fix articles 14569, if Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : if


Judge Thomas J. Lo, A Stain on Newsom's Legacy (tags)

Judge appointed by Newsom turns out to be both racist and misogynist.

“Delta” Variant - A Hardcore Truth (tags)

Dr. David Martin: There is no “Delta” Variant – “Novel” Coronavirus Known as COVID-19 Was Patented 2 Decades Ago. If you know who this person is, you will know this information to be 100% true. If you do not know, I strongly suggest you find out. All this, and the United States Government is just hell bent on genocide and mass murder of the people of America and many other too.

Prop 60, Condom Law (tags)

I was basically ignoring this, but people tell me to vote "no".

Latest Black Flag Newsletter Available (tags)

Announcing the release of the latest issue of Black Flag (vol. 14: Summer 2015).

How do you make money on failing companies? (tags)

This article is a question to the people who understand capitalism. I'll start with an explanation of what I know; you can elaborate in comments.

Competitiveness (tags)

A term becomes a myth; the myth becomes a religion. We are all conditioned by the misguided use of terms and connections so a way of looking at things seems absurd. The German economy acts like a bulldozer rather than a locomotive.

Will Hundreds of Years of Contract Law be Eradicated in Santa Ana Court? (tags)

A Santa Ana Judge is debating eliminating the Statute of Limitations for contract cases.. What will be the impact of his decision?

Technology, Unemployment and Policy Options (tags)

Navigating the Transition to a Better World

How to Write a Paper That Will Get an A (tags)

A guide for new writers, college students, and adults who need to write a paper.

Al-Assad with Charlie Rose interview on PBS, just missed it (tags)

A fascinating interview was just on and TV and it can be re-seen on internet. Sadly, all indications from the answers that were sly and slippery to Charlie's direct questions leads to another WAR COMING...made more obvious by seeing this.


In chatrooms and on blogs we may hear an argument like this: “Oh, I have friends in Syria, and I lived in Syria.” “I know that’s what the people want.” How does one address such an argument?

CANNIBAL COP Closing Arguments Set for Today (tags)

With the way this case is being handled (more on that later), psychotic NYPD almost-sergeant Gilberto Valle may go free even though he faces life in prison. If this happens, will all inmates worldwide doing time for “conspiracy” automatically become political prisoners? This story seems very under-reported, at least on antenna TV. It has also been a remarkably “speedy trial,” taking place 3 months after the arrest, in federal court. Please comment below if this is the first time you’re hearing of this “terror-lovin’ terrorist.”

When Will You Accept Drones? Take The Drone Survey Quiz! (tags)

Is there any time at all that you want DRONES right up there with helicopters patrolling YOUR neighborhood in Los Angeles County? Take this Drone Survey Quiz!

You Will Love Single Payer Health Insurance (tags)

You will fall in love with single Payer health insurance.

Impossible Test Scores (tags)

If you have magnet schools, it's impossible for the remaining students to achieve average test scores.

A Letter to the Residents of Anaheim (tags)

With the kind permssion of the residents of Anaheim, I would like to protest your police today.

A Letter to the Residents of Anaheim (tags)

With the kind permission of the people of Anaheim, I would like to protest your police today.

Falling In Line (tags)

It is easy to get sucked into the ups and downs of elections. This year's presidential campaign is no different. The idea it's anybody's race and can go any way at any time gets played over and over for us like a two song playlist on repeat and shuffle. Except this two song playlist has added live commentary telling us every time that there is the distinct possibility the song could end up differently than we pretty much already know it will end up. We keep hearing in convincing fashion there is still the chance it could go differently this time. Yet if we've been paying attention we may see... well a distinct pattern perhaps.

Against All Rules (tags)

The core of all western-individualist ideas of justice is the principle of personal responsibility. Everyone is responsible for the consequences of his/her actions. This motivates as well as disciplines. "We punish the virtuous and reward the squanderers."

Deep Green Resistance Real Time Message (tags)

Three organizers at Stop the Machine! encampment/Freedom Plaza in Washington D.C. are ready to visit other Occupy camps, to increase the number of green & black radical environmental participants in D.C. before the Spring Offensive.

