fix articles 143708, objectors
New website on Christian objection to war and military training (tags)
Manual for Advisors of Christian Objectors to War and Military Service and Training
Who Are... The Righteous and Courageous Jews In Israel: (tags)
As the brutality of the military State of Israel continues to wage its unmerciful oppression against international peace workers AND the people of the Occupied Territories, young Israeli conscientious objectors wage their own courageous battle against the IDF.
conscientious objector deserves our support
Conscientious Objection (tags)
Information on Conscientious Objection. As the war rhetoric increases, and newspaper editorials appear calling for reinstating the draft, its time to review how to stand in Conscientious Objection.
Update on imprisoned Israeli Soldier objectors (tags)
To the best of our knowledge, there are six objectors currently held in the military prisons of Israel. One of them, Ilan Windholtz, is serving his fourth prison term in a row (which requires especially massive pressure in his case).