)

A visit to the occupied North of Ireland in 1983. Happy Paddy's Day!

50 Of Many Ways Donald Trump Harms Animals (tags)

Virtually every species has been negatively affected by Trump, Zinke, Pruitt, And Others In His Regime

National US Gov as wellas EPA slow to act on Abandoned uranium Mines Cleanup in Southwest (tags)

There are over 300 abandoned uranium mines in a handful of US states the majority in the Southwest USA.This flagrant violation has been investigated by the national government with its EPA but only 9 have been cleaned up according to coverage on NPR. 1 reason according to NPR is who the EPA approaches forconsulta

The perpetual Shortage of Water in10 Western States Plues Nebraska (tags)

California uses 50%-75% irrigated water,Nevada uses over 75% irrigated water,Washington uses 25%-50% irrigated water, Oregon uses 50%-75% irrigated water,Utah uses over 75% irrigated water, Arizona uses 25%-50% irrigated water.

Restore Mexican-American Studies in Tucson Arizona 2017 (tags)

A long time member of SW USA both when it was Mexico's northern states and now when it is part of Colorado, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California, the SW area rings with the labor,experiences and sometimes tears of the Mexican-American or Chicanos

Nurses Storm The Boulevard To Pressure Trump On the ACA (tags)

The California Nurses Association Rally in Hollywood to save the Affordable Care Act

Gary Johnson Poll Numbers Much Higher Than Reported (tags)

War profiteer media is not reporting Gary Johnson's poll numbers. They are much higher than we are told. The numbers in a Washington Post article are reported this week.

Biography Blocked By Bullies : ' burro ' ( fbi ), Facebook, Google (tags)

My biography is blocked or hidden by intelligence community.

53 Of The Ways The World's Military Harm Animals (tags)

The voiceless victimes of insane immoral illegal wars

Why Vote Third Party in 2016 (tags)

If you believe neither hawkish Hillary nor Torturing Trump should be president, you have options. The antiwar Green, Libertarian and Socialist parties are some options to Clinton and Trump.

Sanders Coattails: Tim Canova FL23 (tags)

Tim Canova is an economist and attorney who has done some work in the global justice movement. A Sanders progressive Democrat running for office in Florida, challenging Debora Wasserman-Schultz.

Porter Ranch methane leak doesn't bode well for climate (tags)

Porter Ranch methane leak poses serious risk for climate. New infrared footage exposes the extent of the leak.

Progress Report Nov. US Organizers 2015 (tags)

The Navajo Hopi governmental areas in the corner of Arizona and New Mexico have experienced a shift in ownership of the coal which is exported to Phoenix, Los Vegas, Tucson, and areas of Southern California

Atomic Bombs or Democracy (tags)

The atomic bomb reveals the totalitarian element latent to human existence. Our species is marked by the ability to impose the universal death penalty on itself.. War thinking devours most resources of the world and is resistant against experiential knowledge.

Jade Helm Military Exercises: Preparing for Martial Law Enforcement? (tags)

police state

The Shortwave Report 06/05/15 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Radio Deutsche-Welle, Radio Havana Cuba, NHK World Radio Japan, and Sputnik Radio.

Gov Susana Martinez petitions court to reject Chiricahua Fort Sill Apache Tribe's legal re (tags)

he tribe while waiting on the Governor to comply with the law is operating their popular open to the public travel center on its reservation at Akela Flats, 17 miles east of Deming on interstate 10 in Luna County. There is a full-service café, offering breakfast, lunch and dinner. While you are there check out the Indian jewelry, tobacco, beer and wine and other tax free liquor. There’s a boutique museum featuring old photos of Geronimo and early history of the tribe.

Where is Geronimo (tags)

Headlight File Photo in 2008, Governor Bill Richardson ordered the New Mexico State Police to form a blockade at the Apache Homelands Casino property in new Mexico

Renowned War Resister Juanita Nelson Slips From Her Body (tags)

Juanita Nelson's first public act of courage occurred on a train from Cleveland to the South when she was put at the Mason Dixon Line into a Jim Crow car. Nearly 8 decades of war tax resistance, sitins at segregated restaurants, organic farming, simple living and peacemaking followed.

Bomb Abroad Spank At Home (tags)

While 39 countries have banned corporal punishment, 19 US states allow teachers to paddle students.

Militarization of our police (tags)

In the St. Louis suburb of Ferguson, Mo., an unarmed 18-year-old black man was killed by police in broad daylight. By now, what's happening in Ferguson is about so many second-order issues— the militarization of police with systemic racism, and how citizens can redress grievances, among other things—that it's worth remembering what actually happened...

Circus Elephants Used for Children’s Rides Go Out of Control (tags)

Animal Defenders International (ADI) has released film of elephants used for children’s rides fighting as workers try to control them with bullhooks, metal bars and stun guns.

The Shortwave Report 06/06/14 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Radio Deutsche-Welle, Radio Havana Cuba, the Voice of Russia, NHK World Radio Japan, and Spanish National Radio.


This story is important in and of itself, but also because it once again unearths the region’s role in the birth of the atomic age, and also highlights the radioactive legacy that continues to haunt us.


Rio de Janeiro, Lisbon, New Delhi, Mumbai, Berlin, München, Window Rock, Washington, New York City - The International Uranium Film Festival (IUFF) is travelling around the world with dozens of atomic & nuclear films. Next IUFF starts November 27 in New Mexico, Albuquerque.

Palos Verdes Teen Podcasters Awarded by Transom (Atlantic Public Media) (tags)

Transom, a non-profit group administered by Atlantic Public Media, has awarded $1,000, production guidance, and exposure to the teenage radio production staff of Open Orchard Productions.

AIPAC Lobbies for War on Syria (tags)


Hands Off Snowden Campaign (tags)

Hands Off Snowden Campaign

Anatomy of a False Flag (tags)

false flag

Did you know marijuana is addictive just like heroin??? (tags)

Did you know marijuana is addictive just like heroin!!! And smoking marijuana is just as dangerous as smoking tobacco!!!!

Blue Wall of Silence to Blame for Dorner's Rage (tags)

The Blue Wall of Silence covers up police abuses and terminates the careers of the few good cops who try to report brutality against citizens. Would Kelly Thomas be alive today if Chris Dorner was there in Fullerton to try and stop it when he was beaten to death by four Fullerton police officers?

Water Theft from Aquifers Benefit Developers at Expense of Ecosystems (tags)

Water theft from rural aquifers for the short term benefit of Las Vegas developers is a crime against the ecosystems and human communities that depend upon their water for survival. The theft of the aquifer water by SNWA is a sequel of the Owens Valley water grab by LADWP nearly a century ago. Any ELF actvists looking for training sites have over 200 miles of practice targets if this pipeline goes through. Maybe someone should send LADWP a message that water theft can be stopped by preventing transport. When the pipeline is ruptured in numerous places this water theft will become a more costly endeavor! The LADWP and SNWA needs to stop stealing water from aquifers and desert lakes!

BLM Support of SNWA Pipeline is "Pure Folly" (tags)

The decision last week by the BLM to support the SNWA pipeline shows their disregard for science and inability to protect species that are under their watch. The developers who plan projects like Coyote Springs 50 miles north of Las Vegas are dependent upon this pipeline, NOT Las Vegas. Just more hype so that some developers (Whittemore/Seeno/etc...) can profit at the expense of the desert spring ecosystems in Snake and Spring Valleys. There isn't enough water in these aquifers to support the suburban sprawl of Coyote Springs 100,000 homes, golf courses, etc...

Fall 2012 National Immigrant Solidarity Network Monthly News Alert! (tags)

The Election Over! Where’s Our Change? Our Demands to the President Obama at the Second Term! In This Issue: 1) CCR Commentary 2) FAMILIA LATINA UNIDA Commentary 3) NILC Commentary 4) Petition to Support Sergio 5) Latino voters in 2012 election 6) New Mexico, Border Election Highlights 7) LA council approves ID cards for city residents 8) Anti-Latino Laws Ignite The South

Drone Wars (tags)


Will AB 2530 Unshackle Childbirth in California? -Interviewing Tina Reynolds and Vikki Law (tags)

A bill opposing the shackling of pregnant prisoners, AB 2530, has been passed unanimously by the California State Legislature and is now on Governor Jerry Brown’s desk, with thirty days to either approve or veto it. Last year, a previous version of this bill was also passed unanimously by the Legislature, but it was ultimately vetoed by Brown. With Brown’s decision expected anytime, local activists are urgently mobilizing to stop him from vetoing this important bill once again. AB 2530 supporters have created a webpage for the public (not just California residents) to contact the Governor.

Letters to the Editor (tags)

Some Letters to the Editor

Gary Johnson vs. Scott Rasmussen: The voters lose (tags)

As we move toward the hype and hoopla of the Republican National Convention in Tampa next week and the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte early next month, The American Pundit Writing Assignment for the second half of August focuses on the condition of political reporting in United States:

GLP Mag-Lev Train and Floodwater to Drought Pipeline Alleviates Drought and Flooding (tags)

The Green Liberty Party (GLP) solution to seasonal flooding and drought concerns is to construct a pipeline that can regularly transport large amounts of water from flood prone regions to drought prone regions. This differs from current SNWA plans to drain northern Nevada's aquifers with a pipeline.


European, US, and Canadian Government Funding Behind Anti-Israel Activism in Mainline Churches

Lynch Law U.S.A.: State Defends Murderer of Trayvon Martin (tags)

Outrage over the murder of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin compounds daily as the killer remains free, facing no criminal charges for gunning down the unarmed black youth from Miami Gardens, Florida. On February 26, George Zimmerman, a white self-appointed captain of a "neighborhood watch" team in a gated community in the Orlando suburb of Sanford, shot Martin, a black high-school student, who was returning to the home in the development where he and his father were staying. Police and local prosecutors never charged Zimmerman and accepted his cynical claim that he shot the unarmed youth in "self-defense." Thousands have demonstrated around the country, particularly after police tapes of 911 calls by Zimmerman were released, showing that he was stalking Martin. But the main thrust of liberals is to divert the protests into a movement for gun control laws and to get rid of "Stand Your Ground" laws such as Florida's which make it legal to shoot in self-defense. The ruling-class response deliberately tries to obscure the key fact that this was racist murder. Trayvon Martin was killed for the "crime" of "walking while black."

BTL:Obama Administration Program that Assassinates U.S. Citizens Challenged in FOIA Lawsui (tags)

Interview with Nathan Wessler, national security fellow with the ACLU’s National Security Project, conducted by Scott Harris

America's Racist Drug Laws (tags)


Repeal NAFTA to Restore Mexico's Economic Stability (tags)

The economic crisis in Mexico was worsened by the passage of NAFTA free trade agreement. Currently the neoliberal and neoconservative status quo politicians have appeared unable to try to repeal NAFTA, as if the document were written in stone and handed to William "Moses" Clinton by none other than God. Reality is that NAFTA was crafted by some very deceptive human beings who placed the interest of profits for corporations above the well being of the people of the U.S. and Mexico.

Live Free from Unconstitutional Drug Laws by Electing Ron Paul in 2012 (tags)

This details the failed war on drugs and recommends legalization and understanding of the actual beneficiaries of the war on drugs in the prison-industrial complex and offshore banks.

Banking Warfare, Gas Explosion San Bruno, FDIC bank examiner Injected causes brain Stroke (tags)

The gas pipeline explosion in San Bruno in 2010 was likely deliberately set to explode and killed many. I smelled the gas on Interstate 280 and did not report it because I have been tortured and caused to have a brain stroke due to forced injections by federal and state officials.

LA Book Tour: DN!'s Juan Gonzalez and Joe Torres:News For All the People (tags)

Democracy Now! co-host and award-winning journalist Juan Gonzalez?s new book, News for All the People: The Epic Story of Race and the American Media, co-authored with Joseph Torres of the media reform group Free Press, is being launched with a national book tour, starting in NYC on Thursday, October 20th, with multiple stops in California, New Mexico, Texas, Colorado and Washington, DC. "News For All the People: The Epic Story of Race and the American Media" is a landmark narrative history of American media that puts race at the center of the story.

