fix articles 13501, raza rights coalition
Police in Riot Gear, Nightsticks Ready at MacArthur Park (tags)
Protest at LAPD headquarters to rally against the violence police inflicted on a peaceful crowd at MacArthur Park yesterday.
Calling the United Resistance (tags)
Mobilize to San Diego for a Movement Against All Borders / Accion en SD para un Movimiento en Contra de Todas Las Fronteras
Stop Operation Guardian (tags)
Operation Gatekeeper LA to SAN DIEGO Caravan Forum Saturday Sept. 18th, 2004 4:00 PM
Update: 7th National Conference On Raza Prisoners (tags)
For over 10 years, the Chicano Mexicano Prison Project (a project of Union del Barrio) has been one of the few Mexicano-Raza organizations working to expose the role that the Prison Industry plays in oppression and exploitation of Mexicanos. On May 10, 2003, the Chicano Mexicano Prison Project will organize the 7th National Conference On Raza Prisoners and the 10th Anniversary of CMPP.
6th National Conference On Raza Prisoners and Colonialism (tags)
Bulletin Number #1 6th National Conference On Raza Prisoners and Colonialism
San Diego Action Network Hosts Meeting on Border Issues (tags)
The San Diego Action Network hosted a meeting on border issues October 26 featuring Connie Garcia from the San Diego Environmental Health Coalition and Benjamin Prado from the Raza Rights Coalition. Featured topics included "Operation Gatekeeper," toxic wastes dumped in Mexico by U.S. companies and how NAFTA has impacted border issues.
An October 25th, 2001 Rally and Demonstration in National City organized by the American Friends Service Committee, Raza Rights Coalition and San Diego State University MeChA questioned the latest police shooting and death of 19 year old Southwestern College Student Emmanuel Sotelo.
Break The Chains Of Injustice - June 16, 2001 (tags)
Break The Chains Of Injustice - A Romper Las Cadenas De La Injusticia