fix articles 12902, secret Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : secret


California Sues Musk (tags)

California has filed a lawsuit against Elon Musk over the racist treatment of Tesla employees.. Musk and US Govt in coup to oust socialist Pres. Morales and steal Bolivian lithium and other news re Musk

Russia Won The Cold War (tags)

Libertarian 2016 Friday, November 19, 2021 Russia Won The Cold War

Secret of the Pentagram (tags)

Star rotation and some useful links...

Myths and hidden Links listed: Schwarzschild universe, Naziufos and Secret Societies (tags)

While the world facing Boka Chica turning to a "Gate to Mars" we should review what is discussed rare regarding Extraterrestrials and the Roots of Spacetravel. While more nazi based conspiracy theories about a Kabala (pedophile Freemasonry and Satanism, etc.) going viral, we need to remember there were also Freemason Astronauts and leading Satanist representing the better Side of Humanity... to go to places no human were before inside the observable universe. You'll be surprised like the guy that "calculated that Schwarzschild radius of the black hole with the mass of visible universe is equal to the radius of the visible universe (13E9 ly).", will you?

The "Great Reset" and the Deep State (tags)

Taboo truths, about which the authorities remain shamefully silent, can indeed be kept under the carpet very well for decades. The course of history is massively influenced by these informal, unelected structures that operate in the interests of the old elites.

chemtrails make drought (tags)

carbon capture is a secret money conduit to bush friends in south america. carbon capture is a cover for electrochemical mind control.

Some Satellite Energy Artifacts Caught On Camera (tags)

Bernard Eastlund, Inventor of HAARP (High Frequency Active AURORAL Research program), from his Patent # 4,686,605 “...This invention relates to a method and apparatus for altering at least one selected region normally existing above the Earth’s initially transmitting electromagnetic radiation from the Earth’s surface... ...By altering solar modification is possible... for example, altering upper atmosphere wind patterns by constructing one or more plumes of atmospheric particles which will act as a lens or focusing device...A moving plume could also serve as a means for focusing a vast amount of sunlight on selected portions of the Earth...HIGH INTENSITY, WELL CONTROLLED ELECTRICAL FIELDS CAN BE PROVIDED IN SELECTED LOCATIONS FOR VARIOUS PURPOSES...(caps ours, ed.)”....eavesdropping....

Freedom of the Press is Dead Worldwide (tags)

CIA Director Pompeo claims Wikileaks is a "hostile secret service" and Julian Assange is not a journalist. Democracy cannot function without watchdogs. Watchdogs and whistle-blowers must be under special protection.

DIARY OF A CON MAN . 47 (tags)

the anne frank swindle

26 Ways Trump Has Increased The National Debt By 4 to 5 Trillion Dollars (tags)

The corporate media boycott of Kevin De Leon, abolitionists of the death penalty, animal rights activists, vegans, and antiwar experts, There is a little more discussion about Trump's savaging of our national treasury.

22 Ways Trump Has Increased US Deficit By 4 to 5 Trillion Dollars (tags)

Despite cutting money for the health of hundreds of millions of Americans, education, bridges, mass transit, environmental enforcement, etc Trump has added trillions to the deficit.

Banks Enriched By Trump Deficit Increase Of 4 to 5 Trillion $ (tags)

The Trump regime under the guise of cutting government costs has increased them. Between 4 and 5 trillion dollars in costs have been added to the deficit enriching Chinese, Swiss, Japanese, British and American banksters.

Systematic Lies and Disinformation From Above (tags)

"In Oct 1962, John F. Kennedy, a level-headed president, sat in the White House and spoke with the Soviet leader Khrushchev through a secret "back channel" behind the backs of his generals and secret services and prevented Cuba's bombing and invasion.

Police problem officers (tags)

Many California counties already give prosecutors at least some information on problem officers, as do a majority of the 50 states. But “Blue” California remains the only state that blocks prosecutors from seeing entire police personnel files. And that’s a disgrace.

Philippines: Duterte Enables Sneak Burial of Marcos’ Remains (tags)

The burial of Ferdinand Marcos at the Libingan ng mga Bayani (LNMB - Heroes Cemetery) was hurriedly and secretively carried out, with military-style logistical support. A military helicopter brought the body from Ilocos Norte, where the former dictator’s body was displayed in the Marcos Museum, to the LNMB. The marines and the police were mobilized to encircle the perimeter of the cemetery. They were placed on ‘red alert’.

#EmailGate Obama Lynch Clintons Assange Guccifer 2 The Inside Story (tags)

#EmailGate Obama Lynch Clintons Assange Guccifer 2 The Inside Story

Modern Eugenics (tags)

This first hand report reflects a monstrous program by world governments, especially the USA.

A nation ruled by hoodlums (tags)

Evidence of the collapse of the usa that many of us once believed in.

The Military-Industrial Complex is the Greatest Threat for World Peace (tags)

Fighting the dominant culture of war that is promoted by all the media justifications of war and war propaganda is vital. This culture must be decoded as misanthropic and shattered. Building a culture of peace is the project of the century.

KPFK RADIO is essential to Pacifica, who also umbrellas KPFA that may be falling away (tags)

KPFK is the prime radio station of 5 in Pacifica. KPFA in Berkeley seems to be acting illegally or secretly to separate OUT and away from Pacifica with 1 faction hiding their moves. This is here a repost to inform those who want KPFK in LA to continue and not fall prey to tactics used at it's sister station. Beware non-transparent games even within 'non-profit' corporations owned by stakeholders [ funders, pledge $ givers].this could be a warning of what may also be gamed with KPFKs existence. Learn more and share it too.

Recapitalization (tags)

Education of the people is viral , even though they don't want to learn.

WikiLeaks Releases Secret Saudi Documents (tags)

Saudi Arabia

Secret Trade in Services Agreement (TISA) (tags)


Obama's War on Yemen Rages (tags)


Secret US Intelligence on Yemen Compromised (tags)


stolen story (tags)

Steve Conrad's screenplay for the secret life of Walter Mitty was created maliciously using my life

New ID Verification Feature on this Site (tags)

We don't have accounts, but there is a way to verify that you are who you say you are.

Pacifica voting in secret with no accountability? Is this part of KPFK ? (tags)

Counterpunch is now publishing wrong info ? Who gave them that information about Pacifica? How confusing. Another commentator disclosed here at Indymedia how Pacifica Nat'l Bd voted to deselect the hired Exe Director. But the numbers and facts never add up correctly. Nor can results be explained and no names of voters are named. And KPFK's Local Station Board meetings have a fight club mentality and provides no factual helpful information either. Ask their LSB for more accurate info here:

LA Weekly promotes a slanted view of Pacifica/ KPFK (tags)

LA Weekly produced an article about Pacifica, which involves KPFK of course, that was apparently biased and the writer maybe even was a prior student of Cooper whom he liked to quote as if an "expert" but may not at all be so. The letters written to LA Weekly were on line and in print 2 more times to display the local concerns. This Open letter to their Editor is to respond to all 3 of those print-postings.

Governments give themselves a ‘free trade’ offer they can’t refuse (tags)

The secret agreement Obama doesn’t want you to know about will have secret tribunals as well.

Israel's Secret Nuclear Program (tags)


NSA Infects 50,000 Computer Systems Worldwide (tags)


LAPD’s Secret Reporting Getting Public Airing (tags)

LAPD’s Secret Reporting Getting Public Airing

More tobacco, less health care as Trans-Pacific Partnership secrecy tightens (tags)

The secrecy shrouding the TPP text remains in place, with a stronger curtain apparently about to shut out any stray sunshine.

‘End-game’ conspiracy or business as usual? (tags)

The problem isn’t greedy bankers, the problem is the system that enables the greedy bankers.

NSA Bugs UN Headquarters (tags)


CIA Global Renditions (tags)

police state

Globalized Torture (tags)


Secret FDIC Plan to Loot Bank Accounts (tags)

grand theft

Phoenix Police to encrypt radio transmissions making them secret (tags)

Phoenix Police to encrypt radio transmissions and make them secret.

Supreme Court Authorizes Lawless Wiretapping (tags)


Abbas: Betrayal Pays Well (tags)


Stealth Trade Agreement Secret Negotiations (tags)

police state

Guantanamo Prison's True Secret: Jason Leopold in Conversation With Andy Worthington (tags)

Activist/Journalist Andy Worthington was recently a guest speaker alongside investigative journalist Jason Leopold at the UC Hastings College of Law, in San Francisco, hosted by the college’s chapter of the National Lawyers Guild. The event, entitled “Ten Years of Guantanamo,” was held amidst protests around the world calling for the prison to be immediately shutdown. Worthington, the author of “The Guantanamo Files: The Stories of the 774 Detainees in America’s Illegal Prison,” has been documenting the array of human rights abuses at Guantanamo for over six years now.

