fix articles 145640, antibush
Video From Anti-Bush Protest (tags)
Video From Anti-Bush March
Phone interview with Anti-Bush Protester (tags)
Taghe Barry attended the Anti-Bush protest today and spoke to me via cell phone about the protest
The Westwood Pep Rally, followed by the ANSWER Anti-inaugural Parade went almost exactly as intended.
San Clemente Food Not Bombs Benefit Show
Maybe Now We're the Silent Majority (tags)
The Bush administration’s campaign to equate criticism of the president with treason or disloyalty, and to harass and intimidate dissenters may be scaring much of the public into silence. If so, he may be in for a big surprise on November 2: Revenge of the silenced.
Report from Bush protest in Santa Monica (tags)
Protest was tame, probably about 1000 anti-bush people and 200 pro bush people.
great list of free anti-war anti-bush MP3's from incredible artists including Paula Cole, REM, Bonnie Raitt, Beastie Boys, Michael Franti, Billy Bragg, John Mellencamp and many many more!
KOBE harassment against DeVoy. (tags)
Here are a sample of posts made by KOBE over the last year in an attempt to drive me off line. This is an example of what happens to those that expose George Bush. If you support my efforts to oppose Bush, please visit my website. We have anti-Bush propaganda available. It's time to bring down the Bush Regime.
OnGoing Anti-Bush and Peace Vigil in Woodland Hills, CA - WE NEED YOUR HELP! (tags)
We have continued this Weekly Vigil Every Sunday in Woodland Hills, CA Against Bush and For Peace... WE NEED YOUR HELP!!! EVERY SUNDAY 6:30 PM - 8 PM NORTH EAST CORNER OF TOPANGA CANYON AND VICTORY ** MEET UNDER THE WESTFIELD TOPANGA MALL SIGN ! SEE YOU THERE!
Resistance Isn't Futile (tags)
The more action you see from Shills saying that resistance or Protests are futile the more you know it is working. If it was not working they would encourage it. They are, while really scared - Psychopaths don't get it, they are disturbed.
What is your Anti-Bush? (tags)
Under the flag of the "War on Drugs" the Bush Administration has set in motion a genuine Fascist government, assaulted our Constitutional Freedoms and threatens to destabilize the entire world in a quest for dominance of oil and natural resources. Time to march them out of office.