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San Francisco - Still keeping Truth Out (tags)
Fauci a No Show at Hearing on COVID-19 Origins. Dr. Anthony Fauci — who has faced a wave of scrutiny in recent weeks over criticism that he flip-flopped on his messaging on coronavirus rules and mandates, including mask wearing — declined to appear.
Giving Money to People is The Only Way, Says French Bank's Chief' Economist (tags)
For monetary policy to boost demand, the only solution is helicopter money (Patrick Artus).
KPFK Updating: a coup? or failure? or.... (tags)
KPFK may be the vital part of Pacifica's failure and the maybe sell-off to privatize a take-over... or only a part of Pacifica's failures in administrative management, or any competent oversight, or their following CA state required audits and elections, and honest business practices, accounting, and many more lapses...that have already occurred. Updating some info for what is barely revealed to paid-up KPFK stakeholders.
Xingu Under Attack:Letter No. 7: the federal Government (Brazil), we want back (tags)
His Government said that if we left the construction site, we would be heard. We went out peacefully-and prevent you from spending a lot of shame in taking the force here. Even so, we have not been met. The Government has not received us. We call by Minister Gilberto Carvalho and it didn’t come.
Benigno S. "Noynoy" Aquino III: The new face of counterrevolution (tags)
The PESANTE BULETIN learned today through the ANG BAYAN, the official newsletter of the revolutionary movement in the Philippines published in the internet that last July 7, 2010 said that " Benigno "Noynoy" Aquino III is the new face of counterrevolution. Formally installed on June 30 as the new head of the puppet reactionary government. He is now the main advocate of US imperialist rule and that of the local big comprador bourgeoisie, bureaucrat capitalists and landlords. On his shoulders rests the main responsibility of continuing the administration of the bankrupt semicolonial and semifeudal system, consolidating and running its state and suppressing any challenge to puppet reactionary power." The revolutionary newspaper also said that :' Just as US imperialism and the local ruling classes expected of him, Aquino focused his first few days on consolidating the puppet army. Aquino is well aware that the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) is the main pillar of reactionary rule in the Philippines.
Why The U.S. Government Hates Venezuela (tags)
The propaganda wheels are turning fast. The barrage of anti-Venezuela misinformation that began while Bush was in office has intensified in recent months. Not a week goes by without the U.S. mainstream media running at least one story about the “dictatorial” Venezuelan government. Historically, the U.S. government’s foreign policy “coincidentally” matches the opinion of the media and vice versa.
WOMEN party-list Babae para sa Kaunlaran (BABAE KA) today categorically denied that it is a stooge of Malacañang even as it challenged Gabriela party-list to file a formal complaint. Sally Dagami, BABAE KA chairperson, said that, “For the nth time, we want the Filipino people to know that BABAE KA party-list is not a Malacañang-backed organization. BABAE KA has not requested and has not received a single centavo from the government.”
Hezbollah banks on home-ground advantage (tags)
By Sami Moubayed
Schwarzenegger Leaves Poor, Middle Class Behind (tags)
Governor Schwarzenegger has lead the State of California during a period of economic growth however the conditions for the poor and middle classes have been on the decline during the governor term in office and inflation has soared to monumental levels. The governor boasts how well the economy is doing but he has not seen the poor in the neighborhoods of Oakland, Los Angeles and San Diego. He has not seen the homeless in Riverside, Santa Monica and Santa Barbara. Their ranks are growing daily.
In the book "Fidel Castro, a two-voiced biography," published by the Debate Publishing House, the Cuban president told Ignacio Ramonet information not previously released about the events of April 2002 in Venezuela.
Former Animal Liberation Front Warrior Rodney Coronado Indicted for Making Speech (tags)
Communiqu from the NAALPO
Pope calls for another crusade (tags)
Jerusalem is surrounded.
The Fifth World Social Forum (tags)
In the debates hardly any doubt existed in Porto Alegre that this alternative solidarian economy cannot be an island in the furious ocean of the capitalist world market. Thisalternative economy needs state assistance.
Pesky Citizens Will Not Shut Up! (tags)
Call to Action June 5th, 2004 (tags)
A call to action against the G-8 on the night of June 5, 2004.
The Smirk Has Not Been Wiped From the Chimp's Face. (tags)
(Iran and Bush Regime's Pretext to War.)
Bush-Linked Company Handled Security For WTC and Dulles Airport (tags)
Oh. And here's one about Marvin Bush ( Yup, there's a Marvin Bush), and his ties to WTC and Dulles airport security. Again, credit the author. Hey Hollywood! Why haven't you been exposing them? ( By the way, the mobster mentioned in Hopsickers blueprint of Jeb Bush and Florida terror training, drug smuggling flight school associated with Jeb and "company", Alvin Molvik, is also providing Michael Jackson with his attorneys for his present case... By the way? Have you read anything about the CIA's and Saudis involvement in child-kidnapping, slavery, pedophile ring? Plenty of info available, including data from Center For Missing And Exploited Children. Anyway, again, credit the discoverers and investigators.
The Coalition of Disaster (tags)
Cairo - Washington and London "have lost the war politically" and their campaign in Iraq is "heading to a disaster", British Middle East expert and journalist Patrick Seale wrote in an article published on Friday.
COUPWATCH: The Senate Is Racist And It Must Die! (tags)
It's not really news that the US Senate is a racist institution. It has not one black member in it, and has had only two black members in all of living memory. That alone is enough to tell you that it's a racist institution, but it only begins to scratch the surface. More to the point, the Senate has not one seat that represents a majority-black constituency. The failure to support the Congressional Black Congress protest of the Florida election said it all. The failure to defeat Ashcroft only added the exclamation mark. The Senate is racist and it must die!