Parker Jaques: Bisexual, Binary and Proud! (tags)

Parker Jaques isn't the usual sort of interviewee who gets featured in a Queer publication. That's why I wanted to interview him for the cover story in the September 2011 Zenger's Newsmagazine. He doesn't have a traumatic, breast-beating coming-out story to tell. He wasn't Queer-bashed in school because his mother encouraged him to fight back if anyone tried it. He's proud of his identity not only as a Bisexual but as a gender-identified male, and he has such withering contempt for people (like the August 2011 Zenger's cover person, Red) who call themselves "non-binary" -- neither male nor female -- that once we started discussing that subject it was hard to get him to talk about anything else. That's why I call him "Bisexual, Binary and Proud!"

Habitat Fragmentation and Natural Gas Instability Applied to Ruby Pipeline Project (tags)

This report details the risks presented to the endemic species of the sagebrush ecosystems of northeastern Nevada by El Paso Energy Corporation?s Ruby Pipeline proposed to stretch from Opal, Wyoming to Malin, Oregon.

Lies, Damn Lies, and Safe Nuclear Power (tags)

nuclear terrorism

States Harming People Most Needing Help (tags)

financial terrorism

Mountain Justice Training Camp May 20-27 Letcher County, Kentucky (tags)

Mountain Justice has been honing a skill set that we have effectively used to work against the coal industry here in Appalachia and many of these tactics apply to all surface and underground coal mines.

Border and Community Vigilantism (tags)

state terrorism

The Language Of Corruption (tags)

1/26/2011 12:36 PM EST Tags: Spanish, Speaking, ethnicity

Electromagnetic Frequency Mind Control Weapons (tags)

should be banned

Injustice for All: Obama's Immigration Agenda (tags)

immigration lawlessness

Airports Consider Using Private Security Screeners Vs. TSA Transportation Security Officer (tags)

'Don't touch my junk' passenger sparks revolt against airport searches

Justice Dept. Assinations and Drone Attacks (tags)

"Between our area and Waziristan is an 8 hour journey. The drone attack happened at night time and we all knew about it by the following morning. People who had witnessed the attack had come to tell us and described what they saw of the remnants and damage in the aftermath. They said the attack was so severe that they could not even distinguish the bodies from one another- even the bones of the people were completely blown apart. The dead were completely unrecognisable. My brother in law’s coffin was tightly sealed and we were not allowed to open it to view anything. We had the coffin with us for 30 minutes before it was taken away for burial." "In fact the papers filed by the Justice Department attempting to quash the case argue that the court system should have absolutely no oversight over the administration’s sudden, bizarre claim that it can assassinate any American citizen it wants on the basis of national security, arguing that such issues are “for the executive branch of the government to decide rather than the courts.”

Marijuana Initiative Could Generate $1.4 Billion (tags)

Proposition 19, the initiative on the November 2 ballot to decriminalize possession of marijuana in California, could bring $1.4 billion or more annually to California's parched coffers — but in advocating for the measure as part of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition (L.E.A.P.), Zenger's Newsmagazine associate editor Leo E. Laurence has found some politicians and law enforcement personnel eagerly embracing the idea, while others figuratively and sometimes literally run away from any hint of endorsing the measure.

Firefight: BP agents fired upon on U.S. Mexican border (tags)

Inside sources say the illegal aliens were smuggling drugs and were armed with AK-47s. Once the Border Patrol arrived on the scene the illegals fired their weapons and BP agents returned fire.

Katrina five year anniversary; revisiting the good work of Rainbows and friends (tags)

This press release is from a year ago, the hurricane hit five years ago...and the Gulf Coast still needs help

George Buffy's Farewell to the Wilderness (tags)

George Duffy was a wilderness hero, a U. S. Forest Service employee and tireless advocate for the environment and for the wilderness who worked (and at times bled green) within the system for the safety of the Angeles National Forest that he was charged with protecting. With his retirement and now his death it is sad to see a staunch advocate of what is wild fall by the wayside. Farewell, George, your friends, family, and the forest creatures who knew you will miss you.

Why World War II ended with Mushroom Clouds (tags)

"Truman himself, however, hypocritically declared at the time that the purpose of the two nuclear bombardments had been “to bring the boys home,” that is, to quickly finish the war without any further major loss of life on the American side. This explanation was uncritically broadcast in the American media and it developed into a myth eagerly propagated by the majority of historians and media in the USA and throughout the “Western” world. That myth, which, incidentally, also serves to justify potential future nuclear strikes on targets such as Iran and North Korea, is still very much alive - just check your mainstream newspaper on August 6 and 9!" "These conditions mean that we are back to an August 1945 scenario. However, the consequences of a U.S./Israel atomic attack on Iran will constitute the greatest crime in human history. To destroy Iran’s nuclear facilities will require the use of multiple nuclear weapons of various types delivered in diverse ways. The U.S./Israel will be guilty in real time of the very actions they claim to be defending the world from. The flow of oil from multiple regions of the world be at risk to say the least. Millions could die. World opinion might be cemented against us for a hundred years."

The Mexican Drug War is now a shooting war on both sides of the border and on streets of A (tags)

This war has now evolved into a shooting war along the U.S. Mexican border and beyond into most states across the country. This war is being waged between the Mexican Drug cartels, Mexico gangs, American gangs, U.S. Law enforcement and American Militia groups.

Mexican Drug Cartels operating in the U.S. through street gangs (tags)

Mexican Drug Cartels have reached across the international border into the United States to kill people including Americans and their reach extends North, East and West across our nation. MDC’S have ordered the killings of drug dealers, American gang members, U.S. Consulate employees, a Detention Officer with the El Paso County Sheriff’s Office, DEA agent, ICE informant and U.S. Military personal. MDC’S are also responsible for many kidnapping’s of Americans on American soil and have taken Americans to Mexico to be tortured, maimed and murdered, with very little or no retaliation from the U.S. Government.

Colorado Gives Marijuana Dispensaries Legal Status (tags)

Governor Signs Regulations for State’s Medical Marijuana Industry

ARIZONA MARCH GATHERS 50,000 VS SB 1070 (tags)

Que queremos? Legalización! Cuando? Ahora!” “Hey hey, ho ho, SB 1070 has got to go!” Over 50,000 people marched through the streets of Phoenix, Ariz., May 29 to demand an end to SB 1070 and all other racist attacks on immigrants. The national protest marched more than five miles in 100-degree heat to the steps of the state capitol. The action was coordinated with marches and demonstrations in several cities across the United States and in Mexico City. The Party for Socialism and Liberation worked with the ANSWER Coalition (Act Now to Stop War and End Racism) to organize two buses of dedicated activists to travel from the Los Angeles area to the national demonstration in Phoenix. Other organizations in the contingent included Vamos Unidos USA, AF3IRM, the Alliance-Philippines and KmB Pro-People Youth. The PSL also helped bring a 70-car caravan from San Diego, and PSL members in Phoenix held a preparatory meeting and passed out thousands of flyers to help build the march at ground zero. The huge outpouring of support for immigrants came mostly from workers in Arizona. But large delegations came not only from California but also Nevada, New Mexico, Colorado and Texas. Erica Maceda, who traveled on the buses from Los Angeles, said : “I am traveling to Arizona to fight for immigrant rights because the attack on immigrants there is an attack on all people. No human being can be considered ‘illegal.’” Protesters gathered in the morning outside a local park for an opening rally and ceremonial Indigenous dancing. Speakers denounced Arizona Governor Jan Brewer and Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio for their blatant racism and xenophobic attacks on immigrant workers. As the march made its way through Phoenix, PSL members gathered hundreds of signatures supporting full rights for all immigrants. When asked at the opening rally why he decided to attend, Max Martinez of Phoenix said “Because SB 1070 is racist and wrong. No one with any sense contemplates whether or not white supremacy is wrong.” Martinez, a 20-year-old student, explained that he has been stopped by police and asked for proof of citizenship more times than he can count, despite being born in a local Phoenix hospital. ‘SB 1070 has got to go!’ ANSWER and the PSL led a militant contingent of hundreds of protesters chanting slogans. Protesters carried signs that read “Defeat SB 1070 in the streets!” and “Unity against racism: Full rights for immigrants!” The march ended with a rally at the Capitol building in downtown Phoenix. Initiated by Puente, an Arizona-based immigrant rights organization, and the National Day Laborer Organizing Network, the demonstration was multinational and pointed to a high degree of class-consciousness and solidarity among workers from all sectors of society. It exposed the myth of the right wing that Arizona monolithically supports SB 1070. Tens of thousands of people, who represent hundreds of thousands more, hit the streets under difficult conditions and with a massive police presence trying to intimidate them. Rally speakers included local politicians and community leaders as well as Richard Trumka, leader of the AFL-CIO. The message from the stage was one of workers’ unity and the need to put a stop to the divide-and-conquer tactics employed by the enemies of poor and working people. The national march to stop SB 1070 was a truly historic day in the growing movement for immigrant rights. It also marked a major step forward in the struggle against racism.

Congressional Climate Bills: Stealth Schemes to Raise Energy Prices and Enrich Wall Street (tags)

climate bills are solely for profit

Imprisoning Children for Life (tags)

only America and Israel do it

In the Streets for Human Rights: A People Without Borders (tags)

The recent immigrant rights demonstration in San Diego May 1 was inspiring, but a real solution to the immigration question will come only when we can disenthrall the American people from hateful corporate propaganda that pits disadvantaged groups against each other and convinces millions of Americans that their economic and social problems are caused by people below them, not people above. So-called “illegal” immigrants are just another in the long line of scapegoats corporate and Right-wing propagandists invoke to keep people confused and lead them to challenge each other instead of their corporate overlords.

6th Annual Mountain Justice Training Camp May 27- June 6, 2010 Kentucky (tags)

Mountain Justice Training Camp Location: Wiley’s Last Resort in Letcher County, Kentucky May 27th through June 6, 2010

dhs teamwork nm style (tags)

My letter to Grant county sheriff, New Mexico, early December 2009. no answers from anyone here yet, law enforcement harassment alongwith dhs teamwork are reaching new levels though, as the richardson scandal grows daily....b

Fascist Obama, like the Nazis, Orders Worldwide Assassinations (tags)

For the first time in history, an American president has officially ordered the assassination of a US citizen. [Democratic] President Barack Obama has approved the “targeted killing” of Anwar al-Awlaki, a US-born Muslim cleric who is reported to be in hiding in Yemen. No substantial evidence has been brought to bear against Awlaki, 38, who is accused of terrorism, and he will be afforded no legal recourse against the death sentence. He has not been charged, tried, or convicted of anything. DID YOU VOTE FOR THIS? WILL YOU NOW VOTE ONLY SOCIALIST OR GREEN?

2010 with Shaman, Kiesha Crowther 1/10 (tags)

This young wisdom bringer has a powerful message for us, and your time will be well-spent listening to all 10 segments

My letter to Grant county sheriff, New Mexico, early December 2009 (tags)

no answers from anyone here yet, law enforcement harassment alongwith dhs teamwork are reaching new levels though, as the richardson scandal grows daily....b

Anarchist Book Fair – short report & photos (tags)

LOS ANGELES, Monday January 25, 2010 – Yesterday’s 2nd annual Los Angeles Anarchist Book Fair was a huge success. Hundreds, at least 500+, gathered in the beautiful setting that is Barnsdale Park. The weather, the view and most of all the wonderful people all combined for a very enjoyable Sunday afternoon. Many had traveled from out of state (Oregon, Arizona, New Mexico to name a few) to come to the fair.