Time, Place, and Manner Restrictions on Peaceable Assembly (tags)

Time, Place and Manner Restrictions on First Amendment Right to Peaceable Assembly (protest)

Israel deports flotilla activists (tags)

Israel is deporting eh 27 activists from the freedomwaves flotilla

Child Abuse Goes Unpunished in the OC (tags)

Tony Rackaucus finds every excuse not to prosecute chld abuse, spousal abuse and elder abuse in OC

Fukushima and Capitalism (tags)

"Capitalism and its countless horrors seem more credible to us than an alternative. We believe in capital, the deadly promise of endless growth. We cynically pay it tribute as though the rule of people over people and nature were something dignified. A world of sharing and community is possible."

Message from the opposition in Tahrir - Updates by phone from Waleed Al Musharaf in Tahrir (tags)

(Cairo, February 1, 2011, 9:00pm) The opposition leaders just met and want to release the following messages to the media and the demonstrators.

Eric McDavid - 5 Years Imprisonment (tags)

Yesterday marked the 5th year of Eric's arrest and imprisonment...

True and False Causes of the Financial Crisis (tags)

If we can produce enough for all in superfluity-and we are already technically in this position-why must the whole enormous social wealth be squeezed through the needle of buying and selling, money, profit and growth? We all deserve something better than capitalist crisis economy.

Science Is A Religion (tags)

This is a very serious challenge to all scientists, atheists, humanists, & skeptics, based on very careful research of the evidence that I offer in support of my contention. If you are going to post a rebuttal, please research the evidence first, & be polite. You can contact all of the people mentioned in this article, & ask them why they behaved so unprofessionally.

When All Else Fails – Give Them False Hope (tags)

For years and years two wealthy businessmen have worked hard to get policies instituted regarding limiting the scope of the American government. Their business was and still is what Forbes ranks the second largest company in the nation. The policies they have been working on seem to coincide with their business interests. It is a business they inherited in 1967 and worked hard to expand beyond anything their father imagined.

9:55 pm - Rampart Firing Rubber Bullets! (tags)

John Pedro Morales ATTN: If you are near Pico/Union, LAPD is firing tear gas and rubber bullets at the community protesting the senseless killing of Guatemalan immigrant worker.

OC Seniors:If You Have Property the Public Guardian Wants It (tags)

If you've forgotten you calculus, you stand to lose your property

Court Releases Oscar Grant Killing Videos (tags)

Links to several pieces of evidence, and some commentary about this explosive trial that could result in riots in Oakland. I hope the LA jury does the right thing.

Emergency Brake for Speculators (tags)

The private indebtedness brought about by unscrupulous financial managers mainly in the US was almost completely transferred to state budgets.

Who Are You Working For? (tags)

Beginning with the campaigns for the 2008 elections political activism has hit peaks the likes of which haven’t been this consistent for decades. From all over the spectrum people are energized for causes close to their hearts. In doing so most end up selecting people they believe in to support for candidates in elections. Some of those candidates are sincere in their causes. We know not to expect perfect people nor every promise made kept, but we should count on some of promises, especially major ones, checked off.

If climate was a bank (tags)

Obama, the climate gangster, would have fixed it by now.

The Crisis in the Crisis or How Sick is the System (tags)

Crisis is a synonym for experiences of difference. It changes something. Afterwards nothing will be as in the past. Until recently the "manager" and "business" were models for all areas of life. Do private vices always become public virtues?

"The Open Internet is in Danger" (tags)

The IT-branch is part of the solution. The best solution is balance or eco-social equalization. The Finnish constellation produces the greatest prosperity. Higher prosperity arises out of a state of balance, not under Brazilianization conditions.

Learning from Card Check's Death (tags)

Maybe you didn’t hear the news: Card Check — the key provision of the Employee Free Choice Act — is dead. You might not have gotten the message because U.S. labor “leaders” are remarkably silent on the issue. Not a peep. The media, however, has the story right: the Democrats are now officially seeking a compromise, one that strips the bill of its essence — the right for workers to start a union by stating their intention to do so. So why are most union leaders so quiet? No one likes to talk about their blunders, especially the colossal type. The defeat of Card Check is a mighty blow to labor, and admitting that your strategy failed to achieve it may cause others to question your authority.

Calling KPFK! Ousted WBAI ex-GM Speaks Out on the Coup by Pacifica Network. (tags)

"Let Me Set the Record Straight." Former WBAI 99.5FM General Manager Anthony Riddle speaks out on "ridiculous rumors" circulated by the coupsters. Title: Half of What You See, And None of What You Hear....

