fix articles 1329, community leaders
Action Alert: Workers, Students, Houseless Deserve Equal Access (tags)
Class bias rears it's ugly head. Princeton students get free vaccine for meningitis, UCSB told wait and see.We demand voluntary free VAX for workers including dumpster divers and university janitors at risk!
Whatever Happened to Daily News? (tags)
The decline of the Mainstream Daily News.
Press Release for Monday Occupy Meeting with Wells Fargo Execs (3-5:30pm) (tags)
WHO: Occupy Activists in LA, Wells Fargo Executives, and Community Leaders WHAT: An unprecedented meeting between Bankers and Occupy Protesters WHEN: Monday, February 6, 2012 from 3pm-5pm; Press Conference at 5:30pm WHERE: Center of Nonprofit Management at California Endowment Building 1000 N. Alameda, L.A.
Are California Gay Leaders Mis-Managing The NO ON PROP 8 Campaign? (tags)
Some Los Angeles Gay Leaders are telling they general GLNTQA community NOT to take their lawsuits to court, stating that they can serve them better from behind the doors of closed session board rooms, not open to public view.
Presumptive presidential candidate for the President of the Philippines. Makati Ciy mayor Jejomar Binay held a press conference at Bahay Kubo restaurant in Historic Filipinotown Los Angeles, yesterday, August 27,2008. Addressing a jam packed hall with Filipino community leaders from all over California, Mayor Jojo Binay lambasted the failed policies of current Philippine President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo in his capacity as the PDP-Laban president and the United Opposition (UNO), He is reportedly supported by former President Joseph “Erap”Estrada.
Migrant Workers, WW2 Vets, Inter-faith Demand Release of Philippine Labor Leader (tags)
AJLPP to Mark International Human Rights Week; Migrant Workers, Pro-Filipino WW2 Vets and Inter-faith groups in NY, SF, LA and Seattle to Raise Political and Financial Support for Detained Philippine Labor Leader
Leftist murders spark fear in Philippines (tags)
James Ayunga thinks of death whenever a motorcycle roars past. "I get goosebumps when I hear one come up behind me," said the farmers' activist and father of three. Across the Philippines, masked gunmen on motorcycles have killed scores of left-wing community leaders and Ayunga fears he could be next.
New, Creative not-for-profit Speaker's Bureau for community leaders (tags)
New, Creative not-for-profit Speaker's Bureau for community leaders like yourself.
Attorney General Bill Lockyer kept on tight leash during Riverside visit (tags)
Attorney General Bill Lockyer is visiting Riverside to address the issue of police reform, but there is a catch-only those handpicked by the Mayor can speak with him on the issue.