fix articles 12924, nazi rally
Neo-Nazi rally and counter protest
here is a video I made from Saturday's counter-protest.
L.A. P.D. Undercovers @ Nazi Rally (tags)
Photos taken on 4/17/2010 of L.A. P.D. undercovers at the Nazi Rally. In total there were about 15 undercovers working the crowd throughout the event.
Short report on the Downtown Anti-Nazi protest (tags)
LOS ANGELES, April 17, 2010 – Neo-Nazi groups staged a demonstration today on the steps of City Hall. About 25 Nazis in full uniform and with Swastika flags marched to City Hall under the escort of hundreds of police. Police created a wide buffer zone between the Nazi rally and a large crowd of counter protesters estimated at around 500 people.
ANTIFA VICTORY! Nazi Rally in Riverside Broken Up (tags)
The Nazi rally in Riverside today was broken up by Antifa and Brown Beret demonstrators. Of the 3 nazi flags they had, 2 were torn from their hands, ripped to shreds and burnt, and the only one they kept was almost ripped from their hands and they had to sustain several blows to keep it.
12:30 pm – Breaking News - Community Shuts Down Nazi Rally in Riverside. (tags)
Anti-fascist activists are declaring victory in shutting down a Nazi rally in Riverside.
Breaking news: Anti-Nazi rally right now in Riverside (tags)
Counter-protest against Nazis happening right now in Riverside, California (9/26 @ 11 am)
Rally Against Racism - Protest Nazi March in Riverside (tags)
The Nazis have not yet announced where their rally will be, and will not do so until Friday, they say. So instead of letting this disorganize us, we are just going to go ahead and schedule our anti-Nazi rally for 10 am to 11 am (or a little after) on the public right-of-way right next to Riverside City Hall, at Tenth and Main Streets. It is a "Rally Against Racism," intended to counteract the Nazi message of hate, division, and scapegoating of immigrants and minorities.
Call to Action Against National Neo-Nazi Rally in Lansing, Michigan (tags)
Call to Action Against National Neo-Nazi Rally in Lansing, Michigan
Nazi Rally in Lake Forest (tags)
Nazi Rally in Lake Forest. Come protest the next David Dukkke.