Targeting Free Expression (tags)


Killing Gaddafi: Longstanding US Policy (tags)


global human rights violations by usa (tags)

See my report supported by overwhelming evidence of the fbi/cia (etc.) efforts to attack innocent persons and others via *inhumane methodology.

Why the LAPD Fails at Stopping Gangs (tags)

A secret LAPD document demonstrates that the LAPD will respond to gangs only when gangs threaten the LAPD. Where does that leave the community?

Psychology as Secret Weapon (tags)

To brighten the present, one colors the past black. Brecht protested against falsifying the real course of history by making rogues of individual figures. Gaddafi nationalized the oil that Americans claim, expropriated banks and parts of big industry, organized free health care and cut unemployment.

Behavior Control: Architecture of Modern Propaganda By Zahir Ebrahim (tags)

Today, fact and fiction have been merged to such an alarming degree with adept perception control that to be able to rationally separate them, to tell what is mere imagery of the Mighty Wurlitzer vs. the actual interconnected causal reality (cause and effect) of statecraft, can be as uncongenial to the cognitive mind as depicted by Plato for the prisoners bred in the underground cave since birth. The fact that the most brilliant minds remain unable to tell that 9/11 was an 'Operation Canned Goods' even ten years into its vile enactment while America descends into a police-state in presumed reaction to it, demonstrates that it is not the brain hardware which is malfunctioning, but the brain software!

13 year old Boy Questioned by Secret Service after Facebook Post about Suicide Bombers (tags)

?I was saying how Osama was dead and for Obama to be careful because there could be suicide bombers,? the boy Vito LaPinta told Fox News.

Response to 'Leaked Zionist strategy Paper to counter BDS' By Zahir Ebrahim (tags)

A ruling state cannot be dictated to by other nations, but it can and does dictate to other nations, including to the world's sole superpower! Does the Jewsonly State of Israel fit that bill? When Zionistan can bomb and kill and burn men women and children with impunity in front of the entire world's powerless spectating eyes, when every Western statesman from the Queen to the President pays homage to them, especially their visit on Israel's 60th birthday bash while their own Bibles were being burnt downtown, and when their sugar-daddy owns/controls all the Western world's central banks thus controlling their national/supra-national laws, someone expects me to believe that Israel is afraid of the BDS movement?

Life Extension With Art Kunkin (tags)

How You Can Stay Alive For Hundreds Of Years with increasing health, wealth, prosperity, happiness and love ….. Speaker: Art Kunkin – Free Admission

27 Arrests at Secret Billionaires Meeting (tags)

RANCHO MIRAGE, CA -- Today, over two thousand everyday Americans from across the country – including San Diego, Los Angeles and Organce County - converged at the Rancho Las Palmas Resort in Rancho Mirage, CA to protest a secret right-wing strategy meeting held by billionaires David and Charles Koch.

Secrets of the Communist Party of the Philippines (tags)

DR. MARIO Miclat’s “Secrets of the Eighteen Mansions: A Novel” (Manila: Anvil Publishing, 2010) reveals in rich detail many of the covert factors that contributed to the growth of one of our country’s biggest problems: the Communist Party of the Philippines.

Police State Injustice: Canada's Security Certificate Process (tags)

assures gross injustice

Why I'm Posting Bail Money for Julian Assange (tags)

" The corporate owners have decimated newsrooms, making it impossible for good journalists to do their job. There's no time or money anymore for investigative journalism. Simply put, investors don't want those stories exposed. They like their secrets kept ... as secrets. I ask you to imagine how much different our world would be if WikiLeaks had existed 10 years ago. Take a look at this photo. That's Mr. Bush about to be handed a "secret" document on August 6th, 2001. Its heading read: "Bin Ladin Determined To Strike in US." And on those pages it said the FBI had discovered "patterns of suspicious activity in this country consistent with preparations for hijackings." Mr. Bush decided to ignore it and went fishing for the next four weeks. But if that document had been leaked, how would you or I have reacted? What would Congress or the FAA have done? Was there not a greater chance that someone, somewhere would have done something if all of us knew about bin Laden's impending attack using hijacked planes? But back then only a few people had access to that document. Because the secret was kept, a flight school instructor in San Diego who noticed that two Saudi students took no interest in takeoffs or landings, did nothing. Had he read about the bin Laden threat in the paper, might he have called the FBI? (Please read this essay by former FBI Agent Coleen Rowley, Time's 2002 co-Person of the Year, about her belief that had WikiLeaks been around in 2001, 9/11 might have been prevented.) Or what if the public in 2003 had been able to read "secret" memos from Dick Cheney as he pressured the CIA to give him the "facts" he wanted in order to build his false case for war? If a WikiLeaks had revealed at that time that there were, in fact, no weapons of mass destruction, do you think that the war would have been launched -- or rather, wouldn't there have been calls for Cheney's arrest?"


trying to put a comment today to a Wikileaks article, the site repeatedly says "wrong anser to math question" when "one and four" is listed as FIVE ... 3X attempted same only to be rejected as if I could not add right, write ? hmmmm anyone else have this problem today 12/15/10 @ 1:20 pm... secret word would be "five" but site refuses to take it as 4+1=5 that my 3rd grade artithmetic teacher claimed to be "true"... hmmmmm? what is going on here ?

Updating Mohamed Harkat's Persecution (tags)

a judicial lynching

Wikileaks info on death of Frank Olson? (tags)

For several decades CIA agents conducted covert operation domestically against the U.S. population under several codes names, MK ULTRA, Project Bluebird, Project Artichoke where several methods of psychological operations were used against the people of the U.S. to measure their responses, including ELF frequencies for training "Manchurian candidates" as sleeper assassins to use against enemy leaders.





BTL:Ralph Nader: Flood of Secret Money in 2010 Election is Next Stage in Corporate Dominat (tags)

BETWEEN THE LINES - A four-time winner of the Connecticut Associated Press Broadcast Award for Best Feature in the non-commercial category, this syndicated, half-hour program provides a platform for individuals and spokespersons from progressive organizations generally ignored or marginalized by the mainstream media. Between the Lines covers a wide range of political, economic and social topics.

Obama administration braces for WikiLeaks release (tags)

'This article suggests that there is no need for you to investigate these doucments. As before they tell us there is nothing of interest in them? How quickly they read them? I think they are hoping many will not bother. So please get ready to head back to Wikileaks and spread widely."

Nato's Secret Armies (tags)

waging war against peace

The Secret World of Chinese Communism? (tags)

Commentary on New York Review of Books article on the Chinese Communist Party by Ian Johnson

Top Serect - 2 Long but interesting articles on the NSA along with waste and bureaucray (tags)

Top Secret - 2 long but interesting articles from the Washington post on the NSA and the mind numbing bureaucracy and waste that goes on there. If you don't have time stash these two article off some where and read them later.

America The Judicial (tags)

update on the secret police.

Targeting Whistleblowers: Truth Telling Endangered (tags)

dissent and whistleblowers in America endangered.

Canada's War on Islam: The Case of Mohamed Harkat (tags)

attacking innocent victims for political advantage

US continues to detain, torture prisoners at secret Afghan base (tags)

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has confirmed to the British Broadcasting Corporation that the US military is operating a second “black jail” at its Bagram airbase near Kabul in Afghanistan, contrary to the Pentagon’s public denials. Did you vote for this in 2008? The government of the US did not declare war on the government of Afghanistan or Iraq, and all of this is in violation of international law.

Torture in America (tags)

Contrary to popular belief, Gestapo’s or Secret Police are not phenomena of the past. Activists who dare to hold law enforcement accountable to democracy, freedom and basic human rights are being repressed and imprisoned here in the United States simply for refusing to accept violation and abuse from their own country men.

America's Secret Prisons (tags)

America's global gulag

Obama Promoting Secret Police Idea (tags)

Obama Promoting Secret Police Idea



It’s My Party and I’ll Crash If I Want To (tags)

Michaele and Tareq Salahi weren’t the first to maneuver past Secret Service. I have done the same thing. Twice....I am pleased that the media who once hoarded the most valuable commodities in America—information and ideas—have been forced to pull extra chairs to the table.

SEIU blocks ballot count in workers' first union election (tags)

Faced with third win in three weeks by independent union, SEIU officials try union-busting

Obama has lost "single payer" (tags)

He should go back to teaching.

