fix articles 139411, approx
Report of the eviction and dispersal of the tents and belonging at Occupy Riverside (tags)
The Riverside Police Dept. removed on Wed. Nov. 30, 2011 all Riverside Occupy tents from Location A established on Main St Promenade between 9th St. and University Ave.
Wudja bleeve that ? Fox reported WTC 's collapse on 9/11 before it did , followed by live (tags)
As with the BBC, FOX reported WTC7 had collapsed before it had. You can even see it standing while FOX says it has gone.
JUSTICE for Undocumented Students!!! (tags)
Week of Action including Hunger Strike and various staged actions to demand DREAM ACT for undocumented students.
Minutemen Deflated in Thousand Oaks (tags)
The anti-Minutemen outnumbered the supporters of Jim Gilchrist in Thousand Oaks, Ventura County, and fought geriatric, armchair fringe rightwing fools with a youthful, energetic spirit of internationalism, positivity, and community solidarity!
Free DVD Screening:Walmart - The High Cost of Low Price (tags)
WAL-MART: The High Cost of Low Price is the new documentary from Robert Greenwald, producer/director of Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism, the explosive 2004 documentary seen by millions worldwide. Unchecked corporate greed is destroying families, and Wal-Mart is leading the way. Join us November 13th in the Temple Isaiah Sanctuary to watch the film and to discuss the intersection of Jewish values and economic justice.
More words of truth from Dubya regarding the War on Terra (tags)
A 2.5meg RealVideo file with excerpts from a speech given by Cowboy George. Approx. 3.5 minutes.