5.0 Quake Near Hollywood Park, Inglewood, Lennox (tags)

I just felt it. USGS says it's 5.0

If They Knew the Truth, They'd Hate Us Even More (tags)

Obama doesn't want us to see what are darling soldiers have been up to.

Zapatista University Chapter 5: Science and Religion (tags)

Here’s another free science lesson for Third-World farmers. The complete book can be read on my site. The complete audio book is on my site now also, and the printed book can be ordered by mail. My Spanish isn’t good enough to translate a whole book, but I know there are plenty of people who can.

Zapatista University Chapter 4: Science versus Politics (tags)

Here’s another free science lesson for Third-World farmers. The complete book can be read on my site. Feel free to translate it into Spanish or any other language.

Zapatista University Chapter 3: How Science Works (tags)

Any Third World farmer knows more about biology than the president of the United States, because farmers spend all day working with plants and animals. Here’s my ongoing series on the biology of imperial politics. The complete book can be read on my site. Feel free to translate it into Spanish or any other language.

Call Congress/Senate to Protest US-Israel Genocide (tags)

The latest chapter of the genocidal war of US-Israel against Palestine was deliberately perpetrated while Congress is on vacation this week, but theirl phones do have voice mail, so please do call either locally or ito DC. If the mailbox is full, try another time. And please stop voting for Democrat-Republicans, the 100% pro-Israel gang, and instead vote Peace & Freedom or Green.

Betrayal of hope by Obama's new neoliberal regime (tags)

People who thought that Obama would bring us change and some sort of positive direction need to brace themselves for the ultimate betrayal once the new neoliberal Obama regime replaces the old neoconservative GW bush regime, another shift change in the psychiatric ward we call the United States..

Ex Nihilo: (tags)


Tinkering with Symptoms (tags)

The bailout plan does not tackle the causes of the financial crisis. The question remains why financial institutions should be saved from a crisis they created and in which they earlier earned vast amounts of money. The American government has no Plan B.

America in Decline: Richard Sennett (tags)

In the race to the bottom, the worship of profit and the self-healing market, education, retraining workers, social mobility and intercultural learning fall by the wayside. School districts spend 600 times more for sports than for natural sciences. The US imports engineers and programmers.

Love of Place vs. Patriotism (tags)

Americanism creates anti-Americanism.

A Message to You from Mary (tags)

Dear Ones, I have not come forth to teach you anything new, nor to show you THE WAY or THE TRUTH, for that is within each of you and always has been. I simply come to stir recognition to some long forgotten memories

For an Unconditional Basic Income (tags)

Martin Luther King called us to a radical revolution of values, from a thing-oriented to a person-oriented society. Like community centers, a basic income could have multiplier effects. The price of oil rose three-fold in four years. Lifestyles and priorities must change for an open future.

Feminist Self-defense: No God! No Master! No Sexist Aggressions! (tags)

* El Libertario published in its 51st edition (Venezuela, Novermber - Dicember 2007) a text compilation that expresses important aspects of what anarchism proposes may be done to face the growing problem of gender violence.

Distribute "Free Hugs for Peace!" at Saturday's March (tags)

This is a project that one person can do in less than 20 minutes. It will bring joy to hundreds and help foster a warm sense of connection and community.

If we hired people the same way we elected them (tags)

If we hired people the same way we elected them

College of Christ Consciousness (tags)


An Open Letter To All Present and Future Representatives and Senators on Capitol Hill… (tags)

Our Congressional Representatives should be put on notice for not representing We-The-People

More Racist Moves by the Police of Orange County (tags)

The City of Orange, CA will be passing an ordinance Saturday, January 11th criminalizing day laborers. The City of Orange has a memo of understanding with ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) stating that the local police force can and will cooperate with ICE in the aprehension of criminalized "illegal" immigrants.

Eric McDavid Update (tags)

Hearings, fundraising, sentencing and more...

10 days to No Borders Camp 2007 / 10 días a Campamento Contra Las Fronteras 2007 (tags)

The No Borders Camp 2007 is just 10 days away. Here are some ways you can still plug in, and information on how to get to the camp.

If They Bomb Iran You Get Drafted (tags)

the privileged rich kids of the 60's, protesting war, are now ridiculously walking around campus, bald and fat, with signs saying STAND WITH US...which in reality of course means DIE FOR US....those people are zionists all, and not Americans...don't fall for their lies...their kids are not fighting for israel, only you expendable, poor kids do that (if you are gullible enough)...

