fix articles 144618, not speak
This is not the first state in which this is being done, and it will not be the last. Unless we speak up in mass numbers. This will not end in anway good for us. Either speak up, or be the problem.
...And Then They Came For Me (tags)
See some parallels between jack booted thugs of Hitler's Nazi Gestapo and today's fascist fbi and police thugs in USA
Stopping the Minute Men! (tags)
I am hoping someone can let us know in the Bay Area what are the plans to organize against the Minute Men coming to California? Are there websites? Are there planned actions?
About Bush will speak on Tuesday at 09.23.2003 (tags)
and about he will not tell
¡NO MAS! NO MORE! STOP THE DIRTY WAR! In Colombia, paramilitary butchers, operating in collusion with the US/Canada government-and corporate-backed Colombian Army and National Police, selectively murder and massacre unarmed civilians with impunity. See URL's below for more info.