fix articles 128826, march 20th
South Central Farmers Court Date: Monday March 20th, 8:30 am (tags)
South Central Farmers Court Date: Monday March 20th, 8:30 am Los Angeles Superior Court downtown at 111 North Hill Street
Pictures of 3/20/04 March Vs. Occupation in Hollywood (2 of 2) (tags)
Pictures from the March against War and Occupation that was held in Hollywood, CA on March 20th, 2004.
Pictures of 3/20/04 March Vs. Occupation in Hollywood (1 of 2) (tags)
Pictures from the March against War and Occupation that was held in Hollywood, CA on March 20th, 2004.
March 20th Anti-war leaflet (tags)
A leaflet for distribution at March 20th Anti-War protests from a libertarian Marxist perspective...
March 20th Iraqi Resistance Tribute (tags)
March 20 Anti-Capitalist Contingent (tags)
12 noon, Hollywood & Vine: Look for Black Flags and Banners 2:30: Anarcho-Communist meeting after march at park at Franklin and La Brea.
Join the March 20th Anti-Capitalist Contingent (tags)
To Abolish War, We must Abolish Capitalism!
Open letter to March 20th activists (tags)
good luck out there
Call for a March 20th Anti-Capitalist Contingent (tags)
On March 20th, retake activism in LA! Prove that our rage over this unjust war and occupation will not be confined to permitted marches facilitated by bureaucracies that stifle real efforts towards building another world.
March 20th call for a Radical Queer/Pink Bloc at anti-war event in Pittsburgh (tags)
Resyst is sending this call out to all radical queers and queer sympathizers to join us in Pittsburgh for regional M20 events.
a second march route for 3/20 (tags)
the antiwar movement is enormous and complex.... the March route(s) should reflect this.