LAUSD - Racist School District (tags)

The majority of LAUSD's teachers are White! LAUSD discriminates against African American and Hispanic teachers!

Police State Tactics for a Police State! (tags)

What is happening in the United States? Our representatives and those sworn to protect us are negating their oaths of office, in turn, stamping on our Constitutional rights.

Urgent - Eric McDavid's Trial Quickly Approaching! (tags)

Fundraising, hearings, and September in Sacto...

Go to Los Angeles Meeting Monday 8/20 Noon (tags)

Los Angeles Municipal Water District announced 18 Million Water drinking RatePayers from San Diego through most cities they serve in Greater Los Angees will get FLUORIDE 'Medicant' in water Oct 1 '07. PROTEST at PUBLIC Meeting Noon Oct. 20th Monday/ details:

Eric McDavid Update - Fundraising, Trial Dates, and Eric Says... (tags)

Matching funds, Eric says, and more...

Compulsory Patronage of Private Business? (tags)

Forced Patronage of Private Businesses seems to violate Constitutional Protections against Compulsory Speech. It also forces people to give money to investments, by insurers, in what may be the very industry that caused one's illness!

A Call For A Nationwide General Strike! (tags)

Shut It All Down! A Call For A Nationwide General Strike!

Call for Submissions: Zine on Property Destruction (tags)

Entering the radical community, many quickly find themselves constantly hearing about debate over property destruction. Is it violence? Does it matter if it's violence? Is it effective? Is it alienating? And on and on. I've been hearing this argument pretty much since I regularly started attending protests. At this point, I almost don't want to deal with the subject. Naturally, you're asking, "Then why the hell do you want to make a zine about it?"

Federal Officials Silencing Organized Movemet In Alabama, Endentured Servitude and Slavery (tags)

The USA federal government is on its war path. Let us snatch the hood from the technological monster and expose it, and let the people slit its throat or throats. I have a video demanding an end to endentured Servitude

10 simple promises (tags)

The attatched 42K PDF document is my bid for the Presidency in 2008.

The Evolution of Morality (tags)

Scientists who study human evolution have discovered the evolutionary origins of morality. The concept of morality exists in every culture on Earth, but the morals themselves are different, which causes a lot of conflict in the world. Now that the Democrats own Congress, I’m sure that conflict is about to get very interesting…

NTEU Secret Service Collusion Brought US An Imposter For President (tags)

Because the Secret Service is under the National Treasury Employees Union (NTEU), and because the NTEU has mathematically at least 14,400 chances of collusion, Goerge Bush or any other President can be marched around by the Secret Service, and he can be an imposter.

Force and Fraud (tags)

This is the reality you are facing, and denial will not help you this time.

Action Alert: Thank Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez for Speaking Truth to Power! (tags)

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez calls the Devil by his current name George Bush and Democrat Party leaders show their true and yellow.

An Open Letter To All U.S. Military Service Men and Women (tags)

911 was an inside job.

Evolutionary Science as an Implement of Personal Empowerment (tags)

Scientists who study human evolution have made great discoveries into the origins of human emotions and how they affect people and interpersonal relationships. People can put these discoveries to use in their everyday lives—if they learn about them.

A word in defense of the eco-prisoners (tags)

it just rubs me the wrong way

Bush supporter, please take down your American flag (tags)

One page printable/downloadable handout aimed at Bush supporters points out why now is the time to abandon their American flags, support our troops magnets, and Christian symbols. Suggestion to download from included link, print out, and distribute.

Investigate the Conspiracy Nazis! (tags)

Should we investigate the "Truth Seekers"?

Save the Farm! (tags)


"There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt in your philosophy." ~ Shakespeare


Knowing your rights, what you are required to say to the police should they ask you, what you don’t need to say or allow, how to answer and when to walk away, can make all the difference later should you be arrested and wind up in front of a judge.

Jim Gilchrist speaks on LA march (tags)

Words from Jim Gilchrist on the march in L.A.

1968 (tags)

The only way that today remains practicable is to observe carefully, with minuzia and patience, that has been - but, only, in order to find that it would have to be, or, in alternative, that is it. No eruditism is more acceptable.

Death Don't Worry About It! (tags)

We are about to enter a time of vast destruction and death not seen since the second world war, so learning about death may be of some comfort in the near future.