BTL:Message to Attorney General:To Restore U.S. Credibility, Hold Officials Who Authorized (tags)

BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine

600,000 seniors about to lose their homes (tags)

600,000 seniors about to lose their homes

Where Is LA’s ‘Secret Room’? (tags)

In 2005 the Electronic Frontier Foundation exposed the existence of a secret NSA spy room monitoring Internet activities in an AT&T facility in San Francsico. The EFF also found there was a Secret Room in LA. But where is it?

CA now faces budget cuts "beyond draconian" (tags)

CA now faces budget cuts "beyond draconian"

US Army prepares to occupy Iraq for another decade (tags)

US Army prepares to occupy Iraq for another decade

Schwarzenegger plans to completely eliminate welfare for families (tags)

Schwarzenegger plans to completely eliminate welfare for families

CA Governor asks 'what if pot's legal and taxed?' (tags)

CA Governor Schwarzenegger asks 'what if pot's legal and taxed?'

BTL:Red Cross Report Documents Torture at Secret CIA Prisons (tags)

BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine

ICRC's Damning Expose of US Torture (tags)

torture remains policy

Employee Free Choice Act: Open Letter to All Senators on EFCA Compromise (tags)

Employee Free Choice Act EFCA: write your Letters to Your Senators and Congressmen and tell them we need to pass the Employee Free Choice Act EFCA NOW!

Marine mammals will die in Navy warfare testing program (tags)

Marine mammals will die in Navy warfare testing program

Iraq puppet government prepares to execute hundreds of gays (tags)

Iraq puppet government prepares to execute hundreds of gays

Employee Free Choice Act: New Website Reveals The Truth About EFCA (tags)

"This new website www.TheTruthAboutEFCA.Org is an important tool in keeping the public informed and getting them involved in the political process so they can voice their support for this legislation." stated Steve Maritas, Organizing Director for the International Union, Security, Police and Fire Professionals of America (SPFPA) www.SPFPA.ORG

Exposing Groups Like Save our Secret Ballot and The Coalition for a Democratic Workplace (tags)

Why does Corporate Front Groups like Save our Secret Ballot and The Coalition for a Democratic Workplace continue to Spread Disinformation and Lies?

Why do These Senators DeMint-Enzi and Bob Corker Continue to Spread Lies about The EFCA? (tags)

What is the Strategy being used by Senators DeMint-Enzi and Bob Corker from Tennessee, in their attempt to defeat the Employee Free Choice Act? Keep Spreading LIES about the Employee Free Choice Act and Supporting The Secret Ballot Protection Act ( Better Known as The Employer FEAR and Intimidation Act )

Why do These Senators DeMint-Enzi and Bob Corker Continue to Spread Lies about The EFCA? (tags)

What is the Strategy being used by Senators DeMint-Enzi and Bob Corker from Tennessee, in their attempt to defeat the Employee Free Choice Act? Keep Spreading LIES about the Employee Free Choice Act and Supporting The Secret Ballot Protection Act ( Better Known as The Employer FEAR and Intimidation Act )

The Coalition for a Democratic Workplace Newest PR Lie about The Employee Free Choice Act (tags)

BEWARE OF UNION-BUSTING LIES about The Employee Free Choice Act by The Coalition for a Democratic Workplace and the Alliance for Worker Freedom (AWF)

PHILIPPINES: Scrap the Visiting Forces Agreement now! (tags)

The secret Visiting Forces Agreement (VFA) document exposed by Sen. Joker Arroyo is the latest in a string of arguments to hang the iniquitous agreement. The secret document is an insult that adds to the injury of Daniel Smith’s contempt of our justice system.

For Media, ‘Employee Free Choice Act' Promise Is One to Break (tags)

Corporate outlets suddenly discover ‘workers rights’ If corporate media really cared about workers rights, there probably would have been more than zero stories on those rights on the nightly broadcast news in the last year.And labor representatives would likely have provided more than the not quite 0.2 percent of nightly news sources found in a recent survey (Extra!, 5–6/02). Yet we are to believe that concern for workers rights drives some elite media to oppose the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA).

What's the Real Secret that big-business, SIG don't want you to know about the EFCA? (tags)

The Employee Free Choice Act does not eliminate the secret ballot.

Watch out for employers' attorneys writing as guest columnists on the Employee Free Choice (tags)

January 14, 2009 By Stephanie Kraft There's no law to keep newspapers from grabbing whatever comes across an editor's desk and cramming it into a column with the discreet disclaimer "Viewpoint."

Amending The Employee Free Choice Act. A Compromise Every Union Can Live With. (tags)

The Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) is legislation in the United States which aims to "amend the National Labor Relations Act to establish an efficient system to enable employees to form, join, or assist labor organizations, to provide for mandatory injunctions for unfair labor practices during organizing efforts, and for other purposes.

KPFK is losing it, fast.... (tags)

do a 'search' here for LSB 's Leslie info on what is going on and how decisions are being made or allowed to 'happen' by outside KPFK forces...get scared why dont cha ?

Gaza hospitals are overwhelmed (tags)

Gaza hospitals are overwhelmed

Arctic melt passes the point of no return (tags)

Arctic melt passes the point of no return

Iran to send relief ship to Gaza (tags)

Iran to send relief ship to Gaza

This civilization is rotten to the core (tags)

The Vatican and its primary cohorts are the secret rulers of Planet Earth and their primary tools of governance are secrecy and the deceptive triangle formed by money, religion, and politics. It is beyond obvious that monetary, religious, and political leaders will never solve humanity’s persistent problems. To do so would free you from their deceptions and put them out of work…

Reality Reloaded (tags)

"Lying means saying untruths while knowing the truth," said Franz-Josef Strauss who was a master in inventing stories and dealing with political swindling. According to this definition, Bush may not have lied since he presumably believed his own swindle.

How to Eliminate Poverty Consciousness and Manifest True Abundance (tags)

The good news is that this entrapped cyclical experience is only here to give you an experience of what you don’t want, so that you are inspired to one day become clearer on what you really DO want!

Open Letter to KPFK's LSB =local station board (tags)

KPFK's local board members are voted in by some other listener-sponsors. But are any of those who send money regularly to support and maintain the radio station have a say about anything ? huh ?

Ivins was suicided by Cheney. (tags)

Bush has already signed the pardon.

Torture As Official US Policy (tags)

America's darkest hour.

Updating Yassin Aref's Struggle for Justice (tags)

Yassin Aref struggles for justice.

Please Sign PETITION to save Dr. Gassan Sharif Khaled (tags)

But this is not just another of the 10,000+ prisoners but an attack on Palestinian higher education and universities in the West Bank, which is a crucial part of any Palestinian national presence.

The True Story Of The Bilderberg Group (tags)

Review: The True Story Of The Bilderberg Group By Daniel Estulin

Infragard - Martial law enforcement has been privatized (tags)

Martial law enforcement has been privatized

War Has been declared (tags)

Yes the war has been declared. It has been declared against humanities freedoms, liberties and health. You have been unknowingly disarmed. You have lost the most powerful weapon. That weapon is knowledge of the truth. Society has been fed a diet of professional propaganda lies since before your birth.

Bush's Watergate (tags)

The publication of the new NIE represented a Declaration of Independence of professional secret service analysist who were made absolute fools by the neoconservatives in the past decades. Journalist Saul Landau described the new NIE as Bush's Watergate.

The war in Iraq and the assassination of Kennedy (tags)

AT 44 years since the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, the war in Iraq and the Bush family saga have magnified the need to declassify documents related to the November 22, 1963 attack that affected not only the United States but, to a surprising degree, Cuba, and the rest of the world.

Irish Allies of US Stoptorturenow Show: CIA CAN'T KEEP A SECRET (tags)

Pity the poor CIA. What use is a secret service that can't keep a secret? Agents of other secret services should be aware the the loose lips and poor tradecraft of the Americans put the foreigners at risk of arrest and worse.

Caught in Lies (tags)

With the NIE, President George W Bush was actually exposed as a liar. By fomenting war hysteria, he consciously made use of misinformation-as in the preparation of the Iraq war. When Bush threatened a `third world war,' he tried to blackmail the world.

The Last Democracy (tags)

Yes there really is only one true democracy left...

When Is Torture Not Torture? (tags)

"Luban regards terms like "enhanced interrogation techniques" or "robust interrogations" as euphemisms bordering on Orwellian, or worse: "The Gestapo used the phase 'sharpened interrogation techniques.'"

Top Tesla Assistant: Curious George (tags)

Some interesting Tesla history. And more.