Black Mesa Water Coalition stops Peabody Coal (tags)

The Native Black Mesa Water Coalition is celebrating a victory in their long running battle for water rights in the Native Four Corners, where Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, and Utah meet, on land belonging to Hopi and Navajo people. Peabody Coal has already wasted nearly half the drinkable, accessible water at Black Mesa, slurrying coal along a 273 mile slurry line to Southern California Edison's Mojave Generation Station, in Laughlin, Nevada. One of the grassroots members of the Black Mesa Water Coalition takes the name C-Aquifer for Diné, claiming rights to the remaining Cococino Aquifer, and the coalition has long been identified with the rallying cry "Water is life."

NM DHS Human Rights Abuse (tags)

My letter to Grant county sheriff, New Mexico, early December 2009. Concerning my letter below: I just finished another good book concerning the jfk assassination, and the fabrication of multiple identities are a big part of the cia/fbi/nsa dirty trix departments as revealed during the investigation of all that; when jfk was ambushed, there were no less than THREE Lee Harvey Oswalds known around Dallas and the book depository (jack ruby helped with that, albeit unwittingly) , two were false, one of those was the actual main shooter (William Seymour, DISC, Operation40 w/felix rodriguez, barry seal, frank sturgis, etal). Thats why the real Oswald had to be taken out, nothing jived, he was just a holding action and distraction...a patsy, red herring, a dupe....I am trying hard not to become one of those for this fascist bunch of pigs here in the land of the lord.

Major Hasan Of Fort Hood – A Patsy In A Drill Gone Live? (tags)

In the wake of the massacre at Fort Hood Texas , two principal theories have emerged to explain the conduct of the accused shooter, identified by the U.S. Army as Major Nidal Malik Hasan, an Army psychiatrist of Jordanian-Palestinian ancestry.

Life After Chemtrails (tags)

The leading horse is white The second horse is red The third one is a black The last one is a green "The four Horsemen" by Aphrodites Child

“Nommogeneity” Explores African-American Poetry and Culture (tags)

It took two years to make and it's only 32 minutes long, but Terrence Stubbs’ film “Nommogeneity” is a powerful portrayal of cutting-edge African-American poetry and culture that's well worth seeing. Stubbs, a former stand-up comedian turned film student and TV producer, landed the legendary Amiri Baraka (shown reading his provocative 9/11 poem) as well as many younger African-American poets strongly influenced by him. The film — whose title comes from the twin gods in African mythology who brought humanity the gifts of language and writing — shows young poets working in a politically and socially conscious vein instead of writing “love jones” poems or odes to gangsterism and conspicuous consumption.

The worst nuclear accident in U.S. history: July 16, 1979, Navajo Reservation (tags)

July 16th, 2009, marked the 30th anniversary of the worst nuclear accident in U.S. history, when, at 5:00 A.M., 1100 tons of uranium mining tailings, and 100 million gallons of radioactive water burst through United Nuclear's earthen dam, into the Rio Puerco, at a uranium mine in Church Rock, New Mexico, on the Navajo Reservation. Today, the Navajo Nation remains under toxic siege, by coal mining, uranium mining, and coal-fired power, even though an EPA doc already suggests that the entire reservation is a Superfund site. The Navajo Tribal Council, in 2005, passed a uranium mining ban, the Diné Natural Resources Protection Act, and thus won a Nuclear Free Future Award, but the ban has been under pressure since the day it was passed, and uranium mining claims now surround the Navajo Reservation like an advancing army.


an update on where and how the Rainbow people continue on under any adversities or intimidations... keeping on......this is a repost from 6/27/09 from their website....pass it on...


Every year there is a very special gathering of those who love peace, the earth and want to act in their Unity and loving presence with one another... coming from all across the USA and other countries as well...this special event is like no other some of us have experienced. Sharing, caring, living on bare national [ read: all of ours ] forrest lands for a short time, and forming 'family' with those who seemed to be strangers in other places, now are not 'other' but one caring collective.


My Granddad said, “the Yaqui always have been and always will be.” They were in the area long before the apaches, Spanish or anyone else. Their origins date beyond written record, and for millenniums they lived in the valleys around the Rio Yaqui River in Sonora, Mexico.

Local San Diego Activists Defend Friendship Park (tags)

Since 1971, the Monument Mesa at Friendship Park on the U.S.-Mexico border has been an informal gathering place where people kept from physically coming together by the border fence could nonetheless reach out and pass each other greetings, kisses, presents and food. No longer: the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, seemingly determined to wipe out any sign that the people of the U.S. and Mexico should actually regard each other with anything other than wary hostility, have put the mesa straight in the cross-hairs of the triple border fence. Local activists Christian Ramirez and John Fanestil addressed a San Diego audience April 17 to tell what they're doing to try to save Friendship Park.

Scientist-Astronaut Edgar Mitchell: "UFOs are real and we are not alone" (tags)

Edgar Dean Mitchell, who flew on the 1971 Apollo 14 mission to the moon, says there is extraterrestrial life, and that it’s being concealed by the United States government, among others.

Dean Station Live Performance (tags)

Americana-folk-rock band Dean Station, of Santa Fe, New Mexico, has officially announced plans for their 2009 spring tour. The tour will kick off on April 30th in Albuquerque, NM, and head westward for one month. Tour date(s) in your area are as follows: Mon May 4 4pm – 9pm Venice Bistro 323 Ocean Front Walk Venice, California 90291 310.392.3997 Wed May 6 10pm – 11pm Cafe Cordiale 14015 Ventura Boulevard Sherman Oaks, California 91423 818.789.1985

NV; Proposed Natural Gas Pipeline Near Fault (tags)

The proposed natural gas pipeline from Wyoming through Utah and Nevada to end at the CA/OR border town Malin and would pass very near a site of a recent 6.0 earthquake, in addition to many other ecologically sensitive or seismically active sites..

Mexico claims U.S. Government also corrupted (tags)

Calderon also told the media that the main cause of Mexico's drug gang problems was "having the world's biggest consumer (of drugs) next to us."

Clean Money: Better Elections (tags)

Clean money means accountability to voters, not special interests. It gives the ordinary citizen access to candidates. It levels the playing field and increases voter participation.

None Dare Call It Treason (tags)

Politicians backed by powerful business interests have initiated a legislative assault to bring nuclear power back to Oklahoma. There are numerous reasons why this is a bad idea, some of which are discussed in this article. Oklahomans successfully fought off the attempt to build a nuclear reactor at Black Fox a generation ago. We will fight it again.

Mexican drug cartel gang members in most American cities and our military (tags)

Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California-based, prison gangs cooperate with Mexico-based MDC’s to smuggle wholesale quantities of cocaine and marijuana and illegal aliens into the United States from Mexico.

Asset Seizure (tags)

Taking down the whistleblowers...

bill richardsons bio (tags)

bio of a liar

Grand Jury Probes Richardson Donor’s New Mexico Finances (tags)

Body: full story: http://www. bloomberg. com/apps/news?pid=20601087&sid=aL0GGUluJeT8&refer=worldwide

Feds Investigating Richardson -- Obama Commerce In Trouble Already (tags)

Richardson is President-elect Barack Obama’s nominee to head the Department of Commerce.

Excess Debt and Deflation = Depression (tags)

the worsening economy

Obama's Economic Dream Team? (tags)

indeed for Wall Street bankers


URGENT ACTION ALERT! Condemned by health and environmental groups across the country, GNEP means foreign nuclear waste imported and "reprocessed" in the USA. This is a national issue! We need a big national outcry!!! Washington, Oregon, Idaho, New Mexico, Ohio, Tennessee, Kentucky, Illinois, South Carolina, and all our sister states! With Cold War nuclear sites thirty years behind on clean-up, the US must not import more foreign nuclear waste!

Homeland Security now spying on Americans (tags)

There are real questions being asked, do these spies in the sky surveillance systems comply with privacy laws and doesn’t violate the Posse Comitatus Act? The 1878 law prohibits the military from playing a role in domestic law enforcement. Since the 1990s however, Posse Comitatus has been eroded significantly by both Democratic and Republican administrations, primarily in the areas of "drug interdiction," "border security" as well as "Continuity of Government" planning by U.S. Northern Command (NORTHCOM).

Obama Mania (tags)

A reality check.

How McCain Could Win (tags)


1,000,000 Signs Of Hope, Latino Immigrant Rights Activists Stage 27 Days Of Hunger (tags)

This is the promise to the immigrants coming to America. The promise of justice, the promise of prosperity, the promise of being able to work hard, and prosper, as a result of your own efforts, and to do so in safety, for not only yourself and your family, but your work enterprise as well. This promise has been broken for the most recent immigrants to the United States. They seem to be no longer welcome on our shores or in our cities anymore. Instead of being welcomed, they are hunted, their families are torn apart, their adults tried as criminals for the dubious “crime” of being street vendors on the streets of Los Angeles.

Justice Department scandal almost buried by financial crisis (tags)

Investigators from both the department’s Office of Inspector General and Office of Professional Responsibility found that political pressure did indeed drive the dismissal action against at least three of the nine federal prosecutors abruptly fired. At the time, then-Attorney General Alberto Gonzales insisted the individuals were all dismissed for inadequate performance, or failure to implement the President’s law enforcement agenda.

Sale Of Licenses From Four Mexican States Cancelled (tags)

Casa de Esperanza threatens legal action against Voces de la Frontera

Subverting Democracy Through Electoral Fraud (tags)

Rigged election show democracy is pure fantasy.

Campaign to ban synthetic sweetener aspartame gaining global ground (tags)

Mission Possible Intl and Phoenix Environmental Institute team up to get aspartame banned globally. Aspartame Awareness Weekend.

U.S./Mexico Border Wall Risks Endangered Species Extinctions from Gene Isolation (tags)

Risks of the U.S./Mexico border wall on native species of ocelots and other mammals include extinction from genetic isolation of disconnected populations.

Nader Tonight FSTV & Tomorrow DN! (tags)

Denver tonight 6 p.m. University of Denver Magness Arena. Sean Penn, Tom Morello, Cindy Sheehan, Jello Biafra, Ralph Nader and Matt Gonzalez will be there. Standing up to the corporate two-party controlled debate commission. Calling for an opening up of the Presidential debates.

Did U.S. Rep. Silvestre Reyes and ICE conspire in illegal activity? (tags)

SuperCorridor Defeat? Don't Bet On It (tags)

The scheme remains on track.

Mexico's National Security Cabinet expected to declare a state of emergency (tags)

Calderon is reported to be rushing more Mexican Army troops to the border cities of Juarez, Tijuana, Mexicali, Palomas and others.

Mexican drug cartels infiltrating colleges and high school campuses in America (tags)

One of the main suspects in this international drug investigation is Omar Castaneda, a gang member from Pomona with ties to the Mexican Tijuana drug cartels, officials said

New Blackwater Controversy on the U.S.-Mexico Border (tags)

A proposed project run by the private military contractor Blackwater Worldwide is once again kicking up political hay on the US-Mexico border. Earlier rebuffed in its attempt to open a large training camp in the rural San Diego County community of Potrero, Blackwater now finds itself in a battle over the company's bid to open a training facility for the US Navy. Like Potrero, the latest controversy has pried open a Pandora's Box of thorny issues ranging from border relations to the Iraq war. The current dispute centers on Blackwater's plans to manage a 48-student school in San Diego County's Otay Mesa on the US-Mexico border and just down the road from US Border Patrol offices. According to Blackwater's plans, the site will offer indoor shooting instruction and simulated ship training to improve the anti-terrorist skills of naval personnel.

Dangerous Mexican/U.S. Criminal Enterprises Operating Along the (tags)

Many were beheaded with or without written messages on bodies or in vehicles. The cartels’ methods of torture and killing are particularly brutal. On September 6, 2006, masked gunmen entered a nightclub in the Michoacan, fired guns in the air and rolled five severed human heads onto the dance floor

Aspartame Press Conference, Hawaii State Capital, May 1, 2008 (tags)

For all press and professionals in Honolulua, Bill Deagle, M.D. has come 6000 miles from Nova Scotia to discuss the aspartame issue at the Hawaii State Capital.