SF-IMC has been allowing Google to track you (tags)

SF-IMC for an unknown period of time has included code in their web pages that allowed the capitalists at Google to track their site visitors, as well as allowing Google to set and read cookies on users' machines. Other Indymedia tech people called this out on Thanksgiving day. SF-IMC tried to play it off like those who questioned allowing a giant internet company to track their site's users were "paranoid", but SF-IMC does appear to have come to its senses and deleted the offending code. Still, there remain many unanswered questions as to the sum of the information Google was allowed to acquire through this code and for how long this tracking had been going on. As SF-IMC displays open hostility toward what they call the "fetishization of local control and autonomy of individual indymedia sites" and hopes to impose their vision of editorial policy network-wide, an explanation for such cooperation with a corporate entity should be forthcoming.

Fear and Health in the U.S. (tags)

The Flu Season is Here, again! Are you going to participate, or not? If you wish to participate this season, you can get a flu shot, if you are a part of the “at risk” population or you can bribe a health care professional into giving (selling) you a shot. ‘ No’, wait, that was last years flu season. This year, we have the “regular” flu (Swine,



SGV 9-11 Truth Movement Gets Rolling (tags)

Approximately 20 9/11 Truth activists and concerned individuals from around the area turned up at the corner of Main and Garfield in Alhambra on Sunday morning to draw attention to the glaring inconsistencies, distortions and omissions in the official government version of the events that attempt to explain the tragedy of September 11, 2001.

Speculations on Future US Policy (tags)

Without any concessions, Condoleezza Rice suggested that gulfs could be bridged and cooperation with Europe promoted. Her sneer made it seem: cooperation on our conditions. Many factors will stop the "arrogance of power" (Sen Fulbright).

Agressive Cops at the Minutemen Protest (tags)

A video clip of police thugs in action. drudgery and/or artisanhood (tags)

the question was raised re: writer's block.

Unveiling the Weapon of the Masses (tags)

This is a call to the spiritual warriors that serve humanity in the quiet of their abodes.

Keep Those Cards and Letters Comin’, Folks (tags)

Is there any chance of preventing the hammering of the last nail into America’s coffin on Coronation (formerly Inauguration) Day? Yes, but all care must be administered to our critically ill nation ere January 6, or she’s a goner for good. For more details, read on.

Buy Nothing Day ~ TARGET WAL-MART (tags)

Ideas about how to impede conspicuous consumption.

Registration Screwed? Vote Provisionally. (tags)

If your registration got screwed up, or you can't get to your designated polling place, you can still vote. Use the Provisional Vote.

Bush's War on the Rocks (tags)

Whatever the president says, things are going from bad to worse in Iraq and in the “War” on Terror. If the voters are paying attention, it may cost him the election next week.

Fetishist Rumsfeld (tags)

"With Rumsfeld, one enters a plane of freely-floating aggressiveness not bound to any principles or any special competence. Psychological textbooks know unbridled ruthless tyrants as failures. Rumsfeld may be a successful cross-breeding.."

Urgent casting call for "Salsa Nights" anti-three strikes law play! (tags)

Casting call!! See below!

If Voting Changed Anything... (tags) would be illegal.

If you think 'free-will' is real, you are the problem. (tags)


If Voting Changed Anything... (tags) would be illegal

Reagan Replace Hamilton on the Ten-Spot? Not! (tags)

A move is afoot to supplant Alexander Hamilton’s image on the very currency he helped strengthen with that of a recently-departed president whose main political achievement was establishing style over substance. Should we put Ronald Reagan’s mouth (and the rest of his face, and for that matter, his hair) where our money is? For the answer, read on.

Theaters for Fahrenheit 9/11 on 6/25 (tags)

Fahrenheit 9/11 is coming to a theater near you on June 25, and we must use this opportunity to pack the theaters to affirm the First Amendment, in particular, freedom of speech, which was trampled by the private Disney Corporation when it refused to allow the producer, Miramax, to distribute this movie before the November election, forcing a Canadian company, Lions Gate, and IFC, to distribute it, which they have done to some 700 theaters, and counting.

Rep. Sanders, (I) Vermont Provides a Refreshing View! (tags)

A BUZZFLASH GUEST COMMENTARY "The Collapse of the Middle Class" by Rep. Bernie Sanders of Vermont, the only Independent in the U.S. House.

