fix articles 135343, bybee
PROTEST WAR CRIMINAL JAY BYBEE (corrected time 9 AM) (tags)
Protest War Criminal Friday, Oct 8, 9AM Richard H. Chambers US Court of Appeals Bldg. 125 South Grand Avenue Pasadena, CA 91105 Picture ID required to enter Courthouse Supported by WCW, Code Pink, Topanga Peace, and many more! Info: 949.257.8501
Judge Jay Bybee, former head of the Justice Department's Office of Legal Counsel, authored legal memos approving torture. As a judge on the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals he has a lifetime appointment. His unethical and illegal torture memos were not revealed in his Senate confirmation hearings. He admits that waterboarding "constitutes the imminent threat of death" and still allowed its use. Any act complicit in torture is a felony under US law. He must be removed from the bench now!