Invisible Resistance to Tyranny PDF (tags)

Invisible Resistance To Tyranny - How to Lead a Secret Life of Insurgency in an Increasingly Unfree World by Jefferson Mack PDF

Chertoff and his Gestapo replace Gonzales? (tags)

William Rivers Pitt writes about the traitors in the evil US/UK junta, and it's one of the best articles I've read lately. There's something missing in the whole though: people in general - not only in the US - seem to land from the frying pan into the fire when Chertoff, the present 'Gestapo chief' of the US, replaces Gonzales.

You cynics may may sneer (tags)

But our glorious leaders are brave men who will make the right decision on Iraq in September.

Psychotronic Golgotha (tags)

by N.I. Anisimov, 1999

Once upon a time there was a Canada (tags)

Heres how the NWO Bankers have secretly taken over Canada and most people have no clue what has been going on thanks to the traitorist media

The Earth as a Weapon (tags)

Please past this information to all who will listen before it is too late.


secret stakes...

Codex Magica by Texe Marrs e-book fixed link (tags)

Codex Magica: Secret Signs, Mysterious symbols and Hidden Codes of the Illuminati by Texe Marrs 2005

Organizing against police suppression of political activities (tags)

Jim DeMaegt was visited by the Secret Service at his apartment building on January 3 of this year at about 2:30 or 3:00 p.m.

The Russians also lost (tags)

in Afghanistan

Civil War in Iraq (tags)

The National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) con-tradicts assertions of the White House that iran and Syria are playing an important role in Iraq. "Actors from the outside do not decisive-ly influence the violence and the prospects for stability."

Activist Jim DeMaegt Arrested (tags)

Activist Jim DeMaegt Arrested for Alleged Email Threat to Dubya

EXPLOSIVE: Bush's Domestic Assassination Teams Fingered (tags)

International Intelligence Expert Tom Heneghan outs the names of assassination teams and the treasonous conspiracy of FBI Directors Louis Freeh and Robert Mueller in the training of Mohamed Atta.

Pakistan secretly holds hundreds in prisons (tags)

Police broke up a protest by dozens of relatives of missing people and detained some as they tried to march towards the military headquarters. Rawalpindi, Pakistan - December 28, 2006

9/11 E-Book Collection (tags)

Below are a list of links to .pdf files of worthwhile e-books mostly related to 9/11 Research or related political topics.

Glimpse of Secret Gitmo Panels (tags)

Snip: "They relied instead on secret evidence that was classified," Denbeaux says. "And the government's procedure was, anything in that secret evidence was presumed to be valuable and valid. And then the detainee was given the opportunity to rebut the secret evidence. But he was never told what the secret evidence was."

BREAKING: Bush, Hillary and Obama on an Oil Carousel. Where's the Money! (tags)

As reported earlier, eight hundred million dollars is missing from the U.S. Treasury. It can now be reported that FBI investigations have tied the First Broadway Bank of Chicago and the Allied Bank of Ireland as two major drop-off points. What makes this scandalous are the financial links to Senator Barack Osama Obama and Hilary Clinton. Also linked is former President George Herbert Walker Bush (41). Obama bagMan, Anthony Rezko, and Bush Clinton fixer Mossad Agent Lorraine Fine, have been fingered as co-conspirators in the theft of these funds. Mobster Rezko, Obama’s fundraiser, owns the real estate lot on which Obama lives. And Lorraine Fine helped co-ordinate the escape for Marc Rich in 1993, vis a vis the Arrest Warrant issued for Rich by then U.S. Vice-President Albert Gore Jr.

NTEU Secret Service Collusion Brought US An Imposter For President (tags)

Because the Secret Service is under the National Treasury Employees Union (NTEU), and because the NTEU has mathematically at least 14,400 chances of collusion, Goerge Bush or any other President can be marched around by the Secret Service, and he can be an imposter.

Notice to Activist: Two Acts must be revoked immediately! (tags)

NOTE TO FELLOW ACTIVISTS: the MOST PRESSING ISSUES TODAY are two bills that were signed into law on October 17, 2006. These new acts that were passed into law by congress -- The Military Commissions Act of 2006 and the John Warner Defense Authorization Act of 2007, trump any other issues out there today because these are the keys to ultimate tyranny. If these acts are NOT repealed we can kiss it all goodbye. I would suggest that we make this our first order of business and set aside all other none essential issues and focus on getting these repealed.

U.S. seeks to keep interrogation methods secret (tags)

The Bush administration has told a federal judge that terrorism suspects held in secret CIA prisons should not be allowed to reveal details of the "alternative interrogation methods" that their captors used to get them to talk.

Barry And The Boys (tags)

Review By Bill Gallagher, First Published 9-10-01

Barry And The Boys: The CIA, The Mob, and Americas Secret History (tags)

Reveiw By Bill Gallagher, First Published 9-10-01

Vive La France! Major Mossad Terror Plot Busted in Maryland (tags)

Michael Chertoff and Dept. of Homeland Security has been fingered again as a co-conspirator. Elements of a secret French anti-terror team just busted a Mossad operation which was designed to bomb the Fort McHenry Tunnel in Baltimore, Maryland in the first week of October. In the early morning hours of September 21, 2006, an unmarked white van was stopped by Maryland State Police driving north and south and back and forth through the Fort McHenry Tunnel.

Next Year in Jerusalem (tags)

Both inside Israel and in the international community, many people wait and watch to see if President Beinisch and her two Justice colleagues will have the courage to uphold international law and basic common decency and justice and restore Mordechai Vanunu's right to his basic freedom of speech and movement. The result of this appeal will indeed give us an indication of the future strength of Israeli justice for those who go to ask for its help. We wait in hope that we may yet see JUSTICE IN JERUSALEM.

Prisons, Torture Set to Continue Under Bush Regime (tags)

The Bush administration wants to legalize its crimes of torture, illegal detention, secret prisons, and other human right’s abuses. It is backing Congressional legislation to do so. How can this be stopped?

'Wag the Osama' the Terror War is Over Bin Laden is Dead (tags)

Breaking News #1: Sources close to Colin Powell confirm once again that Osama Bin Laden is dead. Bin Laden died in Pakistan in 2002 from kidney failure. Receipts from Pakistan Hospitals now in possession of the European Press indicate Pakistani Secret Police purchased eight dialysis machines for Bin Laden.

Secret Synagogues (tags)

The Inquisition then - and now.

U.S. secrecy policy questioned (tags)

The Bush administration has begun designating as secret some information the government long provided even to its enemy, the former Soviet Union

Save Our State to return to Baldwin Park (tags)

In a secret "behind the scenes" meeting SOS staff decide it's time to revisit Baldwin Park

"Realist" as Swearword in Bush's Iraq Quagmire (tags)

The great historical crisis of the 1860s proeduced Abraham Lincoln; the "Great Depression" produced Franklin Delano Roosevelt. We can only hope the political system of the US will produce similar leading figures.

MM Prove Too Much for GOP (tags)

Minutemen prove to be too much even for Texas Republicans

Secret Service Jails man for saying he "wished the president were dead" (tags)

Bard Lovers Lend Me Your ears (tags)

The identity of the secret agent employing the code name, pen name, alias or nom de plume, William Shakespeare, has long puzzled scholars and thinking people. This is because he was employing the name of his patron goddess, Pallas Athena, the Spear-shaker and patron goddess of the Greek theater, as well as Freemasonry and the other secret fraternal writing societies to which the real author, Edward de Vere belonged, namely Fra Rosi Cross and The Honourable Order of the Knights of the Helmet.

A journalist publishs information about gov crimes - who do the feds want to punish? (tags)

A journalist publishes a story that documents government crimes, but the story also contains secret information. Who do the feds want to punish??? You guessed it! The journalist!

Shakespeare's Codex (tags)

"Shakespeare's Codex" is an article on the use of a common M.O. by the world's Illuminati controlled intelligence service to conceal the real nature of their clandestine operations through the use of a front man. The M.O. was developed and perfected in Elizabethan England under the control of H.M.S.S. head Sir Francis Bacon, who employed the Shakespeare authorship deception by using Will Shaksper, the commoner as the front man in order to conceal the identity of the true propagandist for National Security Reasons. The file "osws" contains the evidence. It features a portrait painting comparison of Edward de Vere, the Earl of Oxford and William Shakespeare. To view it 1) Call up the file using Powerpoint 2) Press F5 on your keyboard 3) Click the left side of your mouse 6 times. The display shows the bard on the right receiving back his hair so that he more closely resembles the man he was on the left at age 36 when he sat for a portrait under his own name, Edward de Vere. The M.O. of the front man has been used more latterly in the form of John Wilkes Booth, assassin of President Lincoln, Jack the Ripper, Lee Harvey Oswald, patsy of JFK assassination, Timothy McVeigh, Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms Bureau front man, Osama bin Laden, boggy man terrorist blamed for 9-11 inside job, Moussaoui, mind-controlled fall guy for 9-11, etc.

spying (tags)

oped, whats next a secret police force and a police state

Bush's CIA Pensioners Confess Their Lies (tags)

The war against Iraq was resolved as a policy. The US government was only interested in secret service information that supported this policy..Information that did not fit the long resolved war strategy was consciously ignored.

