fix articles 137943, suspension
Citizens United GaveTwitter Unlimited Free $peech & They Censor www Political Speech ? (tags)
Tragic ,the political matrix of pay to play Twitter continues with the facade suspension of our environmental accounts for political reasons, not honest ones !
Targeting Iran and Syria (tags)
Ban is "postponed" at LACC! An unfinished victory, we STILL was Det. Spelatz Fir (tags)
As of November 20th ( 6 days after receiving the suspension notice) the administration backed down from banning Julia Wallace, Arturo Velasquez and Ben Alvarez from suspension until " an independent investigation was completed". Because of the pressure from staff, students, faculty and pressuring "liberal" politicians to act the administration has backed down. Students still demand woman-hating detective Spelatz be fired.
PHILIPPINES: Resist Arroyo’s “mad dog” campaign to cripple the political opposition! (tags)
The Department of Interior and Local Government’s “preventive suspension” of Makati Mayor Jejomar Binay and his entire city council based on flimsy administrative charges marks the height of the Arroyo government’s “mad dog” campaign to cripple the political opposition by all means.
Cambodia suspends all logging operations (tags)
Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen has announced the suspension of all logging operations, effective from 1st January 2002.
Once upon a time the was a land called America, where the people were actually free, they were free to think, free to speak, free from slavery, even economic slavery. But in the shadows of this great land men were plotting against her becasue they had ideas of their own!
So called "terrorist" attacks are just an excuse to ignore crappy economy, boost support for missle defense, aggitate the middle-east conflict, and (worst yet) possibly institute FEMA measures (suspension of the constitution)...
Former Riverside Police sergeant contests arbitration (tags)
Several days after an arbitrator reversed his firing, Preece's lawyer announced that his client will not settle for a demotion and 30 day suspension, but only full exoneration. The ball is now in the court of the City Council, which will meet on Tuesday in closed session to determine what position it will take, as an upset community watches.