fix articles 143706, conscientious objection
The Alternative Social Forum in Caracas: voices from the left (tags)
* In Caracas, Venezuela between the 23rd and 29th of January 2006, 10 local socio-political organizations offered an alternative forum and critique of national politics in response to the World Social Forum. The result was a smaller-scale event but self-directed and reflective of current self-organizing capacity. The alternative forum was independent, self-managed and borne out of years of experience of organizing in the Venezuelan context.
Free Mehmet Tarhan! Gay conscientious objector jailed in Turkey (tags)
December 9, 2005, is an International Day of Action to support Mehmet Tarhan, gay conscientious objector jailed in Turkey. Turkey does not recognise conscientious objection and provides no alternative to military service.
Conscientious Objector Day (tags)
Celebrate and support international war resisters MAY 15th.
Conscientious Objection (tags)
Information on Conscientious Objection. As the war rhetoric increases, and newspaper editorials appear calling for reinstating the draft, its time to review how to stand in Conscientious Objection.