Regarding Ted Hayes and 'Black' Minutemen (tags)

"The earth was created by the assistance of the sun, and it should be left as it was... The country was made without lines of demarcation, and it is no man's business to divide it..." --Chief Joseph, NEZ PERCE


The CIA and Its Allies in Control of the United States and the World- [ In Memory of L. Fletcher Prouty, -Sheepdog's dig ]

Sloshed: Journalist Says Secret Service Report Claims Cheney was Drunk (tags)

And anyhow, what kind of a guy would shoot a friend, and then pack him off to the hospital and not go hang around the waiting room to see how he’s doing, instead of going home and having dinner and a drink?

IInterview with Yun Bai, artist (tags)

Interview with Yun Bai about being a Chinese American artist and her Porn Flowers and Secret Nipple Project.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (1/2/06) (tags)

New tests of Einstein's "spooky" reality.

More Insights into the Bush-Cheney-Vatican lie machine (tags)

The first version of this holiday gift was delivered December 23-25 to various sites worldwide. This New Year's adjunct sharpens the vision, so compare and contrast, both are valid and complimentary! The next four paragraphs offer a purposely verbose verifiable seal of authenticity, that will be further validated in space-time. Understand clearly, the sage's stone is a multi-dimensional unique key. Purposeful misuse leads to great peril. Pay very close attention to my instructions!

Canada's Johnny Wizard VS. the demon antiChrist Our Mr. bush Jr. (tags)

Synopsis: I had been writing critically of the Bush Administration, when, the Secret Service top secretly requested I be arrested quietly for threatening the life of George W. Bush.

Help! Al Qaeda Must Be Everywhere! (tags)

President Bush eliminated the need for warrants for NSA bugging jobs, but when the warrants are as easy to get as they are in the FISA courts, the only reason he’d do that is to keep the taps completely secret. And why would he want to do that?


A New Crime Revealed: Bush's Secret War at Home: The secret presidential edict, allowed massive spying, surveillance of phone calls and peoples' homes without any evidence of criminal activity, and without court order.

Secret Government is the Problem (tags)

This is a government that believes it knows what is best. It doesn't, but even if it did, we citizens, and our representatives in Congress, and the media we depend on, allow this kind of secret government to function at our peril.

The CIA Eastern European Terror Prisons (tags)

A short article about the CIA torture prisons in Eastern Europe.


A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Russia, Cuba, and Netherlands.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (12/08/05) (tags)

Report outlines plans for corporate plunder of Iraqi oil.

Blacks in America and Jews (tags)

History: Jews and the Black Holocaust

A Letter to America (tags)

A Letter to America America, your un-elected demon leader is using your name to attempt falsely imprisoning me here in Canada through the tyranny of his blatant fascistic “top secret” behavior.

CHART, TABLE: CIA Secret Prison Planes--What the MSM Won't Tell (tags)

The European Commission said last week it will investigate published reports that the CIA set up secret jails in Eastern Europe to detain high-profile terrorism suspects. The Commission says the governments of the EU's 25 member nations will be informally questioned about possible human rights violations. News media reported also that the group Human Rights Watch "claims records and other evidence point to POLAND and ROMANIA as countries that allowed their territory to be used by the CIA to jail top suspected al-Qaeda captives." We report that HRW knows that from tracing the movements of CIA planes and WE PROVIDE A LIST OF THE 28 PLANES, 8 SHELL COMPANIES, AND SEVERAL CIA-RELATED COMPANIES.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (11/9/05) (tags)

Surrender your DNA to the state.

Proof that Bush and the Neo-Cons are Vatican operatives (tags)

Humanity's long nightmare has one underlying cause. The existence and requirement of money and the widespread greed, falsehood and injustice that it directly causes. The only way to end this world's widespread and persistent suffering is to end the existence of money and to replace it with wisdom and compassion.

BOOK ON CIA's SECRET JAILS: "Operation Hotel California" by Guido Olimpio (tags)

The first book-length expose of CIA kidnappings and prisons -- two of the greatest evils in the Bush government, and the world -- by the Italian investigative journalist Guido Olimpio is here, and it's new and as current as todays news stories about secret jails the CIA runs! The book is a must-read for anyone wanting to know about the CIA's practice of "rendition": kidnapping people and transporting them to places like Egypt for torture. It's an extremely controversial practice, a threat to America's security and character, and a sweat-provoking threat to potential victims and an insult to the sovereignty of countries like Italy and Sweden. Read the book, and your reactions will range from cold sweat to boiling mad.

Harry Reid Uncovering GOP Plot to start a war based on fake WMD Intelligence (tags)

It's been four weeks since Senate Democratic Party leader Harry Reid launched his personal investigation into the Republican plot to manipulate intelligence to trick the American people into believing Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (11/3/05) (tags)

Secret CIA jails for Al-Qaeda.



FRIDAY: Protest Bush at Raygun Presidential Library (tags)

Friday, October 21, 2005 @ 10:30 AM-1:30 PM Ronald Reagan Presidential Library Madera at Wood Ranch Parkway Simi Valley, CA

News Junkie Scott's Blog (9/28/05) (tags)

25 questions about the murder of New Orleans.

Breaking: U.S and U.K. secretly preparing to withdraw most of their troops from Iraq! (tags)

Mr Reid's memo, prepared for Mr Blair in the past few weeks, shows that in reality, plans to get them out - 'military drawdown,' as he puts it - are well advanced.

ENMOD and the Selling of America by Political Traitors (tags)


Very Diverse Demonstrations in May (tags)

A total of 49 separate reports in May, the largest being - an estimated 40,000 marched in New York City to abolish nuclear weapons.

The "El Salvador Option" (tags)

The US administration recognizes that its troops face a resistance firmly anchored in the population. As a result, it relies on a hidden dirty war..The model for contemporary Iraq is not Vietnam but El Salvador where 70,000 were killed in the 12-year war.

Secret Monsanto GM Study Exposes Health Effects (tags)

It has been revealed today by the U.K. newspaper the Independent that a secret Monsanto study shows unquestionable health effects as a result of rats being fed genetically modified food.

Sen. Feingold, Lone Opponent of Original PATRIOT Act, Blasts Secret Plot to Make it Wors (tags)

Sen. Feingold, alone in opposing the PATRIOT Act in '01, blasts the White House attempt to use the Senate Intelligence Committee to produce an even worse bill in secret, behind the back of the Judiciary Committee.

Part 2: Subsersive Comedy Opens in LA (tags)

This inflammatory comedy, which first opened during the 2004 Republican Convention in New York City, will be shown in the Los Angeles Area from May 20 to June 25. There will be two shows in Downtown LA, Friday, May 20, at 8 PM, and Saturday, May 1, at 10:30 PM. To see additional shows in Santa Barbara, Glendale, and Santa Monica, make your reservation by calling this toll free number: 1 (888) 475 6181.


"The public interest demands we determine who is ultimately responsible for these abuses."

Students, faculty, community, native groups resist US military hegemony in the Pacific (tags)

Since 10 a.m. on Thursday, April 28, a coalition of Native Hawaiian groups, students, faculty, anti-war activists, environmentalists, and religious organizations have joined forces to occupy the University of Hawaii administration building, to demand the University cease all work on a secret Navy research project, UARC. This secret research is for the development of space-based laser systems, surveillance technologies, and sea-based mines. Live Webcam of the protest: Since September 11, 2001, the US military has embarked on its largest expansion onto Hawa'ian land, since World War II. The Army plans to take 28,000 acres of this precious land to station a Stryker Brigade.

Nonviolent Protesters Occupy Univ. of Hawaii admin bldg, demand end to military R&D center (tags)

Nonviolent protesters have occupied the administration building of the Univ of Hawaii, calling for end to military weapons development facility. Live Webcam:

VIDEO/Text: Secret Bush plans for Iraq's oil BEFORE 9/11, by Greg Palast (tags)

The Bush administration made plans for war and for Iraq's oil before the 9/11 attacks, sparking a policy battle between neo-cons and Big Oil, BBC's Newsnight has revealed.

