fix articles 141427, equatorial guinea
Planet Terra: Turkey and Germany missing on List of Pariah-State (tags)
Why can AKP/MHP (Turkey) can get weapon from CDU/SPD (Germany) without being even nominated??? Why In Germany still NSDAP-Like Player causing tenthousands of dead people and media still following silencing guidelines? The List of Evil seem to be ridiculous incomplete...
PHILIPPINES: 8,000 killings proof of policy to kill (tags)
Akbayan Partylist condemns President Rodrigo Duterte’s denial of his policy to kill under the War on Drugs.
Lanny Davis: Lobbyist for Despots (tags)
anything for a buck
“I was in the East End of London (a working-class quarter) yesterday I attended a meeting of the unemployed. I listened to the wild speeches, which were just a cry for ‘bread! bread!’ and on my way home I pondered over the scene and I became more than ever convinced of the importance of imperialism.... My cherished idea is a solution for the social problem, i.e., in order to save the ..........inhabitants of the United Kingdom from a bloody civil war, we colonial statesmen must acquire new lands to settle the surplus population, to provide new markets for the goods produced in the factories and mines. The Empire, as I have always said, is a bread and butter question. If you want to avoid civil war, you must become imperialists," quoted by Cecil Rhodes an English Stateman to a journalist in 1895. 1. V.I. Lenin, Imperialism the Highest Stage of Capitalism
Negative Image: Robert Mugabe through the Lens of Western Propaganda (tags)
If you ever wondered how you came to know what you know about Zimbabwe, here is your chance to find out.
mercenaries without borders (tags)
privatisation of armies and security are a utter defeat of freedom and democracy. Read why.
NeoCon 'Plan Africa' Oil Manifesto (tags)
“Along with Latin America, West Africa is expected to be one of the fastest growing sources of oil and gas for the American market. African oil tends to be of high quality and low in sulfur, making it suitable for stringent refined product requirements, and giving it a growing market share for the refining Centers on the East Coast of the U.S.” “National Energy Policy Report” Office of the Vice President Richard Cheney May 16, 2001
Questioning AFRICOM's intentions (tags)
As plans move ahead for a US Africa Command, African nations remain cool to the idea amid fears of mission creep and unclear US intentions.
Why is the Federal Government destroying National Security ? (tags)
Federal officials are more responsive to foreign interests than to American citizens ! The President believes in unprotected borders. The Congress aids foreign governments. The Supreme Court evicts private citizens from their property to enrich foreign private profiteers. WHY?
Some view the election of George W. Bush as providing him with a mandate to pursue his reactionary policies at home and abroad.
The Politics of Imperialism (tags)
Latin America provides a powerful reference point for the toilers of the world suffering from the imperial re-division of their countries.
A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files- broadcast quality (13.1MB) and quick download (3.2MB). With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, Russia, China, and Germany.
U.S. is 3rd on World's "Economic Freedom" Index (tags)
Hong Kong, Singapore, and the United States rank first, second and third, respectively, in the latest edition of the 'Economic Freedom of the World' annual report by the Cato Institute and more than 50 other libertarian think tanks around the world.
American Oil's next target: Africa (tags)
American oil corpse like ExxonMobil are moving aggresively into African nations. There is no end to the mess they seek to create for millions of people.
basic stats for US imperialism (tags)
a reference guide for activists.