Quake gets second shutout, blanking the Menace 64-0 (tags)

California Quake wins again against the New Mexico Menace. Quake is not 3-0 hoping to be undefeated after they battle against the Las Vegas Showgirlz this Saturday, May 3 in Las Vegas, NV.

Think Outside The Box (tags)

Let's not waste time cleaning up for the greedy.


Those readers who follow the breaking stories in the Laguna Journal, the oldest online newspaper in the world, are well-informed readers indeed. The world gets the real news before any other news service even knows what’s happening.

Statement opposing anti-China campaign (tags)

We are opposed to the campaign of disinformation and demonization that is targeting the People’s Republic of China (PRC.) The timing of the campaign is linked to China’s hosting of the 2008 Summer Olympics. That the Olympics are taking place in China is of historic significance and great pride to all the country’s people. It was less than six decades ago that China emerged from a century of colonialist humiliation at the hands of the same big powers that are spearheading the China-bashing campaign today. Washington is providing financial, political, diplomatic and propaganda support to the racist demonization effort, supposedly because of concern for “human rights.” This is the same government that is directly responsible for the death of one million Iraqis since 2003. While one out of every three Iraqis have been killed, wounded or displaced since 2003 the US government is eager to have people in the US., especially students, protest any government other than their own. One pretext for the anti-China campaign is the fact that the PRC has trade relations with Sudan. The US wants to overthrow the government of oil-rich Sudan and replace it with a puppet. It has supported “rebel groups” who are prolonging the civil war. The people of the Sudan, who are suffering greatly, are cynically used as a fund raising vehicle by organizations that have raised tens of millions of dollars but have never spent a penny actually helping the people of Sudan, including those who live in the Darfur region.

Border Vulnerable Few U.S. Troops Available To Protect Us (tags)

Gen. Richard A. Cody, the Army's vice chief of staff told Congress that the "Readiness of the army Is Dangerously Low." In a stark assessment a week before Gen. David H. Petraeus, the top U.S. commander in Iraq, was to testify on the war's progress, the Army's vice chief of staff, said that the heavy deployments are inflicting "incredible stress" on soldiers and families and that they pose "a significant risk" to the nation's all-volunteer military.

Why not a Warning for Mexico travel or at least an up-grade to the existing alert? (tags)

Dozens of U.S. citizens have been kidnapped, held hostage and killed by their captors in Mexico and many cases remain unsolved. Moreover, new cases of disappearances and kidnap-for-ransom continue to be reported

Nuclear Threat From Mexico (tags)

Of growing concern to some U.S. officials is the way the terrorists south of the border are taking advantage of the lack of sophistication on the Mexicans part for their inability and unwillingness to protect their own borders from terrorist infiltration and are using the low Mexican immigration standards and the U.S. open border to slip into Mexico or the U.S. with a nuclear weapon or dirty bomb.

The U.S. placed Mexico under a travel alert As Thousands of Armed Mexican Troops Patrol th (tags)

The Mexican soldiers are armed with combat American supplied M-16 fully automatic rifles. This latest action by Mexican President Calderon now places Mexican armed soldiers on the U.S. Border with Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California. This latest Mexican troop movement places more than 30,000 Mexican troops combating the Mexican cartels throughout the country.

Violation of Human Rights in CA: Interview with UN International Attorney, Karen Parker (tags)

A raging human rights battle is brewing between the Department of Energy and the people of the greater San Francisco/San Jose area. Citizen activists and environmental rights groups are up in arms over the right of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) to explode toxic and radioactive materials into California’s air.

U.S. Command Denies Military Task Force Exists (tags)

NORTHCOM was established following the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, to provide for the defense of the United States and to provide military support to civil authorities when requested by the president or secretary of defense. NORTHCOM also is responsible for overseeing military responses to natural and man-made disasters,such as hurricanes and incidents involving weapons of mass destruction within the United States borders.

U.S. Military Being Sent to the Border with Mexico (tags)

They are being staged and immediately available as emergency "on call" units for use against terrorist threats on the nation's border and local disasters, said Gen. Victor E. Renuart Jr., commander of United States Northern Command and the North American Aerospace Defense Commander

El Paso Journal Newspaper (tags)

El Paso readers and the one million or so Juarez residents just across the Rio Grande River which marked the border between the Twin cities, the two countries and three states Texas, New Mexico and Chihuahua Mexico. Which makes it the largest international city in the US.

Heath Ledger: Was his death due to psycho drug in Diet Coke and Interaction? (tags)

Aspartame is a psycho drug that Heath Ledger consumed in Diet Coke which interacts with drugs. It also causes sudden death.

United States-Mexican border is experiencing an alarming rise in drug-human and Terrorist (tags)

In addition to Federal agents, State, sheriff, and local police dept's are expected to help patrol the border areas.

San Diego Hosts Alternative King Day Event (tags)

Though only 30 people attended San Diego's alternative Martin Luther King, Jr. commemorative cvelebration January 21, it represented an important challenge to the way King's "official" celebrations have been co-opted by his enemies: the police, the military and the poltiical establishment.

Villaraigosa and Huizar Renege on Promises to Protect the Southwest Museum (tags)

"Obviously, the Mayor and Council Member Huizar are together with the Autry. My personal opinion is that politics; money; and lobbying, that Autry pays very highly for, have trumped the will of the people of Highland Park and Northeast L.A." -- Nicole Possert, co-chair, Friends of the Southwest Museum Coalition

They're known as "Los Zetas (tags)

The men are known as the Zetas, former members of the Mexican army who defected to Mexico's so-called Gulf drug cartel in the late 1990s

Kucinich for President (tags)

Zenger's Newsmagazine endorses Dennis Kucinich for President (as we did in 2004) over the so-called 'top-tier" Democrats, each of whom has serious liabilities but all of whom would make a better President than any of the Republican candidates. This editorial from the January 2008 Zenger's also contains recommendations on the seven state propositions on the February 5, 2008 ballot.

Film Night at Flor y Canto: March 2003-September 2005 (Part 1 of 2) (tags)

To mark the five-year anniversary of the Eagle Rock Peace Vigil, here is a list of films shown at Flor y Canto over a two-and-a-half year period. These almost-weekly screenings were an outgrowth of the Eagle Rock Vigil. (A link to the rest of this list can be found below in "comments.")



US military action on Pakistan advocated (tags)

* Analysts say likely dangers include collapse of Pakistan govt * Propose Special Forces operation to prevent nukes from falling into wrong hands * Suggest supporting army

For Whom the Bell’s Palsy Tolls (tags)

Bell’s palsy. It hit suddenly a month ago. I had just stepped off a plane in New York, and my friend noticed the telltale sagging lip. It felt like Novocain. I raced to the emergency room. The doctors prescribed a weeklong course of steroids and antivirals. The following day it got worse. I had to make a decision: Do I host “Democracy Now!,” our daily news broadcast, on Monday? I could speak perfectly well, and I’m tired of seeing women (and men) on TV who look like they just stepped off the set of “Dynasty.” Maybe if they see a person they trust to deliver the news, still there, but just looking a little lopsided, it might change their view of friends and family-or strangers, for that matter-who are struggling with some health issue.Wikipedia, the popular online encyclopedia anyone can edit, stated that I had suffered a stroke.

CUBA responds to Bush (tags)

REPLYING to three spurious initiatives for Cuba proposed by George Bush in Washington on October 24, Cuban Foreign Minister Felipe Pérez Roque set out 12 points “covering what the U.S. president should propose as aid” to the island.

Former Christian Music Star Performs at Palm Springs Queer Pride (tags)

Blayne Bell lost his lucrative career in Christian music and broadcasting when his former partner "outed" him to the dean at Abilene Christian University in 2001. He's gone from making up to $200,000 per year to working at a Starbucks in Palm Springs, but as an openly Gay man he's happier than he's ever been. He's performing at the Palm Springs LGBT Pride event Saturday, November 3.

A Culture of Violence (tags)

America's tradition of war and violence

Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy (Mearsheimer and Walt in the New York Times again today (tags)

Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy (Mearsheimer and Walt in the New York Times again today)

We stole their land and their water! (tags)

We stole their land and their water! The Navajos have been screwed by the American government and the American people!

green vs green (tags)

On a cool spring morning a quarter century ago, a place in Pennsylvania called Three Mile Island exploded into the headlines and stopped the US nuclear power industry in its tracks. What had been billed as the clean, cheap, limitless energy source for a shining future was suddenly too hot to handle.

The Earth as a Weapon (tags)

Please past this information to all who will listen before it is too late.

Los Angeles Moves to Forefront of National Impeachment Movement (tags)

Leaders of the Westside Greens, the Progressive Democrats of Los Angeles, the Los Angeles Greens, and the Santa Monica Democratic Club have established the Impeachment Center to provide a facility for phonebanking, letterwriting, and the distribution of lawn signs, bumper stickers and a full range of impeachment action items and related literature.

Boston Logan Airport,9/11,WTC,Barney Frank,SEC,Israeli Penny Stock Scam and Bloody Murder (tags)

Does Barney Frank plan to confront Christopher Cox for allowing the fraudulent Israeli penny stock ICTS International,(incorporated in the USA !) ,that provided 'security' to his Massachusetts constituents on 9/11 to remain an active penny stock up until at least June 5 of this year and to continue its penny stock share distribution or dumping scheme(defrauding investors) while the W Bush regime provided them immunity from prosecution or litigation ?

Where do the moneylenders get their money? (tags)

Accepting that labor creates all wealth alone will not open the road to our emancipation. Understanding how it creates it is paramount.

USA Government Torturing Veterans And Government Informants (tags)

Veterans have been tortured at the LA VA Westwood, and government informants tortured, injected, jailed, and raped. We are in a war. Do not trust USA government dentists or medical practitioners. Below is a post from Today's Mobile Audit Club

U.S. Ambassador Sam Fox:From Swift Boat War Fraud to Brussels,Belgium SWIFT Finance Fraud (tags)

Sam Fox would be an economic,political and social parasite by any other name but to place him as U.S. Ambassador to Belgium after the W Bush Regime's SWIFT financial spying scandal by ex Treasury Secretary John Snow and the U.S. CIA in Belgium is a lot like putting a fox in charge of the chicken coop.

JFAV Bataan Day Commemoration, April 9, 2007 in Los Angeles (tags)

Remember Bataan!” This was the battle cry of American soldiers during the Second World War. The battle cry was a call to avenge the American defeat and the Death March that the Japanese Imperial Army perpetrated against American and Filipino Forces that surrendered in Bataan on April 9, 1942. Today, after 65 years, the Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV), the regional alliance in the West Coast of Filipino veterans, student, youth and community advocates announced that they will commemorate the 65th Bataan Day on April 9, 2007 at 9:00 A.M with simple commemorative rites that will highlighted by the blessing of the memorial monument and wreath laying at the Lake Street Park Memorial Monument at 227 Park View St. Los Angeles, CA 90026.

Black Mesa Support Updates (tags)

Black Mesa Support Updates

Forced Injections of Teenagers? Stop Democrat Ed Hernandez of West Covina (tags)

IN the growing assault of the USA government on our rights, now the regime is proposing "FORCING" injections on teenage girls. Read today's post from Mobile Audit Club below

March 17 Mass Anti-War Protest in Los Angeles (tags)

On the 4th Anniversary of the Iraq War - Stop the War! Mass March and Rally - Regional Action in LA Live Concert by Ozomatli & Performance by Jackson Browne

AJLPP-USA Nationwide Mobilization for March 17 -18 Protests in Four Major US Cities (tags)

The Alliance for Just and Lasting Peace in the Philippines (AJLPP), an alliance of Filipino American and allied solidarity organizations working for peace and justice, anti-war and racism in the United States and a member of the ANSWER Coalition will mobilize for the nationwide mass protests against the 4th year of the U.S Invasion and Occupation of Iraq and the 40th anniversary of the people’s march in Pentagon. March 1967 at the height of the US War in Vietnam. Los Angeles and Washington DC will be the focus of the anti-war mobilizations on March 17 while Seattle and San Francisco will mobilize tens of thousands of the anti-war protestors on March 18. AJLPP will be present on the four major cities mobilization against the war and racism both in the east and the west coast.

