fix articles 13268, respect
The education crisis - just a symptom of general social failure (tags)
One aspect of our society, which is oriented towards self-interest rather than the common good, is that the systemic relevance of education is increasingly taking a back seat to being a market to be served and a nice playground for endless political debates and reforms with little substance, the main aim of which is to preserve the market and the hereditary farms...
Video: How to Know if Your Country Is Heading Toward Despotism, 10 min (tags)
Nobody likes a despot — even despots know it. But actually identifying despotism can pose a certain difficulty — which despots also know, and they’d surely like to keep it that way. Hence Encyclopedia Britannica’s Despotism, a ten-minute Erpi Classroom Film on how a country slides into that eponymous state.
Duplicitous US State of Emergency with Iran (tags)
Iran Inaugurates President Rohani (tags)
Goldman Sachs Trader Conviction: Hold the Cheers (tags)
class war
The Chemical Weapons Hoax (tags)
U.S. diplomat killed in Libya (tags)
The more Americans cry, the more other people will laugh at them.
The Loss of Respect of the Economic Elite is Enormous (tags)
The embedding of the market and the economy in the civil society is the challenge of the 21st century. Tax shelters or havens must be closed. The wealthiest 400 Americans have more wealth than 150 million people. Time for Plan B, alternative economics and reduced working hours!
Israeli-Style Ceasefires (tags)
AL CAPONE is the Founding Father of American foreign policy.
Mindanao, Philippines: Community wants GPH-NDF to leave them in peace (tags)
LANTAD, Balingasag, Misamis Oriental (MindaNews/25 May) ? The people in what used to be a ?liberated? zone of the communist New People?s Army (NPA) has approved today the ?Lantad Manifesto? asking both the Government of the Philippines (GPH) and the umbrella organization of the armed communists, the National Democratic Front (NDF), to respect their right to self-determination and peace.
It is high time that you practice professionalism in media, Mr. Carolla. On behalf of the Filipino American immigrants and the Filipino people whom you have unnecessarily hurt, we demand a real and genuine public apology from you . This time we will not take your racial tirade sitting down. We are writing to your sponsors for them to withdraw their support as your program is not worthy of public trust and respect.
Brutalizing Palestinian Children (tags)
state-sponsored terrorism against children
two wheels standing up for rights (tags)
Things to do after being snubbed by a car
The Echo Park Community Coalition (EPCC) based in Los Angeles county called on the management of the Hyatt Regency hotel in Long Beach to be fair in evaluating Ben's Orenlas suspension. As members of the community of Long Beach ,we are asking for a fair process and that he is treated with equal respect. Ben Orenlas, a Filipino Hotel worker at Hyatt who has worked for the Hyatt for 8 years. He was once rewarded at he Hyatt for being the best worker in the Kitchen. He was suspended by the management last Friday.
Honduran President Zelaya earns high marks for governance (tags)
"MCC's eligibility criteria include a commitment to "just and democratic governance." The pattern of actions taken by Honduras beginning on June 28, 2009, is inconsistent with this commitment and MCC's eligibility criteria. For the record, under the Zelaya administration, according to the MCC fiscal year 2010 scorecard, Honduras turned in grades well above passing with respect to “political rights,” “civil liberties” and “voice and accountability” — the latter, described by MCC, as “the ability of institutions to protect civil liberties; the extent to which citizens of a country are able to participate in the selection of governments; and the independence of the media.”
Balikatan 09: A Disguised Psy-War Operation (tags)
This is a reaction to the PDI article last January 9, titled “RP-US ‘Balikatan’ goes to Bicol; no war games. The US Armed Forces as well as Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) are blatantly deceiving the public of the real purpose of Balikatan 09 to be held here in Bicol.
When I was a student at the University of Connecticut I experienced an assortment of racist and bigoted behavior. The behavior was directed at myself primarily and had to do with post – 9/11 bigotry. Much of it centered on feelings of patriotism vs. non-patriotism. Some of the inspiration for this mood can even be attributed to the paranoid sentiments of false patriotism spread by the now outgoing administration.
Rev. Billy on Black Friday (tags)
this is something he sent out. it's not related to the man who was killed at walmart.
fbi's CJIS Must Be Removed From fbi Control ! (tags)
fbi seeks to intimidate (through CJIS) all who show NO "fbi respect".
