fix articles 134938, workforce fairness institute
ANTI - EFCA Group Plants False Story about Senator Feinstein Not Supporting EFCA (tags)
Feinstein Denies Report That She's Fully Opposed To EFCA after The business community trumpeted the news, with the Workforce Fairness Institute blasting the story out to a list of reporters.
Just SAY NO to the Employee Free Choice Act - Why? (tags)
One Reason is that The Coalition for a Democratic Workplace, Employee Freedom Action Committee, Chamber of Commerce, Alliance For Worker Freedom, Workforce Fairness Institute, Americans For Job Security, Save Our Secret Ballot, Union Busting Consultants, and other Corporate Front Groups all want you to.
Burger King Now Joins the Employee Free Choice Act Union Busting Club as SEIU Protests (tags)
SEIU Protests Downtown Burger Kings, Demands Chain Stop Lobbying Against Employee Free Choice Act by Jason Pramas (Staff), Feb-20-09 Downtown Crossing Labor
Exposing Employee Free Choice Act Front Groups Like The Coalition for a Democratic Workpla (tags)
Who are these Front Groups Against The Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) ?
WHY does The Coalition for a Democratic Workplace ( My Private Ballot ) (tags)
and TV Star Johnny Sacks from the Sopranos continue to Spread LIES and misinformation about the Employee Free Choice Act?