The Search For The Authentic Pancho Villa (tags)

According to an Account by Woodrow Wilson's Liaison to Pancho Villa, in book about the Mexican Revolution that has been made to disappear, "Pancho Villa did not invade the U.S. at Columbus, New Mexico, on March 9, 1916, as is commonly believed" -- he was eight hundred miles away, in the mountains of Coahuila, at the time.

The Lord's Press Release (tags)

The February 24th edition features secret words hidden until the time of the end. Heed my words and I will tell you great and hidden things you do not know. Bush Daddy says that the English made the Potato Famine happen. Lets catch the culprit soon. Then Bush Daddy said that the English Jews did it. So I reminded him that his Walker forefather was an English Jew. I've given them 72 hours to solve this. Do you think they are balking? I think their time is up 2/15/07. As for Ireland, I want to know what kind of people live there today. Was the Potato Famine a plot to uproot and supplant a population?

Federal Officials Silencing Organized Movemet In Alabama, Endentured Servitude and Slavery (tags)

The USA federal government is on its war path. Let us snatch the hood from the technological monster and expose it, and let the people slit its throat or throats. I have a video demanding an end to endentured Servitude

The Lord's Press Release (tags)

Heed my words and I will tell you great and hidden things you do not know. Bush Daddy says that the English made the Potato Famine happen. Lets catch the culprit soon. Then Bush Daddy said that the English Jews did it. So I reminded him that his Walker forefather was an English Jew. I've given them 72 hours to solve this. Do you think they are balking? I think their time is up 2/15/07. As for Ireland, I want to know what kind of people live there today. Was the Potato Famine a plot to uproot and supplant a population?

NM Impeachment on Calendar (tags)

The new Congress and Senate have NO balls, so its up to the New Mexico legislature to take the lead.

Gallo does Bush inpersonation in court (tags)

I just got finished reading Bob Gallo's testimony in the Parenzee case. For all the good his testimony will do, the prosecution might as well have called George W. Bush to the stand. I get the feeling that Gallo unwittingly associated himself with Bush in the eyes of the court.


How corporations destroy consumer protection legislation to product their product from liability suits, questions, and legislative action

$2.9 trillion US budget for 2008 - Thats $9,666 for every man, woman, and child in the USA (tags)

Wow! $2.9 trillion for the 2008 budget. Hmmmm thats $9,666 for every man, woman and child in the USA. And since children don't pay taxes thats about $19,332 for every adult in the USA. Which means that mythical family of 4 will pay $38,664 in taxes.

Servant of Rulers (tags)

Extra! Saddam was the one who banished Bush Daddy and W. Gog of the land of Magog became an issue yesterday. Do you know Gog?

The Word Recoils (tags)

"In the shuffling madness of the locomotive breath runs the all-time loser headlong to his death."

Aaron Burr and Dick Cheney: Two Treacherous VPs (tags)

V. P. Dick Cheney is a very powerful, but desperate individual. The idea that the Bush-Cheney Gang is planning to send 30,000 more troops into the Civil War in Iraq is insane. A planned war with Iran is also on Cheney’s agenda as a diversion to save himself and George W. Bush from impeachment. The Special Prosecutor will soon cross examine Cheney in the “Scooter” Libby case. Unless the U.S. Congress acts soon to impeach, say good-bye to the Republic!

After lifetime in U.S., deported man a stranger in his homeland (tags)

Deported from the United States 39 years after he entered it illegally, Fernandez's hopes of a quick return to his wife and son in Utah were crushed when the U.S. Supreme Court

Students arrested for blocking UC nuclear labs (tags)

Six UC students and three community members were forcefully dragged from the UC Regents board meeting on Thursday by police after they informed the Regents that they would not allow the board to convene its DOE lab oversight committee, the Regents’ body in charge of UC’s nuclear weapons research, design, and manufacturing labs in Los Alamos, New Mexico and Livermore, California.

Breast Month - Awareness or Deception? (tags)

Are Americans being lied to about the causes of cancer, breast and otherwise? This article summaries findings of those who say we are.

DNA database used to help solve thefts (tags)

Is this a jobs program for cops and scientists? I'm not sure but I though DNA testing was very expensive? In the order of $1,000+ for a test? I also thought that tests for people on death row and with life sentences were often not given for the cost reason. I suspect this type of testing is a huge waste of money. Or perhaps better said spending huge sums of money for trivial problems

Why Hillary Clinton voted for the anti-immigrant wall (tags)

Last May, in the wake of mass demonstrations that brought millions of immigrants to the streets in cities throughout the United States, New York’s Democratic Senator Hillary Clinton spoke with disdain for the Republican right’s proposals mandating a crackdown on foreign-born workers.

just another hachita sunrise (tags)

lots of freak weather in last month as nm governor tests DOD weather weapons on an unsuspecting populace...

I am outraged - my column for Bush Business (tags)

My own congressman, Dan Boren, has proven to me is not a man fit for office, or any position in life. How can he vote for torture? It is beyond my understanding...

Debt Creation At Its Finest (tags)

regarding a freak storm (weapons test--ENMoD) in hatch nm recently

9/20: National Call-In Day to STOP Congress from Passing Anti-Immigrant Bills! (tags)

On Wednesday September 20, we urge you to CALL, FAX AND MAIL your elected officials, SAY NO TO THE RACIST ANTI-IMMIGRANT BILLS!

Aspartame Awareness Weekend (tags)

This weekend everyone's participation is asked to send out the Report to Schools to all schools, pediatricians and OB-GYN to save the children from this excitoneuerotoxic carcinogenic drug.

Auditor Needs Help In Alabama Stopping Modern Slavery -- Indentured Servitude (tags)

Once again, the Mobile Auditor Sauvant has found more abuses akin to the slave era. Actually it is like Slavery or Worse, endentured servitude of inmates released and re-jailed for not being able to pay jail rent extortion. Government officials stealing funds

GMO Disease Epidemics: (3) Aspartame artificial sweetener (tags)

Genetic Engineering (GE,GM,GMOs) is a nightmare technology that has already caused MANY disease epidemics -- documented but unpublicized. This is the 3rd in a series, dealing with a horrific artificial sweetener (by Monsanto) that infests 6,000 food products.

FEMA CONCENTRATION CAMPS: Locations and Executive Orders (tags)

There over 800 prison camps in the United States, all fully operational and ready to receive prisoners. They are all staffed and even surrounded by full-time guards, but they are all empty

"At Work" Exhibit: Free Screening of "Salt of the Earth" (tags)

In conjunction with the exhibit, "At Work: The Art of California Labor," El Pueblo Historical Monument will screen a FREE screening of the classic film, "Salt of the Earth", on Friday, July 28 at 8 PM.

Government idiots at work!!!! (tags)

The decision to continue a wolf reintroduction program was made in spite of opposition from ranchers who succeeded in having a dozen wolves killed in recent months because the wolves attacked their cattle.

The Minutemen $cam (tags)

A growing number of Minuteman Civil Defense Corps leaders and volunteers are questioning the whereabouts of hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions, of dollars in donations collected in the past 15 months, challenging the organization's leadership over financial accountability.



T. Hayes, KKK, and other Facist (tags)

Ongoing and Upcoming Facists actions in Califas. Note Saturday June 17th and 18th. Media slut Ted Hayes & Co. will gather in downtown. The 21st Century Ku Klux Klan ride will be in town that weekend also.

Comments on Greg Palast's New Book Armed Madhouse (tags)


EU members want to ban Iranian president from World Cup (tags)

EU members want to ban Iranian president from World Cup

SEC,Christopher Cox,Hillary Clinton and Barbara Boxer Aid CIA'S In-Q-Tel penny stock fraud (tags)

Before beginning any criticism of Barbara Boxer for anything whatsoever it would be unfair to not to praise her for her stance against the Bush Regime's Iraq war from the very beginning.Below is a list of the sad minority of Senators who had the courage or common sense not to place that decision in the hands of the mad man some call 'president', George W Bush.Of course the far right hypocrite Hillary Clinton is another story.She who cries of a 'far right conpiracy' against her and hubby Bill Clinton,is one.


This is an announcement and an essay which goes into detail about the Battlecry Youth gatherings. G.W. Bush is part of this maniacal cult that promotes wars against Muslim countries, with young "christian soldiers" doing the fighting, laws that take away women's rights to make decisions about their bodies, and other anti-sexual and homophobic ideas...

¡Somos Milliones! We are millions! (tags)

The May Day outpouring, which was called the “Gran Paro Americano / Great American Strike” or “Un Día Sin Inmigrantes / A Day Without Immigrants” was, though in a partial form due to the minimal organized participation of most trade unions, a general strike: by all measures a momentous political advance for the working class.

Minutemen - Enforcers of Death on the Border & Promoters of Racist Hatred (tags)

By Luciente Zamora

The U.S. government is enforcing, and trying to pass even worse laws that force immigrants even deeper into the shadows by criminalizing undocumented people and denying them basic services.

Alongside this increasing, inhumane repression, the powers-that-be are promoting an anti-immigrant, nativist, fascist movement throughout the U.S. This vigilante movement is persecuting and hunting down immigrants along the border region, and has also been organizing forces in major cities like Los Angeles and Chicago and counties throughout Southern California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas. Among this fascist nativist movement, the Minutemen have emerged as a prominent vigilante group that has been gaining notoriety and legitimacy as expert guests on reactionary news channels like Fox and other mainstream media outlets like CNN.

Enrique Morones, whose group the Border Angels puts water through the desert for migrants, has been actively speaking out against the Minutemen and other vigilantes like Ranch Rescue, American Patrol, the Barnett Brothers, among others. Morones says that although the Minutemen are not an organization of thousands, as they often claim, the Minutemen and the increased militarization of the border are responsible for an increase in migrant deaths.

In a phone interview with Revolution, Morones said, “Before Operation Gatekeeper, which was implemented in 1994, there was one estimated death along the border every month. Since then, an estimated 4,000 people have died trying to cross the border.” He told Revolution that 4,000 bodies have been accounted for, but that the realistic number might be considerably higher, “possibly as much as 10,000 deaths.”

It is difficult to measure the exact numbers because while some skeletons and scattered bones are found in the desert, many of the deceased bodies are never found.

BattleCry™ 50-state Right-Wing attack due on Friday May 12, 2006 (tags)

Right Wing Fundamentalists Declare War on Diversity across the nation. PLEASE FORWARD! This Spring, Ron Luce and his Teen Mania BattleCry™ will have appeared in San Francisco, Detroit and Philadelphia with a message of One God, One State and Intolerance for Diversity. For more up to date info on Ron Luce and his political agenda go here:

THREE STATES to vote on forwarding REAL impeachment bills that require US House votes (tags)

author: Constitutionalist ....your own state's legislators can introduce Impeachment Proceedings against Bush immediately as a State Legislature Joint Resolution, that then goes on to be a preferred bill, meaning that it automatically takes precedence over all other bills then in Congress!

Attack Hollywood: Movie Script For Fascist Hollywood to D.C. to Ala-Bama (tags)

The comedy is here in the links below with music and true to life Alabama Sheriff who a San Francisco auditor caught. Dead FDIC managers are now his quarry, or I should say, those who killed him. Our enemies reign in high places. We take the underground, we take it all, because the above ground......collapses

smoke screens (tags)

breathe deep, the gathering gloom..