Letter to the international labour movement (tags)
On May 31, at 7:00 am, 150 police armed to the teeth invaded Cipla, a factory controlled by the workers, and "installed" an administrator appointed by the federal judge at the request of the INSS (Social Security). The management elected by the workers along with other selected workers were expelled or prevented from entering the plant. Armed terror has been imposed in the factory. One of the first measures taken by the administrator was to cover with a black canvas the plaque at the entrance of the factory which said: "CIPLA, company controlled by the workers." A marvelous national and international compaign demanding the end of the intervention at Cipla was launched just a few hours after the Federal Police carried out their war operations. Messages began to arrive to the Lula government and the Minister of Justice, Tarso Genro, who is responsible for the Federal Police and Luis Marinho, Minister of Social Security, from whose ministry the request for the intervention in Cipla came. Messages were also sent to the Minister of Labour and Employment, Carlos Lupi. This strong and immediate reaction gave us the strength and energy to organize the resistance against these riduculous events.
pelosi has Bush by the balls (tags)
and plans to hold on to them
RNC 2008 Call to Action (tags)
a call to action against the 2008 RNC in Minnesota
Strike Against War by Occidental Student Coalition to end War (tags)
Strike plans at Occidental College (1600 Campus Road, Los Angeles, CA 90041):
Brazil: Paraná State demands respect. (tags)
In the case of BR-376 the situation is still more serious. Because it is intended to give to private exploration a federal highway that was constructed with money of the people of Paraná State.
Women's groups celebrated their court victory while lawmakers and Malacañang hailed the conviction yesterday of a US Marine and the acquittal of his co-accused on rape charges. But there were ordinary people who were not fully satisfied with the verdict of the Makati Regional Trial Court, which convicted US Marine Lance Cpl. Daniel Smith and acquitted three other Marines.
The Right of All People to Self-Determination (tags)
With the military strike against Iraq, the intervention forces have fulfilled the fact of aggression.. Aggression is one of the worst crimes according to the 1999 statute of the International Court.
Trouble in the Pipeline (tags)
Hidden oil spills, cover up and manipulation of the media.
The Infallible Empire: Junking Habeas Corpus (tags)
The principle of habeas corpus is a demand that free people make toward state power. If free people are going to respect a state's power to lock people up, then that state must respect a free people's demand to see the causes and the evidence for any arrest.
Benicio del Toro calls for respect for Cuban sovereignty (tags)
Hollywood actor, Benicio del Toro, winner of an Oscar for best supporting actor in Traffic, by Steven Soderbergh, has called for respect for Cuban sovereignty
Danish Cartoons: Freedom of expression or licence to insult (tags)
With tthe publication of the Danish cartoons under the pretext of freedom of opinion, the European papers not only show an elementar respect for moslims, they also are escalating the existing tensions
Black History Month? Is It Only Window Dressing? (tags)
Throughout Black History Month, while paying homage to Black History, every single day there will be those African Americans calling one another niggas.
Reflections on Christmas (tags)
In my christmas-message to the readers I reflect on the great contradiction between the real meaning of Christmas, being the appeal to human rights and respect and the hypocrisy, used by the ''christian'' polticians
This is About Much More Than Just NSA Domestic Spying (tags)
This administration is attempting to establish totalitarian control, and has proved that it is not to be trusted with the Constitution. Impeachable offenses are being committed.
International campaign to promote the peace
Help Keep Venice Progressive! (tags)
Vote for Progressive Independent Candidates for the Venice Neighborhood Council
Respect and Protect the Black Woman-Boycott "Hustle and Flow"! (tags)
What has gotten into John Singleton? Why has he produced a movie that perpetuates White America's stereotypes of both Black Men and Women?
SOS to Exploit Racial Tensions in L.A. (tags)
The following was posted on the SOS website and was written by SOS founder, Joe Turner.
Summary Meeting on BP June 25th (tags)
Summary of a meeting held this past week with organizations that participated in the organizing of the Baldwin Park 2 event.
Baldwin Park 2: Statement of a Harmony Keeper (tags)
In Honor of All of you who made Baldwin Park 2 a unified and potent expression of the heart and will of our People .
The Monster of Suburbia (tags)
They don’t know about sickness, death, or old age not so much because they have never been exposed to it, but more because they have become detached from the side of reality that is icky.
Publication of the photographs of Saddam Hussein (tags)
The publication of the photographs of Saddam Hussein by the Sun is not only a flagrant violation of the 3th Geneva Convention, it also violates the human right on dignity of every prisoner of war, regardless of the crime
Seething Contempt Diplomacy (tags)
It could have been worse; much worse. Bush could have been smart.
