fix articles 13004, dairy
Underreported Cause Of Covid-19 Deaths In US And Elsewhere (tags)
The filthiest places in any country are the slaughterhouses. Animals are defecating and urinating in terror. Their blood spills everywhere. Slaughterhouses throughout the US as well as in England, Wales, Portugal, France, Germany, The Netherlands etc have been hotspots for Covid-19 transmission.
Oprah Please Stop Selling Dead Animal Pieces (tags)
Meat, mammal and bird flesh, comes from the hideous suffering of animals who were murdered. It is the least efficient of all foods, yielding 100 to 1000 pounds of food per acre in comparison to the most efficient, tree products, which when allowed to live to an old age, yield 2 tons or more of food or 450,000 lbs per acre. Meateaters contract cancers, heart attacks, strokes, Alzheimer's, food poisoning, kidney disease, obesity. Cattle ranches hasten climate extremes of drought, fire, baking summers and freezing winters.
Why Choose Nut Milk Over Cows' Milk (tags)
Nut milks have no animal fat, carcinogenic female hormones, salmonella, listeria, antibiotics. They are not derived from animal slavery, suffering, and murder. They help to reforest the planet, use much less human labor, water and energy in production.
Nestle Murder Of Billions Of Animals, Child Slavery, Worker Abuse, Theft Of Water (tags)
15 Colombian union workers assassinated in Colombia, Thailand child slavery, mammal murder for meat for 142 years, vivisection, theft of the world's water, monopolistic tactics, pricegouging
Shame On Meat And Dairy Invested Cornell For Latest Disinformation (tags)
Animal torturing, meat and dairy invested Cornell University is spreading disinformation
Dreyer's, Another Ice Cream Maker, Is Owned By Nestle (tags)
Breyer's, processor of ice cream, has run a deceptive ad on IHeart (formerly Clear Channel) stations, which cites the FDA and alleges cows' milk with growth hormone is not significantly different from cows' milk without. Dreyer's is one of many companies owned by Nestle's, a company attempting to privatize the world's water, a factor in California drought with its illegal draining of Sacramento's reservoir, and a major abuser of animals.
19 Ways the USDA Kills People, Animals, Birds, And/Or Trees (tags)
From killing tens of millions of birds for corporate farms, 'controlled' burns which in uncontrolled fashion burn many square miles of plants, censorship of Mad Cow and other spongiform encephalopathy diseases, to requiring taxpayers to subsidize fast food ads overseas and torturing animals in a 55 square mile USDA complex in Nebraska, the USDA is a major cause of human disease, animal agony, environmental destruction, and energy waste.
CDC Lies In Calling Cigarettes The Number 1 Cause Of Preventable Death (tags)
Since its founding in 1946, the CDC has by censorship, distortion and falsehood hidden the cause of the majority of deaths in the US which is the consumption of animal and fish cadavers as well as eggs and dairy products.
Al Sharpton 170 lb. wt. loss as Vegan (tags)
With 55 to 60% of Americans overweight from heavy meat, fish and dairy diets, many show us a better way
The Average Vegan Weighs 23 Lbs Less Than The Average Nonvegetarian (tags)
While a newspaper columnist promotes toxic food, numerous studies establish that vegans and fruitarians are more slender and healthful
Food Stamp Fraud Begins In USDA Which Subsidizes Multinational Butchers , Dairy Cow Abuses (tags)
The USDA since the inception of the food stamp program has spent trillions subsidizing the butchers and dairy interests which cause many kinds of disease, environmental waste and animal agony.
Califorina ~ Pan African Trade Grows Jobs and Profits (tags)
Can Califorina Pan African Trade and Commerce quantify and expand job creation and economic development? The South African effort in California is worthy of support.
Nina Planck is the author of "Real Food: What to Eat and Why.''
Business Owners, Workers Charge Israel Deliberately Targeted Lebanon's Economy (tags)
Business owners and factory workers in Lebanon are charging that Israel deliberately targeted the Lebanese economy in its month-long offensive. Democracy Now! producer Ana Nogueira files a report from Beirut on the long-lasting effects of the conflict on Lebanon's economy. [includes rush transcript] We turn now to Lebanon. The Israeli military's chief of staff was quoted as saying the Israeli army will complete a pullout from southern Lebanon within a few days.
Anai Rhoads Ford Interview Part II (tags)
This interview talks about animal rights, anti-war, vaccines and other issues. Posting it here too...
Anai Rhoads Ford Interview Part II (tags)
Chow: Do you think PETA is sincere? Rhoads Ford: Far from it. They do "some" good, but their corporate style and internal undemocratic environment is disheartening. I saw people hired and fired over nothing, but more notably for not being compatible with Ingrid NewKirk's tightfisted rules.
Eating More Veggies Can Help Save Energy (tags)
f humans switched from a meat-based diet to a plant-based one, the world's petroleum reserves would last 260 years, as opposed to 13.