IraQ: italian journalist Sgrena wounded by US fire, italian secret agent killed (tags)

Italian journalist Giuliana Sgrena, earlier reported released in Iraq, was wounded when US troops fired on the convoy transporting her, her newspaper said.

LawSuit to e-Vict Secret Vote Counting & Hasten Death of DRE'$ (tags)

DemocracyRE'scue - LawSuit to e-Vict Corp.TresPassers, Secret Vote Counting & Hasten Death of DRE'$ - CounTy, by CounTy by financiaLLy-$trapped COUNTy, to $ave moNeY, proTecT the Future and purrCHASE FREEd-ohmm! The man who knows what Freedom means will find a way to be FREE. e-Voting = e -VictSHUN. When it comes to something as fundamental as democracy, the government lacks the power, through contract, to cede that power of vote counting in a democracy to a multinational corporation or to any individual to operate in secret, because vote counting is a Public democratic Right. It is a Public Right for which the government has literally never been GIVEN the power to give away. The government, Plainly and Simply, combined with ALL of the world's corporations, UTTERLY LACK THE POWER to Privatize Our Votes. We ought not legitimize that privatization in ANY way by assuming it has any validity, because it is Void Ab Initio (from the beginning). Most importantly, (to put it plainly but crudely) WE DON'T NEED TO PROVE SHIT, THE VOTING MACHINE COMPANIES MUST SIMPLY GET THE HELL OUT of our democracy. Period. UNPRECENDENTED in American history for government to claim, assume THE Inalienable rights to rig, run, ruin and OWN YOUR LIFE! and help dig your grave , how are you and WE going to rescue our country and humanity from this dangerous abyss? Lets get real and ON THE BALL, pick it up a notch, for..., We have lost the ability to replace our government by the ballot box, (our creation) claims they don't need The people's consent anymore. We must talk and act on this affront DAILY. Lawyers have few higher callings than bringing the people together to discuss democracy. What happened to the AmeriCaN Dream? SORRY-thats classified. ReVeal NOT CONceal, People~over~Profit$, The Right OR Civil RIGHTS? DRE'$ = Democracy Reduction EnTiTies. Secret Vote Counting Delays OUR Dreams. ##############################

DoubleThink v2 point "oh!" (tags)

george herbert walker bush, a known member of the satanist 'Brotherhood of Evil Mutants' calling themselves "the Skull and Bones' was aCIA man for richard M. Nixon. During the infamous 'pentagon papers' scandal it was Bush who advisd Richard M. "tricky dick' nixon to resign -- because the lawyers and journalists investigating the ellsworth trials were getting very close to the sickening TRUTH --

Past Time for an Accounting of This Massive Fraud (tags)

The termination of the search for WMDs in Iraq, after the expenditure of several hundred million dollars and not a single sign of anything, should have the hounds after Bush and his neo-con advisers, but don’t bet on it. These guys don’t apologize, they just keep messing things up worse.

Strategy for Coping With The Bush Problem (tags)

Dispelling the Darkness (tags)

What are these towers for? Concentration camps in America?

Gulag, USA?? (tags)

Concentration camps in America? Feds set to toss millions of innocent Americans into gruesome factories of torture and death?… Could it be? Sounds preposterous. Yet…in this video, Texe Marrs marshals overwhelming evidence so convincing it boggles the mind.

The Secret (tags)

An essay about love, truth and world events

The Hill Takes a Leak on the Bush Bulge (tags)

A small Washington newsletter runs an anonymous Secret Service leak story attempting to debunk the Bush bulge as an armored vest, but raises more questions than it answers.

Technical Expert Confirms It: Bush is Wired (tags)

The Bush campaign still is claiming Bush isn’t wearing anything, and that he just has unusually large and oddly shaped wrinkles on the back of his clothes, but an expert says otherwise. He’s been wearing a high-tech earpiece at the debates.

Kerry and the War Issue: Seymour Hirsch (tags)

"The rapid ascent of the neoconservatives surprises him.. They thought the march to Baghdad was essentialf or the war against terror and that afterwards democracy would flow like water from a fountain!.."

The Secret Service Investigates Serious Threat to the President’s Balls (tags)

Homeland Security placed the nation at the highest terror threat level yesterday, red, as news of a new and credible threat to the President made its way around the Internet. Sue Niederer, mother of a US soldier killed in Iraq is reported to have publicly stated her desire to shoot the President in the “groined” area. Not since rumors alleging that Hitler had only one ball has a nation’s national security been threatened with such urgency.

Bush’s Trampling of Dissent: Kerry’s Chance to Stand Up for Civil Liberties (tags)

The ACLU has filed suit on behalf of a couple arrested at a Bush rally for wearing T-shirts saying “No Bush”—more evidence that this president has no respect for the Constitution or basic American values.

George W. Bush and his Watergate (tags)

"Bush's famous speech of January 2002 wherfe he described Iraq, Iran and North Korea as the axis of evil was written by David Frum, a neoconservative ally of Perle. The neoconservatives were the chief authors of Bush's war on terrorism since September 11.

Nader 2004 > Nader 2000 (tags)

The best kept secret of this presidential election year is that Ralph Nader has been polling better in 2004 than 2000, despite the relentless barrage of attacks by Anybody But Nader intellectuals. Compare the Gallop survey results in 2000 and 2004.



The Secrete War of Laos (tags)

The Secret War of Laos, Bombies and Abugrave What Does it all mean?

Secret police brotherhood targets activists (tags)

When police cannot cause protesters enough pain in jail, they hire thugs to follow up on activists..

Indy Media Now Censored? (tags)

Nebulous auto-replies to my queries have now been replaced by...nothing.

Security is Indivisible (tags)

The policy of preventive war has brought only chaos and disaster. The failure of this policy of Washington can be referred back to two errors. The first concerns the assumption that terrorism is the real sickness. The second is in overrating military weapons.

Secret Memos Connect Bush and the Global Campaign of Torture (tags)

In Washington, Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld fumed that the "distraction" of Abu Ghraib prison has to end. This theme has been taken up by the Republican Right. One congressman said that he was "outraged over the outrage."

Chemical Aurora Keyhole Surveillance (tags)

Occasional blue-border human source reports were hand carried to him throughout the day. Big red folders marked TOP SECRET TALENT KEYHOLE -- the code words for overhead surveillance -- arrived, containing reports of satellite and other reconnaisance photography... VEIL: The Secret Wars Of The CIA... Bob Woodward

Secret Service Wants (tags)

April 29th, 2004 From The Secret Service Wants Your Name: Will "subpeona" this web site By Bev Harris And by the way, they read every word. Hi, agent Mike. This "investigation" no longer passes the stink test. He says not to tell folks about the "investigating" they are doing. I have cooperated ad nauseum to this absurd investigation of the "VoteHere hack" which looks to me like it is something entirely different. I'll tell you what it looks like to me: A fishing expedition. It appears that they may be using the Patriot Act to circumvent some of the civil rights protections laid down in the 60s. You see, it is illegal for a government agency to go in and demand the list of all the members of a group. And you can't investigate leaks to journalists by going in and grabbing the reporter's computer. After the Diebold memos were leaked, and my web site was shut down, around the time of the California recall election, I started getting solicited to accept VoteHere software. I didn't bite, because it was obvious that this was an entrapment attempt. Okay, a word about VoteHere: This is the company that has no visible means of support. It doesn't seem to sell anything. Its board is heavily infested with defense industry types -- a former CIA director (Robert Gates, now heads George Bush School of Government); it had Admiral Bill Owens, also Vice-Chairman of SAIC and a member of the Defense Policy Board with Perle and Wolfowitz, a very close friend of Cheney; currently headed by former Washington Secretary of State Ralph Munro.

Bush Family (tags)

The former head of America's secret political police has three of his sons and their cronies, in and out of state and federal government,in various covert and reputed fraudulent enterprises. Family patriarch, George Herbert Walker Bush, has a lot to answer for, which the oil-soaked monopoly press never seems to question. The elder Bush, as we have demonstrated, together with three of his sons, George W., Jeb, and Neil, have 25 super secret bank accounts worldwide,through which they have laundered tens of BILLIONS of dollars of illicit funds from the dope traffic, from weapons smuggling, and clandestine and illegal gold smuggling overseas. The commissar of the Federal Reserve, Alan Greenspan, we prefer to label him Redspan, through his secret authorization codes, arranged the clandestine wire transfers for the Bush Family.[See our website series, "Greenspan Aids and Bribes Bush" and documents thereto attached.]

