fix articles 14196, when iraqi
CUCKOO ECONOMICS (Abridged Ed.) (tags)
By deliberately confusing assets that can be *produced* with assets that can only be *acquired*, modern economics laid the ideological foundation for unemployment, poverty, inequality, and the looming global depression.
The lessons learned by the US military in Vietnam and their relationship to US casualty figures in Iraq.
Los Angeles Independent Film Festival (tags)
Los Angeles Independent Film Festival 6/11/03-6/21/03 screens human rights films and other topical independent films.
The War Is Not Over Until The U.S. Leaves Iraq (tags)
The U.S. and Britain have declared victory in their war against Iraq and a despicable imperialist occupation is underway. A U.S.-occupied Iraq can never be a "liberated" Iraq. The Iraqi people can only be free to forge their own future when the U.S. and all foreign invaders get out of their country
So he thinks it’s all over... (tags)
George Bush has announced the end of the war. But try telling that to the Shias and the Badr Brigade, says Robert Fisk
News Articles from the First 10 Days of War (tags)
Growing Crisis in Basra; CBS Reports Truth By Mistake; Public Might Put Two and Two Together; U.S. Strikes Iran"; Collateral Damage; War Crimes Aren't War Crimes When The U.S. Commits Them; Public Acknowledgment Of E.M.P.; Food and Politics At Safwan; "Even In Civilian Areas, They Will Be Hit; Flint-locks and Sedans; Signs Of An Expanding War Killing and Burying the Innocent; Iraqi Artillery Targets…Whom?
Wellstone’s Death and Activist Clairvoyance from Peace Spiritual Practice. (tags)
'Yes, says Paul From Then and Now' article, supporting links, and a question 'Did Jesus die for us to model accepting such martyrdom deaths or to teach us to prevent all such martyrdom deaths, independent of whether Jesus was a man or God?'