An exhibition of photographs by world-renowned VII Photo Agency photographers who recently traveled with Doctors Without Borders/ Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) in Democratic Republic of the Congo in order to shed light on the suffering of the Congolese people as . . .

Hunger Strike to Stop Anti-Migrant Legislation (tags)

Dear Family, I have decided to hunger strike for 7 straight days to defend the rights of all immigrants and to inspire immigrants to stand up! We are part of many protests happening throughout the nation.

L.A. Drug Overdose Prevention Summit Held (tags)

L.A.'s Director of Public Health announces plans to begin county-wide drug overdose prevention program to address local crisis

It's Spring and Talk of Impeachment is in the Air (tags)

Extra! Extra! Senator files censure motion against President Bush and the media actually report it the next day!

The Arizona Minuteman comes to Costa Mesa (tags)

Blasting President George W. Bush for being weak on "homeland security," Simcox demanded that National Guard and U.S. military troops be placed in "civic observation posts" all along the U.S./Mexico border. "I don't care if it offends the government of Mexico or the people of Mexico," Simcox told the approving crowd. "I don't care about the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo! Your country got beat! Our army got what it wanted! And that's history! You follow by our rules now!"

2 days in Tucson (tags)

12 new towers have been installed along I10 in Eastern Arizona within last 3 months....

Historic March for Migrants Rallies in LA Saturday (tags)

Rod Coronado: Howling Like a Wild Wolf: Overcoming Fear and Undermining the Invader (tags)

It's hard to judge the radical environmental movement by the last 25 years, but if I had to, I'd say that I'm very disappointed. Twenty years ago, when I discovered the Earth First! movement, I thought that the generation of Earth warriors I shared this country with had a fighting chance.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (1/15/06) (tags)

Salim Mawakkil reveals his true agenda.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (1/10/06) (tags)

Senate moves towards forced vaccinations.

U.S. Government Report confirms Key 2004 Stolen Election Findings (tags)

As a legal noose appears to be tightening around the Bush/Cheney/Rove inner circle, a shocking government report shows the floor under the legitimacy of their alleged election to the White House is crumbling.

January 2006 U.S. Immigrant News Alert! (tags)

No Immigrant Bashing! Support Immigrant Rights!

Photos, quick report on protest/march against Costa Mesa police (tags)

Members of A.N.S.W.E.R., Colectivo Tonantzin, S.E.I.U., Anarchists, and more protested and marched in Costa Mesa.

Aspartame Battle Progresses in New Mexico and in the United Kingdom (tags)

Aspartame Battle Moves from New Mexico Boards to As Yet Undelivered Attorney General's Opinion; Member of UK Parliament ment, Roger Williams, calls for UK Ban of Aspartame as Neurotoxic, Carcinogenic, and Neurodegenerative Artificial Sweetener

Minuteman leader has troubled past (tags)

Minuteman leader Chris Simcox paints himself as a heroic guardian of national security. Those close to him see him differently.

A People's History of UC Weapons Lab Management (tags)

Over the past several decades students and faculty of the University of California, often in tandem with nuclear disarmament NGOs in California and New Mexico, have conducted a series of campaigns to end the UC's involvement in nuclear weapons research, design, testing, and production at the Los Alamos and Lawrence Livermore laboratories. These campaigns represent an important contribution to the global nuclear abolition movement, which historian Lawrence Wittner has described as "the largest, most dynamic international citizens' movement of modern times."

tooth faries (tags)

mothers of the dissappered america project save diana dawn

Arizona Resident Causes New Mexico Water Poisoning (tags)


GAO Report CONFIRMS Stolen 2004 Presidential Election (tags)

The latest critical confirmation of key indicators that the election of 2004 was stolen comes in an extremely powerful, penetrating report from the Government Accountability Office that has gotten virtually no mainstream media coverage. The GAO findings are particularly damning when set in the context of an election run in Ohio by a Secretary of State simultaneously working as co-chair of the Bush-Cheney campaign. Far from what election theft skeptics have long asserted, the GAO findings confirm that the electronic network on which 800,000 Ohio votes were cast was vulnerable enough to allow a a tiny handful of operatives -- or less -- to turn the whole vote count using personal computers operating on relatively simple software.

High-energy radio-frequency directed energyweapons (tags)


Ed Roybal Presente (tags)

An honest appreciation, not uncritical, of the late Ed Roybal and his major contributions to coalition building and grass-roots politics.

The Mindless American: A Tragedy In The Making (tags)

shameful is the fact that there are people who seem not to care that such things are taking place in our country

Who's Behind the Minutemen? (tags)

Contrary to the official story, the USA is not one nation of many immigrants, but a prison of oppressed nations, including Latin@s. In the year 2004, another racist threat emerged against Latin@ and other immigrant workers: the Minutemen.

The Mindless American: A Tragedy In The Making (tags)

As a result of nine-eleven’s jarring impact upon our nation, journalists have discovered a near paranoid rise in retaliation against individuals attempting to expose governmental malfeasance.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (10/14/05) (tags)

White House, Congress plans for major cuts in social programs.

BUILDING A SECRET AIR FORCE : The CIA's Role in the Study of UFOs (tags)


The World of Women, Art World (tags)

A Rare Look Into the “World of Women”: All-Female Exhibition Showcases Colorful Abstractions and Images

No More Nukes! (tags)

Saturday August 6, 2005 (11:00 am -2:00 pm) 60th Anniversary Commemoration of the Nuclear Bombing of Hiroshima! Regional Southern California Protest Rally and Remembrance to be held at the Seal Beach Weapons Center

Seal Beach Anti-Nuke Rally: A National Day of Action! 8/6/05 (tags)




Minuteman Clifford Alford threatens ACLU with lawsuit (tags)

Vigilante Clifford Alford of the New Mexico Minutemen threatens to sue ACLU of New Mexico after ACLU-NM suspended its Las Cruces chapter. Yet, Alford has openly admitted to infiltrating the ACLU in Las Cruces.

Minuteman Clifford Alford admits to infiltrating ACLU (tags)

Clifford Alford, New Mexico chapter manager for James Chase's border vigilante organization Border Watch, openly admits to infiltrating the ACLU. Excerpt from Fox News transcript, and link to Associated Press article confirming infiltration, included.

Fox News lifts New Mexico Minutemen from obscurity (tags)

Fox News publicizes James Chase and Clifford Alford's New Mexico Minutemen, whips up reaction against migrant proletarians and hysterical right-wing attacks against the ACLU.

Did George W. Bush Steal America's 2004 Election? (tags)

A post-election headline from the Akron Beacon Journal cites a critical report by twelve prominent social scientists and statisticians, reporting: "Analysis Points to Election ‘Corruption': Group Says Chance of Exit Polls Being So Wrong in '04 Vote is One-in-959,000." Citing "Ohio's Odd Numbers," investigative reporter Christopher Hitchens, a Bush supporter, says in Vanity Fair: "Given what happened in that key state on Election Day 2004, both democracy and common sense cry out for a court-ordered inspection of its new voting machines."

Tempest in Santa Fe: Confronting Israeli Myth-Making (tags)

Propagandists on behalf of Israel have held a corner on public discourse about the Palestinian-Israeli conflict for the nearly six decades of Israel’s existence, but these purveyors of the Israeli line have become increasingly deceptive and malign -- and increasingly effective – with time.

Minutemen Project Gearing Up For Another Round of Vigilante Actions (tags)

Conservative Alerts Just Went Out to the Same People Who Are Pro-War, Pro-Globalization, and Pro-Bush are sending out calls for action, spreading lies and enlisting people for their racist war on the poor people of Mexico and other Central and South American countries that have fallen victim to the United States Neo-Policies. Below is the email:

Fluoride, uranium X, cancer in workers (tags)

Fluoride and uranium based nuclear weapons manufacture in the 1950's exposed many North American citizens of African descent to radiation and fluoride exposure..

We, the Students: UC Students Rise Up to Oppose UC-Bechtel! (tags)

Dozens of students from across the UC system will converge at the UC Regents meeting at UC San Francisco Laurel Heights to speak out in opposition to the UC's join bid with Bechtel for management of the nation's nuclear weapons labs. After meeting at 9 a.m. outside of the Laurel Heights building, the students will command the floor during the Regents' public comment period at 10 a.m. At roughly 11:20, we will conduct a rally outside the conference building. Please join us in opposing the nuclearization and corporatization of the UC! Contact to carpool from SoCal to the Regents meeting.


The single most deadly weaponry facing us.


A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, Russia, China, and Cuba.

Hunters and the Hunted on the Arizona Border (tags)

Minutemen Vigilantes Target Immigrants

Greenpeace Cofounder in L.A. April 20: "Sustaining Activism" (tags)

The LA Greens will host accomplished writer, activist and Greenpeace co-founder Rex Weyler for a lecture and discussion in honor of Earth Day on April 20, 2005. Author of the newly published "Greenpeace: How a Group of Ecologists, Journalists and Visionaries Changed the World," Weyler will speak about keeping our commitment to the Earth, organizing and fostering social and political action.



Republican White House Sex Scandal (tags)

News of a sex scandal during the Reagan and Bush years hits the fan.

Playas NM New SS/OHS Training camp (tags)

Homeland Security Schutzstaffien And "Terrorists"

Homeland Security Schutzstaffien And "Terrorists" (tags)

The Homeland Security Training Centre For The Empire's Terrorist Network

Behavior Specialist, Teacher, Rehabilitation Services Coordinator (tags)

Crisis of the Mind Alzheimer’s, Dementia, Mild Cognitive Impairment and More Memory and the ability to think effectively can be lost, and the individual that has lost them may not know that they are gone. At this time in your life, you are the way you are, mentally and physically, because of your accumulated life experiences and your genetic make-up. Every drug, chemical, thought, environmental experience, what you have eaten, every minute of exercise, and everything that has been done to your body, etc., have made you the way you are now. Is it possible to be driving, working or cooking dinner and without warning, lose your memory and not be able to think effectively? I received a request from a hospital to evaluate one of their patients for possible referral to our traumatic brain injury rehabilitation program. The police had arrested this patient for driving under the influence and had brought her to the hospital emergency room because of her obvious serious medical condition. Her condition was stabilized, she was tested for drug and alcohol use and she was chemical free. She was definitely not under the influence. The hospital could not find a cause for her condition.

Honor voting rights Martyrs with deeds (tags)

Chaney, Goodman, and Schwerner. The names of the three civil rights martyrs still ring like a bell four decades after they disappeared in Neshoba County, Mississippi, June 21, 1964.

Military Force At Hachita NM (tags)

Presumably busting pot smugglers....

40 years after Selma’s ‘Bloody Sunday’ (tags)

Widespread vote suppression and irregularities on Nov. 2.

ACT TODAY! Urge these Senators to challenge the electoral vote! (tags)

As evidence of substantial electoral fraud continues to mount--and not only in Ohio--"Election 2004" is NOT over...but NOW is your last chance to urge Senators to join members of the House of Representatives in challenging the electoral vote. Time you spend phoning or faxing *TODAY* (or by Thursday morning) can make a big difference; the more Senators we reach, the better.

Another election stolen while America sleeps (tags)

We've been robbed again, and yet most voters probably know little about this latest episode of electoral travesty.. Action Speaks asks you to contact your senator.. Too much is at stake to simply drop this issue and move on.

Self-righteous U.S. should look at its own election (tags)

Hypocrisy R US.......Moi?.......Who, me?

Bush's Votergate Mandate? (tags)

New Evidence of Nationwide Voting Fraud

Don't Certify the Votes: Go on record with your Senator (tags)

Don't Certify the Votes: Go on record with your Senator This list of 10 Senators are those which I hope to focus lobbying efforts to try and find at least one to protest the certification of the final vote tally in congress. I've set-up the thread with a topic for each Senator, so we can keep track of any feedback from the Senators. I've started a Thread at the forum on DU Here:

People of the the Lie (tags)

couldn't believe what I wrote... hoped someone there might be ablel to validate this...

