fix articles 139878, chuck munson
Infoshop Update on Anti-War Protests (tags)
Tens of thousands and hundreds of local groups to protest locally against the third anniversary of the current phase of the U.S.-Iraq war
Hurricane Katrina Mutual Aid Relief (tags)
Want to help out the people affected by Hurricane Katrina? Are you interested in supporting grassroots efforts to help people, instead of religious or corporate charities like the Starvation Army and the Red Cross?
Five Years After WTO Protests: Seattle Weekly Trashes Anti-Globalization Movement (tags)
The media spin cycle leading up to major anti-globalization protests has become so predictable that activists have been forced to come up with better media strategies to keep up with the lies and disinformation. The mainstream media starts the cycle several months in advance with articles and coverage about the upcoming summit and accompanying protests.
What's New at - #2 - August 19, 2002 (tags)
Here's the August update on what's new at, what's in development, and how you can help support this project.