Militant Direct Action is a must at the RNC (tags)

Not much needs to be said here. The police will as always be donning their Darth Vader gear...this includes objects of OFFENSE, and objects of defense. We, as could-be revolutionaries must show that we are serious and to be TAKEN seriously.


If you have been to this site the governement is after you. Follow this link to the SF indymedia to read about it from the webmaster.

They Hate Us (tags)

They Hate Us Because of Our Freedom

IF (tags)

If AIDS is sexually transmitted how can one explain these figures:

Protest Planned Tomorrow vs. Westminster School Board anti-transgender motion (tags)

Westminster, Orange County, teachers union and members of the Transgender Community plan to protest a School Board Plan to defy State policy protecting transgender and transsexual students.

The Collective Psychosis of the Hate-America Crowd (tags)

Mark Steyn, writing for the Telegraph, dissects the hate-America crowd currently having a nervous breakdown in the streets of London.

Inland Empire Protest (tags)

Friday, March 19th, RAPJA (Riverside Area Peace & Justice Action) and friends protested the wars in Iraq, Palestine, and everywhere. .............Below find 6 PICTURES AND A THIRTY FIVE SECONDS VIDEO

7 Destructive Habits of Incompetent People (tags)

WARNING! If you want to have a fantastic life, never engage yourself in these 7 deadly habits that may ruin your life.

Open Letter to Dean Supporters (tags)

You can still influence the Democratic nomination process in a meaningful way. The answer is to back Representative Dennis Kucinich, who has vowed to remain in the race through the convention. If the convention becomes a "brokered" deal, which it appears will happen, then the more Progressive voices there the better for our issues.

If anyone has nonanarchist's IP address, please send it to us. (tags)

nonanarchist is obviously part of the COINTELPRO operation targeting various anarchists.

Why Dennis Kucinich? (tags)

There are essentially two fundamental courses that America may take in the world, at this particular juncture: Imperialism or multilateralism.

If Howard Dean Were President (tags)

Sen. Leiberman's comment this last Sunday.

New American Anthem (tags)

gotten via email, something even perhaps the dimwitted bush can memorize!

If there Is another big Terror Attack, Round Up the Indy Media Traitors first (tags)

If the US gets hit again it will be time to stop pretending that seditious speech in favor of the terrorists does not promote terrorism. Isn't it interesting that our enemies would not tolerate such behviour in their ranks and would immediately execute such traitors , and detain their families. Perhaps we will be compelled to adopt the same measures. Terrorists swim in a sea of fellow travellers. This is how they maintain their covers. If the sea is drained, the terrorists have no place to hide.

Howard Dean Video (tags)

This man just doen't get enough credit. Watch video of our next President.

Pay Ransom! Fires Stop? (tags)

For years I have watched when those who trample upon me and others fall into their graves or their pens...Today is no Different. I am a Prisoner of War of LA County

Did Kobe Bryant reveal something startling?! (tags)

Kobe might've saved having to pay $4,000,000 for his wife's ring, had he learned some certain "street creed", when he was playing horse.

Radical Direct Action (tags)

Our protest tactics do not work. The demonstrations against the war did nothing to dissuade the Bush administration from carrying it out. Mass rallies to demonstrate that the people oppose government policy play on the assumption that the government could give a damn what the people think. It does not, and it will not. The government is motivated exclusively by their interests in capital and power. We know this to be the case by their own admission, by the governments insistence that it will not be influenced by protests.

Have You Been Injured by Peg-Intron? (tags)

Have you been permanently injured due to PEG-Intron / Rebatron? Here is your chance to do something about it!

Forced Taxation is Immoral (tags)

Why do we cooperate when we buy a car or groceries - yet the government has to use force to get the same money?

Bali bomber thanks anti-war protesters (tags)

THE man who helped mix the deadly one-tonne Bali nightclub bomb Sawad, alias Sardjiyo, yesterday said he wanted to thank the Australian people who had supported his cause during recent Australian anti-Gulf War protests. "I want to thank the Australian people who supported our cause when they demonstrated against the policies of George Bush. Say thank you to all of them," Sawad said.

Do Birds of a Feather Stick Togeather? (tags)

If they do, Daniel Pipes has fascist admirers.

Howard "Two Covers" Dean (tags)

Given the rest of this stale field, no wonder Dean gets all the buzz.

Make Money, Not War (tags)

Make Money, Not War.

