fix articles 130354, propositions
Nov 2010 California Propositions; Voting by mail starts 10/4, Registration Ends 10/18 (tags)
Another election is upon us with lots of important ballot propositions. The only 2 parties worth considering are Peace & Freedom Party and the Green Party. Voting by mail starts October 4, 2010. Voter registration ends October 18, 2010. When you register, sign up for Vote by Mail so you never forget to vote.
June 8 Cal election: Yes on 15; No on the Rest (tags)
The California June 8 primary is less than a month away and absentee voting has started. There are some very serious state propositions to vote on: Yes on 15 and No on the Rest, especially No on 14, 16 and 17. Leonard Martin for School Superintendent. You do not have to vote on everything, but please vote.
Socialist Stewart Alexander on California Props, VOTE NO! (tags)
Propositions 1A through 1E, on the May 19, 2009 ballot, is a recipe for higher taxes and cuts in services statewide. Proposition 1F was placed on the ballot to make voters feel empowered in dealing with a State Legislature that moves from one budget crisis to another. The bottom line for Proposition 1F, it will accomplish absolutely nothing.
Yes on 1A Through 1F May 19 (tags)
California's latest state budget deal requires passage of Propositions 1A through 1F on the May 19 special-election ballot. Though the measures have flaws, progressives need to unite behind them because their defeat will be a tremendous political victory for the anti-government, anti-human radical Right and will require even more desperate cutbacks in state education, health care and social service funding than their passage.
First propositions to the first international WS at Curitiba, Parana, Brazil. (tags)
Watch de WS now by Bringing interest rates to international levels, give some predictability to the exchange, restore the credit to producers and consumers, are some of the measures deemed urgent by businessmen, economists and authorities attending the event.
Defeat Right-Wing Ballot Measures (tags)
No on California Propositions 4, 6, 8, and 9! In tomorrow's Nov. 4 election, a number State and Local ballot propositions will be voted on by the public. Many of the propositions have been sponsored by right-wing interests in order to push a racist, bigoted agenda that aims to do away with hard-won rights.
Today voters need to beware when going to the polls to vote because much is at stake. Voters need to study the propositions and read their Official Voter Information Guide; and for those who will not, they need to vote no to spending their hard earn dollars and the future savings of our children. Voters should not be persuaded by expensive TV commercials because those commercials are more expensive than what we can realize.
California Propositions: Billions For Special Interest (tags)
When Governor Schwarzenegger ran for office in 2003 he promised to work for the people of California and not for the special interest, now in 2006 Arnold Schwarzenegger has become the champion of special interest groups. The 2006 bond and tax package, presented by the governor and the state legislature, is the worst package ever offered to California voters in the state’s history.
This is the beautiful day for the California ! We won every CA propositions pushed by CA Gov. Schwarzenegger and his corporate allies/anti-abortion forces, the CA voters overwhelmingly rejected Prop. 73, 74, 75, 76, 77 and 78!
Voting Recommendations by (tags)
A list of recommendations for progressives for the November 8th special election
Schwarzenegger's Dreams of Dictators (Read Before You Vote!) (tags)
In case you, your friends, or your family need another reason to vote "NO" on Propositions 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, and 78, consider these quotes from power-hungry Governor Arnold:
California Election Web Forum (tags)
A sleepy forum to advocate or defend your favorite (or most hated) propositions.
Los Angeles Green Party recommendations on the MANY ballot propositions (tags)
Los Angeles Green Party recommendations for the NUMEROUS ballot propositions are up on our website:
California Election Web Forum (tags)
The California Election Web Forum is a message board where people can discuss the various propositions.
10/4/04 Voting Starts in California (tags)
Vote by mail, also known as absentee voting, starts on October 4, 2004 in California. As always, the big issues on the ballot are the propositions and are the reason why every who can should vote in every election. Are you registered? Have you received your 2 voter handbooks? Have you signed up to be a permanent absentee voter so you vote in every election?