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richard wolff

Trump and the Danger of Fascism (tags)

Peace is the imperative that should outweigh escalation and the unspeakable risk of global war! The constitutional state must not be confused with the security state or the emergency state as Rousseau and the social contract must not be confused with Thomas Hobbes and the punishing or fearsome state. People would fight endlessly without the state or Leviathan, he said.

America: The Right Wave is Broken (tags)

Morales' return was made possible by the victory of his left-wing movement for socialism (Movimiento al Socialismo, MAS) in the first democratic elections after a coup a year ago, on November 10, 2019. In his first speech after returning home, Morales affirmed that there was no fraud in the 2019 election.

The Social State in the Age of Global Capitalism (tags)

Welcome to techno-corporate feudalism-where the richest three Americans have more wealth than 160 million, where the wealthiest 86 have more wealth than 3.6 billion, where the foul-mouthed cancelled free school lunches for 1 million and where market distortions rule.

Socialist Animalism (tags)

Free collection of articles.

Video: Left Forum on Thomas Paine 1 hr, 23 min (tags)

BookTV going back more than ten years is an incredible resource turning life into an open door. The future could be open and dynamic, sharing work and exchanging roles, as cloud workers and dream catchers!

Video: Taming Capitalism Run Wild : Richard Wolff (tags)

The system must be changed because the system leads to stagnant wages over 30 years, totally inadequate creation of family-wage jobs, education for the elite and destruction of nature. A public debate on job creation and shriveling the financial sector is vital.

Ten Theses on the Crisis and its Solution (tags)

Problems don't disappear when they are ignored. Deregulation is a collective and political crisis. Language and democracy are endangered when arsonists are called firefighters, when private losses become public losses and crime in the suits is normalized as a business model.

Detroit Mirrors America's Decline (tags)


America's Deplorable State of the Union (tags)

class war

Institutionalized Inequality in America (tags)

class war

Obama/Boehner Two-Step (tags)

class war

Self-directed workers as a “cure for capitalism” (tags)

Employees themselves should make the decisions concerning the business. They can consider a far wider set of issues and concerns about adopting new technology, or any other strategic decision, thereby fully weighing the effects on themselves, their families and their communities.

Democracy in Crisis: The Terror of the Economy is a Danger to Democracy (tags)

There is a powerful crisis dynamic that is stronger than the will of the sovereign and its democratic institutions. When capital relations fall into crisis, everything can be instrumentalized: the basic law, democracy, human rights and human life. Economic pressure creates extremism of middle.

Economist Richard Wolff Supports "Lesser" Evil Voting (tags)

We finally heard from the self-proclaimed Marxist economist, Richard Wolff, on the presidential elections, on KPFA, 94.1 FM, 6 p.m. news, 7/15/12, on his view of the elections and it was a shameful, anti-Marxist, lesser evil line, especially considering Wolff is a founding member of the Connecticut Green Party.

America's Left and Romney's Economic Agenda (tags)

Axel-Fair Schulz is a professor of political science at the State University of New York, Potsdam.

BTL:European Economic Crisis, Austerity Measures, Resistance Portend Future of U.S. Econom (tags)

Interview with Richard Wolff, economics professor emeritus at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst, now visiting professor at the New School University's graduate program in international affairs, conducted by Scott Harris

Video: Robert Pollin onOccupy Movement and Demands (tags)

Social justice, solidarity and sharing open doors while unrestrained deregulation leads to exploding inequality and generalized insecurity.

Class War in America (tags)

class war

BTL:GOP, Big Winners of Trickle-Down Policies, Now Charge They are Victims of "Class Warfa (tags)

Interview with Richard Wolff, professor of economics at New School University, conducted by Scott Harris

The Truth About "Class War" in America (tags)

According to the myth, higher profits lead to greater investments and more jobs. In truth, higher profits lead to speculation in foreign currencies and corporations buying back their own stock. In the 50s and 60s when the top tax rate was 90%, job creation and growth occurred.