John Kerry Skull and Bones Link (tags)

Building Bridges Radio - The Secret White House Civil Rights Tapes of Pres. Johnson (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report brings you this 28 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON INDYMEDIA. LINK.

CHERYL SEAL EXCLUSIVE: Deep Throat II Reveals Secret Bush Agenda!! (tags)

Our mouse in the White House has done it again!! Another investigative triumph!

War On Terrorism is a Ruse/Secret Pentagon Climate Report (tags)

In other words the conservative elites are going after control the strategic oil supply throughout the world in order that they will have the fuel that their tanks, helicopters, fighter jets and troop transports will require to seaze control of what remains of the collapsing food and fresh water supply. The war on terrorism is simply just a ruse.

US Supreme court cover-up 911; Bush gov., CIA & NSA are behind 9-11 (tags)

Supreme court rejects appeal in secret sept. 11th case... Here the story that proofs why Bush government, CIA and NSA were behind 9-11 and therefore have to cover-up.

Kerry = Skull & Bones. just like Bush! -Nazi SS Death Head Brigade (tags)

Kerry is member of Skull & Bones from Yale university, an equivalent to the Nazi SS Death Head Brigade -> he confesses himself!

Freedom of Speech Bush Style (tags)

So this is America???

The Poisoned origin of Christmas (tags)

Thousands of years before Christianity even appeared, cultures all around the world were celebrating a similar holiday, with many of the traditions that we now associate with Christmas. What these cultures celebrated was the “Winter Solstice”... -----------------------------7d338a30f041c Content-Disposition: form-data; name="link"

Anti Defamation League (ADL) #5 (tags)

University professors who criticize AIPAC or the Anti-Defamation League's activities are placed on a black list and labeled anti-semitic. Their lectures are monitored by spies who occasionally stage noisy disruptions. Their homes and cars are vandalized. University alumni linked to ADL and AIPAC threaten to pull financial backing from the schools unless the targeted faculty members are immediately fired or blocked from tenure.

Anti Defamation League (ADL) (tags)

It is extremely dangerous what I am embarking upon, simply because so many people who have attempted to reveal this history previously have been killed in the process of doing it. I have no fear, and I will finish what I start, or someone will, because it needs to be done.

Editor of Kuwaiti Daily: Syria's Secret Service is Behind the 'Iraqi Resistance' (tags)

08 December, 2003 The Middle East Media Research Institute The November 1, 2003 conference of foreign ministers of the countries neighboring Iraq yielded numerous articles in the Arab press condemning Syria's pro-Saddam stance. Among the authors were editor of the Kuwaiti daily Al-Siyassa, Ahmad Al-Jarallah, and Iraqi opposition member and political commentator Dr. Riyadh Al-Amir. The following are excerpts from the articles

The Official Story of Sherrywood Forest (tags)

This beautiful bedtime story tells about The Sherrywood Forest.

Bush Makes Protesters 'Disappear' (tags)

Futher demonstrating their contempt for the Constitution and right of the people to express their opinions. Sieg Heil Mein Fuhrer. NOT!

The Coward goes to London (tags)

The government of secrecy that is crushing democracy in America, destroying the environment, and ennabling criminal corps like ExxonMobil and Bechtel to determine who will live and who will die, all the while fiddling toward Armageddon goes to London this week. Let's hope the English have enough national pride to transform the impact of bush the psychotic traitord travels into another foreign disaster for him to deny an lie about when he comes back to America.

Many Iraquis Have No Love For Palestinians, Who Were Saddam's Henchmen (tags)

a brief description of relations between Iraquis and Palestinians living in Iraq, now that the Palestinians have lost their "favored personage" status


According to data from 30-year-old government records given lately in public a secret plot was formed back then by developed countries in an attempt to limit first UN’s project concerning environment and pollution control. Reason? Simply would damage their economic development…


cheney is a terrorist massmurderer and war profiteer

RE - VOLT (tags)



"Dubya" is owned by the Red Chinese Secret Police. He lives a fraudulent life, not as a "Christian family man", traveling around now, and since an early age, with his male sex-mate, Mayor of a sizeable southern city. And a sworn enemy of the U.S., Red China, is using this to blackmail Bush, compelling him to turn over U.S. financial, industrial, and MILITARY secrets. Fitting the U.S. Constitution's definition of TREASON. (Article Three, Section 3.)

Overtime at Headquarters: Ray McGovern on CIA Manipulation (tags)

"Congress was deceived with the warning that Saddam Hussein would soon possess nuclear weapons. People shouldn't wait until a mushroom cloud provided the proof. In this atmosphere, representatives renounced on their constitutional rights."Trans from German

Who The Hell Is Who? (tags)

Sticking It To The Poobahs

US anti-war activists hit by secret airport ban (tags)

After more than a year of complaints by some US anti-war activists that they were being unfairly targeted by airport security, Washington has admitted the existence of a list, possibly hundreds or even thousands of names long, of people it deems worthy of special scrutiny at airports.

Another Bob inident (tags)

Space weapon assualt and contrail cover-up.

L.A. Times Cartoonist investigated by the Secret Service (tags)

L.A. Times Cartoonist Michael Ramirez is no Lalo Alcaraz, he's a deeply conservative fellow that fully supports Bush and the war on Iraq. Ramirez created a cartoon that supports Bush and portrays him as a victim being politically murdered for his attacking Iraq. Now Ramirez is being investigated by the Secret Service for his drawing!

Lawyer: Bush criminalizes criticism (tags)

Der Fuhrer is most displeased. Criticism is not allowed. Defense lawyer Lewis Pitts wants documents from state and federal authorities he said will prove his claim that Bursey "has been wrongly charged simply for criticizing the president."

Total Police State Takeover (tags)

A Brief Analysis of the Domestic Security Enhancement Act 2003, Also Known as Patriot Act II By Alex Jones (Posted Feb 10, 2003)

Petition For Chemtrail Disclosure (tags)

This is serious. Please read and take note. The government may be behind these phenomena, and we need to take note and possible immediate action.

Media Leviathan, U.S. Intelligence Form Secret Cabal (tags)

A quiet gathering of the media’s top elites to discuss mergers, with a keynote address by the head of the CIA, escaped mention in the mainstream press.

Warning! The USA Patriot Act and Other Dangerous Things (tags)


israels secret weapon (tags)

for those who havent seen the BBC documentary that has israels govt in anti-semitic hysterics, here is the transcript

BTL:Federal Court Upholds Secret Detentions; Another Victory for... (tags)

...White House Measures Eroding Civil Liberties. Interview with Arthur Spitzer, legal director of the ACLU's Washington, D.C. office conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

6/19 We Honor Ethel & Julius Rosenberg (tags)

The entire world honors the memory of Ethel and Julius Rosenberg on June 19, 2003, 50 years after the fascist US government, aided by their Zionist collaborators, murdered these two outstanding socialists and defenders of the workingclass to perpetrate fascism at home and war abroad. By defending their innocence and resisting fascism, the Rosenbergs literally broke the back of the Cold War. In these terrible times, with fascists attempting to make the USA as reactionary as Nazi Germany, their example is a lesson to us all.

Bush & Blair's Secret War Pact Revealed (tags)

...Tony Blair had made a secret agreement last summer with George Bush to invade Iraq in February or March, she claimed yesterday.


In clandestine meetings, over a period of months, the reportedly genuine documents were turned over to our research and investigation group by government officials clearly in an inside position to possess and confirm such data.

G.W. Bush: Drunk on Power (tags)

The president he got his wars folks don't know just what it's for; No one gives us a rhyme or reason have one doubt they call it treason. Eugene McDaniels "Compared to What?"

The Resistance Outs Republican Jen (tags)

Republican Jen placed a page on her website encouraging others to spam and harass protesters. She included a long list of protester email addresses. Payback is a bitch!

Government moves to make Patriot Act permanent (tags)

Congressional push to remove the sunset provisions from the Patriot Act some time before 2005. If the govt. truly seeks to make this country safer it should stop bombing innocent people around the world in its push for greater world hegemony. No amount of spying will create peace and safety in that climate.

Americans have good reason to be afraid of their leaders (tags)

But now here's an irony that no one expected. Back in America, complaining about America is the one thing that's pretty much disappeared, lost under the weight of a collective patriotism and increasing constitutional limitations.


The World's top Plutocrats and Monsters are having their annual shindig to decide how many millions of people are to be liquidated this year. These are the people who financed Hitler and others. One might call it a nexus of evil.

Secret units in desperate hunt for banned arsenal (tags)

It is a sign of the desperation in London and Washington to find a "smoking gun" to justify the war that the Anglo-American team has already conducted three inspections in the past two weeks. No banned weapons have so far been found.

