fix articles 13473, niger
Shell paid out $15.5 Million over Saro-Wiwa Murder (tags)
Shell pressured the Nigerian government to hang Saro-Wiwa and 8 other nonviolent environmental activists. Ken Saro-Wiwa was nominated for a Nobel Prize in 1996. Besides his work to protect the Niger Delta, he was an author. Saro-Wiwa's son Ken Wiwa wrote In The Shadow of a Saint about his father. Richard North Patterson wrote a fictionalized account of Shell's role in the murder in the book Eclipse.
U.S., French, & UK Imperialist Hands off Niger! (tags)
In Niger human rights organizations, trade unions, and opposition parties (including the Niger Party for Democracy and Socialism) are all supporting the coup. 10,000 people rallied in support on February 20th. Meanwhile the US, France, UK, UN, and African Union all have been quick to condemn the coup. Tandja did the bidding of U.S. imperialism. Meanwhile, according to the UN Development Program’s 2006 Human Development Index, Niger is the poorest country in the world. Sixty percent of the population lives on less than a dollar a day, life expectancy is only to 45-years old, and adult illiteracy is 71%.
Guinea: Bloody Repression Marks Independence (tags)
Today opposition and labor protesters descended from the main boulevards of the city to the national stadium ("Stade du 28 Septembre"), but were met with a ban order, lines of troops, live fire, and rumors that the military is disappearing captives and bodies of the dead. As many as 80 bodies have been rumored to have been laid out in the stadium itself. If anything like the events of 2007 reoccur, the military would be willing to continue this crackdown for weeks or even months.
addicted to oil
Armitage is the Leaker, not the Story: Black Ops and War Lies (tags)
The corporate media have focused on the outing of Plame but are ignoring the real story: why was the administration so focused and intent upon destroying Plame and her ambassador husband? The answer leads to a dark crime of lies and black ops aimed at promoting a pointless war in Iraq at all costs.
Feds let Niger Forgeries (see photos) pass. What else? 9/11? (tags)
The Bush administration used FAKE intelligence to sell Congress on the Iraq war. FAKE intelligence, not faulty intelligence. We show photos of the forgeries here and point out the glaring errors in them, so you can see for yourself. The CIA and intelligence community let the forgeries slip by until after the war started. Then Joe Wilson exposed the forgeries, and his wife, Valerie Plame, got outed to pay him back and shut him up. WHAT ELSE DID THEY LET SLIP BY? 9/11 MAYBE?
Put the words NIGER FORGERIES and these photocopies (below) into the consciousness of Mr. and Mrs. America, and it could change the course of history. These 4 graphics are worth 4 million words. These are the cause/excuse for the Iraq war. They are not real (they are forgeries), but they are a REAL threat to the nation's existence! Why? Because they came from foreign sources. FOREIGN AGENTS HAVE BEEN DRIVING US POLICY. That is a bigger threat to America than knocking down the WTC, which "only" killed 0.014% of one metropolitan area. (Reminder: Bin Laden still is at large.) The $64-Million Questions: WHAT FOREIGNERS Made the Forgeries? WHAT AMERICANS SOLD OUT AMERICA by Using the Forgeries?
Nov 10 - Ogoni Day - solidarity against petroleum pollution (tags)
This Nov 10th people can remind both Chevron-Texaco and BP Shell that we won't forget the murder of Ken Saro-Wiwa and other Ogoni activists ten years ago by the Nigerian government who choose petroleum profit bribes over human rights and the Niger delta ecosystem..
INDICTMENTS! KARL ROVE's and others' may expose fake war causes. (tags)
The Washington, DC, grand jury of US Attorney Fitzgerald will obtain indictments in the outing of CIA's Valerie Plame as early as next week, sources say, and one could be George Bush's closest advisor, Karl Rove.....In Alexandria, VA, the grand jury of Paul McNulty, investigating Israeli espionage against the US, has indicted a neocon Pentagon analyst, Larry Franklin.....With these and other probable indictments, there will be trials that will EXPOSE FIXED INTELLIGENCE and ISRAELI MANIPULATION that pushed us toward war.....Also, Italian officials promise to request soon the extradition of CIA man Bob Lady, a key figure in the IRAQ BETRAYAL. See how these events are converging.
CIA seeks probe of White House (tags)
CIA seeks probe of White House
Bush Deserves To Be Impeached (tags)
Thanks to Bush's blundering, nearly 50% of U.S. Army combat units are now stuck in a spreading guerrilla war in Iraq , costing $4 billion US monthly, that is becoming the biggest, most expensive, and bloodiest foreign mess since Vietnam. This when the U.S. is threatening military action against North Korea.
Officials Say Forgeries on Iraqi Efforts Reached State Dept. Before Speech (tags)
The administration, facing increased criticism over the claims it made about Iraq's attempts to buy uranium, had said until now that it did not have the documents before the State of the Union speech.
CIA got report after Bush address (tags)
The CIA did not receive the now-discredited documents that were a key source of the Bush administration's claim that Iraq sought uranium in Africa until after President Bush's State of the Union address, U.S. officials say.
Cheney Under Pressure to Quit Over False War Evidence (tags)
Anger grows on both sides of Atlantic at misleading claims on eve of Iraq conflict
A Firm Basis for Impeachment (tags)
(2003-07-15) Does the president not read? Does his national security staff, led by Condoleezza Rice, keep him in the dark about the most pressing issues of the day? Or is this administration blatantly lying to the American people to secure its ideological ends?
We are now, I believe, at the beginning of a long-delayed Washington political drama.
CIA Doubted Uranium Report (tags)
A key reason for the CIA's skepticism, according to a senior intelligence officer, was, "What do they need this [the ore] for? They've got tons of it already in Iraq."
repost from Portland. Nice to have a gang like these swine in arms on your team.
Spying, Lying, Coercion and Bribery (tags)
The dirty tricks that the United States has been using to influence public opinion and obtain a vote for war in the United Nations