WHY is Exposure, Investigation Critical? Prosecute electoral fraud = Quell Fascism. (tags)

Have republicans in both houses secured seats and hence majority status on the backs of voting machines instead of the backing of the People. Is their good fortune due more to faulty, partisan electronic malfeasence ? INSTEAD of selection made by the force of good ideas, positive path platforms and real, honest acceptance by committed, concerned constituents seeking genuine change. Alarm bells are rringing among the populace, with a recent poll saying 72% believe we are heading in the wrong direction! I believe the citizenry is activated, aware and aghast- WHY is this resonance not reflected in the representation, RutRoh!

Double Standard on Exit Polling and Voter Fraud (tags)

Why is President Bush telling the Ukranian government to hold off on certifying its presidential election results until questions of fraud are resolved? Because exit polls showed the opposition to have won, not the incumbant party’s candidate. Sound familiar?

Aids & the Weaponized Anthrax Mailings - Common Origins (tags)

Aids and the weaponized AMES strain anthrax mailings of 2001 are both creations of scientists at SAiC-USARMIID, Ft. Detrick. BioPort, Bayer and VaxGen manufacure anthrax "vaccine" - what we've seen this far is contaminated and ineffective against the Ames strain - and each has a roots in Nazi Germany and have their own histories of illicit human experimentation.

Now EVERYONE Has Gulf War Syndrome (tags)

The medical community is hobbled because they are trying to understand things like gulf war illness without understanding the radiation technology deployed daily via the chemtrailing....which is rather ludicrous as the first WARFARE tests of this tech were done during the first gulf war....the satellite images are graphic

CHEMTRAILS finally's true, they're real (tags)

At long last, I've found an article to explains CHEMTRAILS and the reasoning behind them. It's well worth the time spent in reading this lengthy article to become apprised as to what in the hell is really going on..... Aerosol and Electromagnetic Weapons in the Age of Nuclear War by Amy Worthington

After the Fix, How Do We Fix the Fix We’re In? (tags)

Uh, America, we have a problem. That is, of course, if you call fixed elections a problem. Some certainly do, and some also believe that if November 2’s funny business is left untouched, the unfunny truth is America will be out of business. For more details, read on.

Bush's Hidden Majority (tags)

Bush's Hidden Majority

vote count rolling on (tags)

found this on Portland. Ralph Nader and others doing something about the lastest outrage to democracy.

"Democracy Now" Propaganda for Electoral Fraud and Fallujah Massacre, by Scott L (tags)

Amy Goodman and 'Democracy Now' never have appeared more like CIA assets than in the aftermath of the November 2nd, 2004 "election".

The E-Vote Factor: Kerry Conceded But Did He Really Lose? (tags)

Democracy Now! The E-Vote Factor: Kerry Conceded But Did He Really Lose? Monday, November 8th, 2004 Serious questions are being raised about the use of electronic voting machines in the 2004 presidential election. In an Ohio county, Bush mistakenly received some 3,900 extra votes. We speak Johns Hopkins University professor Aviel Rubin and investigative reporter Bev Harris

E-vote fraud? On election night Karen Hughes told Bush he’d lost! (tags)

Major trouble brewing for Bush

Silver Linings Dept: Russ Feingold Shows Dems the Way to 2008 (tags)

While Kerry’s timid Republican-lite, pro-war, pro-free trade campaign was a loser, progressive Sen. Russ Feingold, running against the war, against the Patriot Act, and against NAFTA, trounced his opponent to win a third term in bellweather Wisconsin, showing Democrats what they need to do to win next time.

What Went Wrong? Wrong Candidate, Lying Media, Ignorant Voters (tags)

For progressives to come back from this election disaster, the first step will have to be to break the corporate media’s stranghold on information, which has produced a nation of uninformed and misled voters (or non-voters).

States 'can postpone' U.S. elections (tags)

Both President Bush and some State's - including Florida, New York and California - can potentially postpone the election in "emergency circumstances". Over the last 4 months, three Congressional Research Service reports addressed election postponement, their findings unsettling - Congress appears duly "concerned".

Bush and the Cowboy Soul (tags)

"There is a very narrow concept of strength in this country, says David Paletz. Strength is something between Ronald Reagan and Arnold Schwartznegger and has a clear connection to militarism, killing animals and chopping down trees with the axe.."

Bush and the Wild West Myth (tags)

"Texas is as little Bush-Country as Bush born in refined Connecticut and educated at the elite Yale University is a cowboy.. Whoever arrives in deepest Texas quickly notices that this image (the Texan political-cowboy) is a myth that only exists in films and politics.."

Who is smearing Ralph Nader? Corporate law firms and lobbyists tied to big business! (tags)

The progressives and peace activists who are helping to stop Ralph Nader and Peter Miguel Camejo don't realize it but they are being used by people who represent the corporate interests, especially the military-industrial complex, of the two major parties.

AFL-CIO Leadership are Responsible for Defeats (tags)

With no serious alternative to Schwarzenegger, and with their support of the Team Concept, California's labor leaders have nothing to say to their members as usual.

Election boards swamped with new voter sign-ups (tags)

American Anarchist Motion Picture (tags)

A historical documentary video is now available---free for educational use. Explains the legacy of several American-style anarchists from Emma to Ammon.

America is the Ultimate Failed State. (tags)

After knocking down most of its forests, paving over its wetlands, polluting what water it has left and making all urban environments only habitable with what has become an accepted level of collateral damage in terms of illness and death caused by environmental pollution which has set off a domino effect of ill health down through the generations exposed, America has become like a caged animal not willing to face its own condition but yet completely willing to lash out violently at the World around it.

FEMA camps for enemies of the state (tags)

This is where they plan to store people for liquidation if they don't go along with the program, the only way to dislodge them from power is using their own tactics, otherwise this will be the fate many will endure...

This Is What Democracy Looks Like (tags)

American democracy is up off the canvas. Come November 2, it will knock the power punch-drunk Crawford Chump so far out of the ring, he won’t know what hit him. Copyright © 2004 Mark Drolette. All rights reserved. Commercial use prohibited.

Coming Soon to an Election Near You, Democratic Vote Fraud! (tags)

California, Take Back the Green Party! (tags)

"There's a little rebellion starting," [Peter] Camejo said this week. Camejo said in California, the bastion of Green registration, "it's a fact: The majority of the party wants to put Nader/Camejo on the ballot." (Carla Marinucci, "Nader's Ballot Hopes Hinge on State's Greens," San Francisco Chronicle, August 7, 2004). Camejo is telling the truth.

White House Reporter: More Whispers of Looming Martial Law (tags)

A White House press corps member gives a chilling view from inside the oval office. See the July 31 entry for details on martial law preparations and internment camps.

Terror Threats To Be Used for 2004 Election Tampering (tags)

How a "terror threat" might be used to throw the 2004 elections.

Latino Vote Part II (tags)

Why Latinos are anti Bush. Its the issues.

The Latino Vote Part I (tags)

The Latino Vote Can Crucial to the 2004 Election

Former Utah Prison Leader Fails Again at Abu Ghraib (tags)

It appears it was not the israelis who caused Abu Ghraib after all. But was it the Mormons?

The New Religion (tags)

The New Religion: "Science" ("HIV" and other such nonsense...) ***WARNING: sense of humor required!!*** Check out this letter I wrote to

Aerial Drones Assigned to Arizona Border Patrol (tags)

Sadly, the drones will not be carrying bombs or machine guns.

CNN: LA to get special federal agents from now til election time (tags)

Just want to let you folks know, the DOJ has announced LA is one of 15 cities that will get special eams of federal agents and independent prosecutors that will be in the city from now until just after the elections. These are supposedly for the summer crime rise that usually happens, but if that were true they would have been here months ago, and would leave far before the elections.

Numb and Nummer (tags)

The's coming. Let’s put in on the table for discussion BEFORE the election! Ask the questions. Insist on open dialogue. Demand accountability from the Press and the Politicians.

Sweeping stun guns to target crowds (tags)

Weapons that can incapacitate crowds of people by sweeping a lightning-like beam of electricity across them are being readied for sale to military and police forces in the US and Europe.

N.M. vets bash Bush's record on benefits (tags)

"I see firsthand the lack of support associated with (Bush) budget cuts. I've had two supervisors leave and neither has been replaced. They just consolidate the positions and absorb the budget. And those people over there are not taking coffee breaks. They're backed up."

AgriTerrorism, Atmospheric Engineering, and the bush crime family (tags)

Still further, plumes in accordance with with the present invention can be formed to simulate and/or perform the same functions as performed by detonation of a Heave type nuclear device without actually having to detonate such a device...Bernard Eastlund, Inventor of HAARP

Bush Ties To Royalty Prove Sell-Out Of America (tags)

The bush crime family, under perfect cover as the CIA, has sold America to the world bank, to create a new world odor of which they stink the biggest....

Playas New Mexico Becoming Home Of Homeland Security Training (tags)

The Fourth Reich Thrives In New Mexico.

A challenge to the politics of "lesser evilism" (tags)

This year, the man who is likely to win the nomination--John Kerry--has a reputation as a "liberal." Yet he voted for the Patriot Act, for the war on Iraq, for Bush’s "No Child Left Behind" law, for the North American Free Trade Agreement--and now he is on record opposing gay marriage and supporting the continued U.S. occupation of Iraq.

End Israeli Settlement Activity (tags)


UFCW "Salt of the Earth" Benefit (tags)

Please join us this Thursday, January 22nd in Santa Monica for a benefit screening screening of the classic, blacklisted 1954 film, "Salt of the Earth." All proceeds will go to the strike funds of the UFCW Locals 770 and 1442. Tickets are $20, and advance tickets are available online at,012220041930,5,59,NR

Freedom of Speech Bush Style (tags)

So this is America???

BREAKING: Voting Systems Security Concerns Will Rise to New Level - Press Conf Tues (tags)

“This information is significant enough to merit a trip to Seattle for members of the press who don’t live here,” says Harris. It affects four counties in Washington State and locations in Florida, Georgia, Kansas, Kentucky, California, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Texas, Maryland and Virginia.

Nation resounds to call: Repeal the Patriot Act (tags)

WASHINGTON – A crowd of 3,000 people at Constitution Hall, Nov. 9, erupted in cheers when Al Gore called for repeal of the Patriot Act to stop George W. Bush’s assault on the Bill of Rights.

The Clark/Dean gap, as seen by a member of both movements (tags)

Dean is playing the tried and true tactic of a conservative democrat pretending to be liberal during primaries. Clark has skipped the primaries, and is already doing the election-winning work of making himself appear non-threatening to wavering republicans.

JFK, 9-11, and the REAL America: Tying It All Together (tags)

An organic reconsideration of US history and major "conspiracy theories" of the past 40 years, including those pertaining to the 9-11 attack, and how they shed light on America's present drift into fascism.

History-makers reflect on Salt of the Earth: ‘Even more relevant now’ (tags)

Anita and Lorenzo Torrez were a young married couple thrown into the midst of the Empire Zinc strike in Hanover, N.M., in 1950.

Fiddling while Rome burns (tags)

America produces a quarter of the world's carbon dioxide emissions, the population has risen by 100 million since 1970 and when an area three times the size of Britain was recently opened up for mining, drilling, logging and road building, no one took much notice. What does the Bush administration do? It ignores all attempts to curb environmental damage. In a major investigation that took him from the Salton Sea in California to Crooked Creek in Florida, Matthew Engel reports on how America is ravaging the planet

Criticizing Zionism - It's Forbidden To Say Such Things (tags)

Can you imagine the outcry if Americans passed a law denying citizenship to people of African descent who marry US citizens? The Israeli Knesset passed just such a law July 31, forcing Palestinians who marry Israelis to live "separate and unequal" lives from their spouses.