Republicans Plan to make PATRIOT Act Permanent (tags)

If this goes through, it will effectively end 227 years of constitutional rule in America. WHERE ARE OUR CIVIL LIBERTIES? Where is the freedom that had made America great?

A History Of US Secret Human Experimentation (tags)

The phrase "we're from the Government we're here to help you" generally earns a nose wrinkle of mirthful derision. There is really little funny about the governments misdeeds in violating the rights of it's citizens by using them as unwitting "experimental animals".

The Bush Dynasty (tags)

Had enough yet?

The Overthrow Of The American Republic - Part 30 (tags)

Where lie the Buried Bodies?

Terrorist brandishing lethal weapon. (tags)

Top secret photograph of terrorist operative shown to George Bush during defense briefing and leaked to the press by unknown sources.

Britain's dirty secret (tags)

A chemical plant which the US says is a key component in Iraq's chemical warfare arsenal was secretly built by Britain in 1985...

Iraq files UN complaint that US may be planting evidence in secret missions (tags)

Given Washington's desperation to "justify" war, I wouldn't doubt it a bit.

CMF this week: Greg Palast/Andrea Robbins on Skull & Bones, George W.'s secret society (tags)

CMF this week: Greg Palast/Andrea Robbins on Skull & Bones, George W.'s secret society

Secret project 'MIRAGE' (tags)

The secret plan to block out and to thwart the abnormal war ambitions of the Bush administrations

Bush Daddy Crop (tags)

It's like Bush Daddy was farming poopheads.


Protest for


A large coalition of local human justice groups joined together to protest Henry Kissinger's appearance at the Los Angeles Univeral Ampitheater

STOP THE FBI! STOP THE PATRIOT ACT! Converge at Westwood Federal Building, Jan 24! (tags)


Protest @ Westwood Federal Building, Jan 24th, 03 - 1 year anniversary of FBI raid on RTF! (tags)


Lawsuit against the U.S. over AIDS origin (tags)

AIDS found to have U.S. laboratory origins

Reversal of Fortune part III - Regime Change (tags)

Now we explore the actual day that started the disraveling of democracy: November 22, 1963.

Covert military ops ordered for North Korea? (tags)

I cut and pasted this article from the main IMC newswire. This could be VERY IMPORTANT.

Dossier Nigeria (Top Secret) (tags)

Dossier Nigeria (Top Secret)

9/11 In Context: Plans and Counterplans (tags)

The Global Fascist Terror State has arrived, the fruit of decades of planning, propaganda and provocation. September 11 was its coming-out party, and for us, the last wake-up call.

War Powers Abuses (tags)

Discussion of specifics regarding FBI's abuse of power.

The Momentum Continues (tags)

Texans welcoming pResident Bush back to his self-adopted home, cuz you know , he's really not a Texan.

Cheney, Rumsfeld Help Coverup CIA Scientist's Murder (tags)

Secret documents have revealed that Vice President Dick Cheney and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld helped cover up the murder of former senior CIA scientist Frank Olson, a key member of the CIAs secret brainwashing programme MK-ULTRA.

Bush Daddy Alert! (tags)

Beware the calamity that arises from Bush Daddy!. Note: "Perpetual War" is good; but consider that WW II is still going on with the "closeted" Third Reich.


The Terrorism Information and Prevention System, or TIPS, means the US will have a higher percentage of citizen informants than the former East Germany through the infamous Stasi secret police. The program would use a minimum of 4 per cent of Americans to report "suspicious activity".

The murky deals that fuelled international terrorism By Giles Foden (tags)

During the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan, US officials passed billions in funding and training to the mojahedin.

Conspiracy Theories and Clandestine Politics (tags)

A useful analysis of distinctions which should be maintained between "conspiracy theory" (a pathological orientation) and "clandestine [or "deep"] politics". From Lobster #29, June 1995.



911 Warnings (tags)

see below... even pravda is providing better news than the US....

Benefit Concert for Raise The Fist! (tags)


Secret USA Global Shadow Government (Ver.8) (tags)

Secret USA Global Shadow Government (Ver.8)

Secret Global Shadow Government (Ver.7) (tags)

Secret Global Shadow Government (Ver.7)

Secret Global Shadow Government (Ver.6) (tags)

Secret Global Shadow Government (Ver.6)


"Music for Freedom" Benefit show for Raise The Fist (flyer)

Secret Global Shadow Government (Ver.5) (tags)

Secret Global Shadow Government (Ver.5)

Secret USA Shadow Government (Ver.4) (tags)

Secret USA Shadow Government (Ver.4)

Secret USA Shadow Government (Ver.3) (tags)

Secret USA Shadow Government (Ver.3)

Secret USA Shadow Government (Ver.2) (tags)

Secret USA Shadow Government (Ver.2)

Secret USA Shadow Government (Ver. 2) (tags)

Secret USA Shadow Government (Ver.2)

Secret USA Shadow Government (tags)

Secret USA Shadow Government


raisethefist has been shut down.

(Video) Quebec 2001: The Battle Against the F.T.A.A. (tags)

34 heads of state. 6,000 cops. 60,000 protesters. Two miles of chain link. One secret document. A journey through the historic protests against the Free Trade Area of the Americas in Quebec City, April 2001.

FBI Investigates "Anti-American" Art (tags)

The investigation, he said, was part of Attorney General John Ashcroft's anti-terrorism campaign.

CA Appeals Court Rules DeCSS Legal (tags)

A California Appeals Court overturns a lower trial courts DeCSS injunction, ruling it a violation of First Amendment

Edison Bailout Blocked by Federal Court of Appeals (tags)

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit this morning temporarily stayed the secret bailout deal signed by Southern California Edison and The California Public Utilities Commission (PUC) four weeks ago today. That deal would force ratepayers to pay between $3.3 and $4.9 billion to Edison. The emergency stay allows attorneys for The Utility Reform Network to argue its case against the bailout settlement before the U.S. District Court.

Taleban defector turns back on torture (tags)

A DEFECTOR from the Taleban’s secret police has described how he was commanded to “find new ways of torture so terrible that the screams will frighten crows from their nests and if the person survives he will never again have a night’s sleep”.

unprecedented secret massacres (tags)

you know i just cannot get over how the secret massacre well it was told by a really weird right wing hawk that he was going to massacre people and the nongovernmental organizations with unprecendented secrecy and I am confident he is actually doing it its all to weird this is my last g8 protest this place is just to much to be able to endure



Salo, or the 3 Days of Genoa (tags)

As the United States Navy’s Aircraft Carrier U.S.S. Enterprise and her battlegroup held their position off the coast of Italy to ”protect” The G8 Summit, the Italian secret police carried out a brutal attack on the journalists in the offices of IndyMedia Italy in Genoa. This brutal attack has propelled The IndyMedia Revolution into international fame. Read on to find out what the Italian secret police were really after and what this beckons for the future of The IndyMedia Revolution.

Simon Wiesenthal Makes Rare Public Statement From His Home In Vienna (tags)

Simon Wiesenthal has made a rare public statement in support of Israel. Simon Wiesenthal, a Nazi death camp survivor, is perhaps the most respected Jewish humanitarian of the post-holocaust era and brought over 1100 Nazi War Criminals to justice before retiring. At age 92, Wiesenthal rarely makes public statements and lives in seclusion at his home in Vienna, Austria under heavy security, reportedly provided by Israel's Mossad Secret Secret Service.

Meet the Secret Rulers of the World: (tags)

Spare yourself the expense of travelling from Quebec to the next session of the WTO. Voyage to Sonoma County and muster against Secret World Government which, let's face it, isn't exactly secret: it is called Bohemian Grove.


Officer Friendly protects the President at the Century Plaza Hotel, Los Angeles, May 29th.

New DEA Chief Complicit in Mena Drug Scandal, New Book Claims (tags)

Why did Asa Hutchinson, George W. Bush’s new appointee to head the DEA, agree to become the marketing “poster boy" for a company that had just been taken public by a lawyer and close associate of major drug smuggler Barry Seal?


On the evening of Saturday, April 21, a day during which tens of thousands demonstrated against the FTAA in the streets of Quebec City, the Independent Media Center in Seattle was served with a sealed court order by two FBI agents and an agent of the US Secret Service. The terms of the sealed order prevented IMC volunteers from publicizing its terms; volunteers immediately began discussions with legal counsel to amend the order. This morning, April 27, Magistrate Judge Monica Benton issued an amended order, freeing us to discuss the situation without the threat of being held in contempt.

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