FRIDAY Dec. 10 at 11AM: Rally to Support the Cedars-Sinai Nurses (tags)
Rally to Support the Cedars-Sinai Registered Nurses Protest Organized to Tell Cedars-Sinai to respect the nurses and recognize their union On Dec. 10th at 11am-1pm The management-dominated labor board recently overturned the union vote of the Cedars-Sinai RNs. The nurses are still going strong, fighting for their right to organize, fighting for united voice as patient advocates.
USERS POLL; Do IMC's treat it's users with the respect they deserve? (tags)
are you tired of the abusive attitudes of the editorial staff of IMC
Measuring men against the Greatest Generation (tags)
I want greatness with a touch of humility and self-doubt, unlike the "you will do what I tell you or I will bomb or torture you" crowd. Such control of others is not greatness to me.
The US Policy Reversals (tags)
This article is about the harmful reversals of US policies with respect to the Israeli-Palestinian conflit and critical components relating to The eventual consequences to such acts are manifesting as we speak
Protest in Midwest over Media Mogul's manipulations (tags)
Murdoch's network slants the news to please right-wingers who can't stand the truth, and the fans of Fox News are the kinds of folks who like to call themselves "conservatives," as if that is a title that commands respect.
Veterans for Peace honor the dead (tags)
Veterans for Peace are showing respect for the fallen every Sunday on the beach in Santa Monica.
There is no private property- only respect. (tags)
Vaclav Havel's "Politics as Responsibility for the World" (tags)
"What has greater weight: the political culture of unselfish service to the whole or the Mafia maneuvering between the laws..What I seek has the character of an ideal that we approach." Vaclav Havel was president of Czechoslovakia for 13 years.
After three days of reading the many posts here at LA-IMC, and experiencing the gamut of emotions, thoughts, and opinions put forth by its publishers, I am persuaded now to join in and express my view point on the discussed topics. Before doing so, I feel it necessary to open a new topic in hopes of interjecting an all to often overlooked fact.....
Don't like the rules? Don't play the game... and you still win.
On the Duty of Civil Disobedience (tags)
Offered in the spirit of Mahatma Ghandi, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Ce`sar Cha`vez, & the Haymarket Martyrs of Chicago.
192 UC Faculty Say Respect Human Rights, Divest from Israel (tags)
Faculty at UC Berkeley have initiated a petition for divestment from Israel that includes all of the University of California campuses, inspired by the anti-apartheid campaign of the 1980's. Please go to to sign the petition.
WORSHIP (see Merriam - Webster): "To regard with great or extravagant respect, honer or devotion". And now the Prayer: We honor stealth weaponry instead of wisdom. We respect the holy dignity of collateral damage. We reap the bounty of a nation with scythe of death. You are with us or thee be cast down with the evil doers. This makes a better blockbuster movie trailer than the sentiment of a country. Get Aware! Get Active!
Castro puts little Bush in his place (tags)
HOLGUIN, Cuba (AP) -- In a blistering speech before hundreds of thousands of people in a drenching rain Saturday, President Fidel Castro said the democracy President Bush wants to see in Cuba would be a corrupt and unfair system that ignores the poor.
facist Italian prime minister says Western civilization superior to Islamic (tags)
He told a news conference, "We must be aware of the superiority of our civilization, a system that has guaranteed well-being, respect for human rights and -- in contrast with Islamic countries -- respect for religious and political rights, a system that has as its values understandings of diversity and tolerance." hah! like he cares about human rights or freedom. dirty facist.
Statement from the Afghan Women's Mission (tags)
The Afghan Women's Mission statement includes important background information about the terrible conditions in Afghanistan.
The destruction of a sacred site on the homesite of a Dineh (Navajo) resident, prompts a press conference of Indigenous leaders in Flagstaff, Arizona Wednesday.
Locke High Teacher Speaks Out (tags)
Safety means protecting what you value from harm. How is it possible to create any form of safety at schools, which do not value their community members enough to treat their children with respect?
Community agreements for Biojustice/Biodevistation 2001 (tags)
Community agreements for Biojustice/Biodevistation 2001
Los Angeles/Hollywood male & fimaleTransgenders and Transexuals, facing the challenge of achieving acceptance and respect from law enforcement, family and community in general, speak out at West Hollywood forum.
Communicating for Peace (tags)
Demonstrators & cops show that we as humans are stronger than corporate bullies.