TEAMSTERS REFUSING TO CROSS PICKET LINES @ Ralphs, Vons, Pavilions & Albertsons (tags)


Unbelievable Racial Slur/Treatment From Texas Senator (tags)

Arrogant bigotry from Texas GOP Senators during Congressional redistricting in Texas. Republicans are proud of their power, Rep. Tom DeLay is there to help them get their quotas of Republicans in Congress, and racial comments are now Politically Correct in the Aryan GOP.

Say no to the California recall and Schwarzenegger the Liar (tags)

Schwarzenegger said in his announcement on Jay Leno’s show that he would not accept special interest money and would be beholden to no one but “the people.” Then he turned around and raised millions from special business interests for his campaign, including from at least one company that violated environmental laws. He is just another lying, hypocritical Republican.

The Truth about FEMA and the Future of America (tags)

This information can be backed up by the American Justice Federation

Killing a Lind(h) (tags)

One can be a great humanitarian in this world but cannot live a long life. The news of the assassination of Swedish Foreign Minister Anna Lindh reached me on this amazing compound in the foothills of the California Sierra Nevada Mountains more than a week after the tragedy occurred.

Bush pinatas (tags)

for your disobedience/protest/stirr-up action a fun art piece

Bidding for the Bomb Lab: UC and LANL (tags)

Expect the University of California to bid for the contract to manage the Los Alamos nuclear weapons lab.

Impeachment Is Not Enough (tags)

By now its clear to everyone, that Bush lied to congress about weapons of mass destruction. He lied to the American people. He had aides lie to the Untied Nations. He lied about the connection between Iraq and bin Laden. He lied about Nigeria. He lied about chemical and biological weapons. He lied about the underlying reasons to wage war. He lied blaming others for his lies. He lied about his staff; they are all a bunch of convicted felons and retreads from his daddy’s administration. He lied and good men died because he lied.


Landmark Measure by San Francisco Assemblyman Mark Leno is first of three LGBT Bills to Reach Davis' Desk

Equality for California Transgendered Citizens! Governor Signs Bill Into Law (tags)

California Governor Gray Davis presented the gift of freedom to thousands of his fellow Californians on Saturday, August 2nd. In signing AB196, which clarifies the state’s Fair Employment and Housing Act by including gender-identity and expression, Governor Davis brings California into a leadership position of a growing human rights struggle. California now becomes the most populous jurisdiction to enact equal rights for transgendered citizens.

The Other Bush Lie (tags)

"The conclusion, then, is inescapable. The cadre of cheerleading hawks -- both inside and outside the administration -- who led the United States to war 19 months later had decided within 10 days of the terrorist attacks that 9/11 should be used as the pretext for Hussein's removal, even if there was absolutely no connection between the two."

Warning! The USA Patriot Act and Other Dangerous Things (tags)


US nukes its own troops (tags)

death by slow burn

Death By Slow Burn - How America Nukes Its Own Troops (tags)

On March 30, an AP photo featured an American pro-war activist holding a sign: "Nuke the evil scum, it worked in 1945!" That's exactly what George Bush has done. America's mega-billion dollar war in Iraq has been indeed a NUCLEAR WAR.

Explosives Planted In Towers, New Mexico Technology Expert Says (tags)

  The collapse of the buildings appears "too methodical" to be a chance result of airplanes colliding with the structures, said Van Romero, vice president for research at New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology.

Living Wage Laws Killing Jobs and Businesses (tags)

Local 'Living Wage' ordinances passed by well meaning city councils are killing jobs and businesses. The author of this article is President and CEO of K-BOB'S Steakhouses, a family restaurant chain headquartered in New Mexico, with 26 locations in New Mexico, Texas, Colorado and Oklahoma.

UC Manages Armageddon (tags)

The University of California is complicit in the design and development of weapons of mass destruction. UCLA professors are doing research for the warfare state.

Death By Slow Burn - How America Nukes Its Own Troops (tags)

DU munitions are classified by a United Nations resolution as illegal weapons of mass destruction. Their use breaches all international laws, treaties and conventions forbidding poisoned weapons calculated to cause unnecessary suffering.

USUK use of DU is genocide and a war crime (tags)

BRITISH and American coalition forces are using depleted uranium (DU) shells in the war against Iraq and deliberately flouting a United Nations resolution which classifies the munitions as illegal weapons of mass destruction. DU contaminates land, causes ill-health and cancers among the soldiers using the weapons, the armies they target and civilians, leading to birth defects in children.

William Mandel, American Dissident (tags)

"If you think that I am going to cooperate with this collection of Judases, of men who sit there in violation of the United States Constitution, if you think I will cooperate with you in any manner whatsoever, you are insane!" From William Mandel’s 1960 testimony before HUAC

Southwest Anarchist Network Conference Update #3 (tags)

Latest up-date from the organizers of the up-coming Southwest Anarchist Network Conference.

The Greatest Secret in Modern History (tags)

You have Been Lied To By An International Governmenta Conspiracy of White Supremacists and Others determined to destroy rational free thought and brotherly love. WAKE UP and embrace you basic human rights to BE INFORMED and realise your intelligence and basic goodness as human beings


One big lie is that Mohammed Atta met with Khalil Ibrahim Samir al- Ani, an official at Baghdad's Embassy in Prague. U.S. intelligence agencies went over records of Atta's travels and concluded that during the period in question he was in Virginia Beach, not in Prague. Perle knew this was a fabrication. He attempted to pass it off on the American people as truth.

Depleted uranium: war hazard? (tags)

It may be tempting to dismiss Rokke as a crank or a conspiracy theorist, but Rokke is 35-year-veteran of the U.S. Army, and he isn't just a disgruntled grunt. Rokke ran the U.S. Army's depleted uranium project in the mid-90s, and he was in charge of the Army's effort to clean up depleted uranium after the Persian Gulf War. And he directed the Edwin R. Bradley Radiological Laboratories at Fort McClellan, Ala.

THOMAS JEFFERSON CALLING: The time for revolution is now (tags)

"Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established, should not be changed for light and transient causes; and, accordingly, all experience [has] shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But, when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce [the people] under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security." Thomas Jefferson


PLEASE take the time to THANK Turkey. contact info below:

SOA Trial Update: Final Group of Human Rights Activists Sentenced (tags)

Nuns, Priests, Veterans, Professors and Students Testified Against Double Standard in War on Terrorism, Put SOA and U.S. Foreign Policy on Trial

SOA Trial Update: 35 Human Rights Advocates Begin Trial (tags)

Defendants Aim to Expose Double Standard in War on Terrorism, Put SOA and US Foreign Policy on Trial

Nuns, Priests, Vets, Students Get Prison for SOA Protest (tags)

Defendants Testified Against Double Standard in War on Terrorism, Put SOA and U.S. Foreign Policy on Trial

Wal-Mart – the nation’s worst workplace bully (tags)

With $7 billion in profits squeezed from the labor of one million workers at 3,250 stores across the country last year, Wal-Mart deserves its reputation as the nation’s worst “workplace bully.”

THE STAGING OF 911 (tags)

Nobody will ever find out the real criminals behind the scenes.

Chemtrails: Michel Chossudovsky on HAARP (tags)

They want/ed to patent life forms and they did attempt to control the food chain through the Terminator Seed ( Monsanto ) - why WOULDN'T they sell nice weather. We ARE talking about megalomaniacs after all.

Information required. (tags)

Re: New Mexico.

Vote to Prevent War? (text) (tags)

Vote to Prevent War? (text)

Will Gubinatorial Candidate Camejo Do Better Than Any Green So Far? (tags)


Sister Dianna Ortiz : Author & Torture Survivor (tags)

The Latino Museum of History, Art and Culture and Amnesty International announced today that Human Rights Activist Sister Dianna Ortiz will hold a symposium at The Latino Museum to discuss her new memoir The Blindfold’s Eyes: My journey from Torture to Truth on Monday, October 28th, 2002 from 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM.

Call for Southwest Anarchist Input (tags)

This is an attempt to get some response from southwest anarchists regarding their opinions and thoughts on a southwest anarchist conference. We would appreciate responses from both individuals or collectives. Please reply by Sept. 23, 2002 to be included in this decision.


Does anyone know if there were protest in New Mexico today. If so post links.

Update on Family Spirit Walk (tags)

The Family Spirit Walk for Mother Earth is walking 800 miles from Los Alamos National Lab in New Mexico to the Nevada Test Site, "taking every step in prayer" for every living thing affected by the U.S. military and the environmental damage caused by military actions globally. The walk will arrive at the Action For Nuclear Abolition Nonviolent Direct Action Peace Camp on Indigenous Peoples' Day, October 11th.

Finacial Times: US bankruptcies, and who received contributions (tags)

The Financial Times has an incredible series breaking down the 25 largest recent bankruptcies in America and showing how rich the corporate execs got in the process – a total of $3.3 billion

Emergency Alert!! 2/14 US-UK conduct 'subcritical' nuclear experiment at Navada! (tags)

Government scientists from the United States and Britain successfully exploded a small amount of nuclear material underground in a joint subcritical experiment, an official with the National Nuclear Security Administration said Friday.

Demonstrator Explores Pioneering New Strategy For Public Anti-War Demos (tags)

solo challenger, Carin Elliot, messed excellently with the reigning "patriotic" hysteria today when he showed artsigns and passed out fliers to hundreds of people in Albuquerque, New Mexico which were VERY unlike the kind one mostly sees, perhaps even **pioneering** in their chosen strategy! Analysis of some of the crucial problems in what passes for the "anti-war" milieu included. See also, text of *in-the-heart* artsigns! (see one artsign here, for those who've seen "The Matrix": )

Top Censored Stories ( in song ) (tags)

Who Will Tell the People by David Rovics

June 17th in Eugene, Oregon (tags)

see below


Feeding people in the main plaza in Polamas, Mexico was a somewhat spontaneous action that turned into a huge success.

COMMUNITY ACROSS BORDERS - Mexico / New Mexico (tags)

Activists from across New Mexico and beyond gathered in the small border town of Columbus.

"COMIDA, NO LA MIGRA"- food not INS! (tags)

Feeding people in the main plaza in Polamas, Mexico was a somewhat spontaneous action that turned into a huge success.

COMMUNITY ACROSS BORDERS - New Mexico/Mexico (tags)

Activists from across New Mexico and beyond gathered in the small border town of Columbus.

Resist the FTAA in Arizona! (tags)

The Free Trade Area of the Americas plans to extend NAFTA across the entire Western hemisphere – from the Arctic Circle to Tierra del Fuego!

The Shadow Government:A Structural Analysis (tags)

Just as with the official government, the Shadow Government has functional branches. However, unlike the official government, the purpose of the non-executive branches of the Shadow Government is simply to distribute various functions, but not to achieve a system of checks and balances, as was supposed to happen constitutionally between the executive, legislative and judicial branches of the U.S. Government. That is because the Shadow Government is a creature of a powerful elite, who need not fear being dominated by an instrument of their own creation.

COUP WATCH: Nov. 12 Florida Recount -- Other States, Too? -- From Red Rock Eater (tags)

Sunday, Nov. 12: The press reports that if the Bush campaign fails in its attempt to suppress the hand recounts of voters' ballots that are provided by Florida law, as seems likely, then they will implement a "scorched-earth" plan involving legal challenges to the election outcomes in Iowa, New Mexico, Oregon, and Wisconsin.

Los Alamos - The Cradle of Nuclear Weapons (tags)

Anniversary protest of the bombing of Nagasaki/Hiroshima calls for a shutdown of the Los Alamos Nuclear Laboratory in New Mexico.

Los Alamos, New Mexico - Cradle of Nuclear Weapons (tags)

Anniversary protest of the bombing of Nagasaki/Hiroshima calls for a shutdown of the Los Alamos Nuclear Laboratory in New Mexico.

FYI hotels of Gore and Delegations (tags)

Here are the hotels that Gore and each state's delegations are staying at. I hope this helps some folks.

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