Videos on Debt and Recession: Michael Hudson, Richard Wolff and Dean Baker (tags)

We face a worldwide downward spiral and the capture and instrumentalization of the state by big capital. We face a repressed 40-year crisis of capital, a neoliberal counter-revolution of reduced corporate taxes, wage stagnation, language distortion and state indebtedness,

Money and Justice (tags)

We live on credit, shift costs and risks into the future and make possible a prosperity with the help of a policy of cheap money that is paid for by others. An interest-free money system would be a counter model to the growth pressure inherent in the present system.

Class Warfare Jeopardizing American Workers' Security (tags)

waging war against vital social benefits

The Banking and Financial Crisis (tags)

"The transition from a long-term to a short-term orientation went along with the exaggerated profit goals. The approach of shareholder value sets maximum profits and dividends in the center of business policy and no longer long-term investments and the interests of employees.."

A Financial Boom Despite the Crisis (tags)

For the banks, deficit state budgets become important clients. They compensate the private demand for credit. The financial boom is completely based on support measures of state organs. An economic upswing is not in sight.

Worldwide Economic Crisis: Two Opposite Models as Answers (tags)

In a large part of the population, there is a consensus that capitalism has no answers to the great social challenges of social security, hunger and climate change. An alternative investment program (emphasizing children, culture and climate change) gives a long-term answer.

Life after the Peak: Capitalism and the Market Economy (tags)

All over the world there are experiments with renewable energy, solidarity economies and non-profit economic forms. A growth acceleration law will be absurd when fossil energy runs out. We will need a growth de-acceleration law.

Will the Great Depression Be Repeated? (tags)

Global trade fell 30 percent three years after the crash. The US gross domestic product shriveled 40 percent. In 1932, every fourth American was without a job. In Germany, industry only produced half of what was produced three years before.

VIDEO: Noam Chomsky and Friends at the UN (tags)

This panel took place on June 23, 2009.

Risk Development and Dollar Inflation (tags)

Two articles by emeritus professor Elmar Altvater reveal the contradictions of credit or bubble prosperity in the counter-revolution of capital. As work cannot define us, competitiveness and profit maximization do not define the human experience Speculation could bring a new feudalism..

Bailout Jobs, Not Banks! (tags)

The real state of German public finance is kept secret from the public although the public should pay the bill. Union leaders parrot the fairy-tale of the evil bankers who alone caused the whole debacle. Automakers produce for the storage yard

Welch's Marvelous Transformation (tags)

Nearly all the excesses summarized unter the terms turbo- or casino capitalism are based on the ideology of shareholder value: the rule of financial markets over the real economy, the short-term and short-sightedness of shareholders and waves of rationalizations."

The End of Neoliberalism and the Crisis of Capitalism (tags)

"Guaranteeing the social infrastructure and social security for everyone should be central instead of guarantees for banks and corporations and socialization and democratization of the economy instead of nationalization!"

VIDEO: A House of Cards: Richard Wolff (tags)

Most of economics depends on consuming. When employers stop raising wages, you force a dilemma on people. Borrowing substitutes for wages. We took on unprecedented debt and built a house of cards.

VIDEO: Capitlaism Hits the Fan (tags)

Richard Wolff teaches economics at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. From 1820 to the 1970s, higher productivity led to higher wages. In the last 30 years there has been an explosion of profit along with stagnant wages.

Monetary and Fiscal Failure, Fraud, and Fear of What's Next (tags)

looting the treasury continues with militarism ready to confront dissent

Systemic Failure: Capitalism "Lays an Egg" (tags)

deepening economic crisis

From Real Estate Speculation to Collapse of Global Deficit Economy (tags)

Joy to the world, the world of fallen idols and bubble transfer. The truth will set us free but the truth is a process, not a cudgel or stimulus. After the dot-com bubble, trillions were "invested" in real estate speculation. The crisis of the work society is the background for low interests.

Google video: Capitalism Hits the Fan-A Marxian View (tags)

Richard Wolff, a professor of economics at UMass Amherst, talks on the current "financial" crisis and capitalism in general. A form of socialism is presented as a possibility for exhausted and anxiety-ridden workers.

The Global Economic Crisis - Bad and Worsening (tags)

the crisis is deepening

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