Laughing at KOBE (tags)

The stupidity of KOBE never stops.

Family Compensation for Miltary Deaths (tags)

There are a few inequities that need to be addressed. I know my fans at Indymedia will help me get the word out. I'm counting on you Diogenes, Sheepdog, and X.

You Can Choose The Constitution or You Can Choose the Flag and the President (tags)

As Americans begin to celebrate the 4th of July it is important in my opinion to discuss what exactly is patriotism.


The guantlet has been thrown. The winners are the one's who have their political agendas advanced and implemented.

The Pursuit of Happiness (tags)

Here is an opportunity to use international law to enable the Pursuit of Happiness.

Things I've Learned or Concluded In The Last Couple Of Years (tags)

When we're afraid, its OK if our leaders are delusional as long as they really believe in their delusions and state them strongly.

Metaphysical Didactical Armor with Biblical-Analogy basis presented in Anarchistic format (tags)

If I were to tell you a story which held up in many instances and proved useful, while not hindering your efforts at leading a normal sane life... why would you mind? Here is a thought that occurred to me, the latest in my internal discource on Lucifer, Satan, God, Jesus, the fall of man, all that good stuff. I am an bona-fide anarchist, so my sources and assumtions follow that bent--there are law, rules and common sense, but no authority outside of those things. (Laws but no ordained rulers. That kinda thing.) ...enough said here, read on!

Patriot Bar Project (tags)

No matter what the issue is ... the answer is ... get everybody to vote. You wanna feel represented.. get everybody you know to vote.


come see

If Government is So Good - Why Does It Force Us To Pay Taxes? (tags)

If government is so good, why can't they operate in the free and open market, and not use force?

Social Systems Are Corrupt (tags)

From the book "The Origin of Social Dysfunction" by E. Allie.

This War is Not for Oil (tags)

This article explains exactly why the war in Iraq is not for oil.

If the capitalists win...If the entrepreneurs win... (tags)

From Lorne Strider's web page


I and a few others were all assaulted by the same LAPD officer. If you were also, please contact me. See story below.

Brief Protective Gear List (tags)

This list of gear describes the tools which can help protect you and enable you to make your voice heard in the coming days. The list describes some basic tools which will protect you against tear gas/pepper spray, as well as a bit of first aid gear.

Heavy Rain, High Winds For 3/15 - How To Stay Warm and Dry! (tags)

Hi folks, The weather forecast for LA on the afternoon of Saturday, March 15th promises winds of 20 to 30 MPH and 2 to 3 inches of rain. A little preparation now can help bring you a LOT of comfort on 3/15!





warisgood (tags)

Regarding all of these anti-war protestors. They do not have a clue what is coming.

warisgood (tags)

Regarding all of these anti-war protestors. They do not have a clue what is coming.

How To Be Livid (tags)

Anger as a sane and appropriate response to the proposed war in Iraq. A guide for those still too shy to protest.

Act for the peace (tags)

If you do not want this war, if you think that your government would tilt Rather for the conflict to the Security Council of the UNO, or the pacifism, would be tempted of Change opinion, by giving in to the pressures, Let know by writing, by faxing by mail, your peace wish beside Of your elected members, and representing your state.

Need Callers ttonight at 6pm for Radio re Unjustified murder of Gonzalo Martinez (tags)

PLEASE CALL! We need callers for support on radio show that will be broadcast repeadetly until it is no longer necessary to obtain Justice for the wrongful death of Gonzalo Martinez. Join the parents of Gonzalo, Norberto & Norman on the anniversary of thei9r son's death.

Support Political Prisoner 2/14 (tags)

see below, please


Events have come to a head. The timing for this Protest is perfect. But it's CRUCIAL that there is a large turnout.



The Mud is Up To Our Necks (tags)

The Bush administration firmly believes in its dreams of solving deeply rooted long-term problems in coups d'etats. When the dreamers awake, they will see that the mud is up to our necks..Washington sees international organizations as impairment..

One Yorba Lindan's reflection on today's protest (tags)

This is my reflection on the OC protest and the pro-peace protests around the world.


this is an e-mail i received, it is sung to the tune of "if your happy and you know it, clap your hands"

The Reality of Manifesting a World of Trust (tags)


Dictator Watch Manifesto (tags)

Now, or never?

Virtue Demands Pulling All Support from Pride (tags)


Prepare to be Houseless (tags)


Pt. 4, On the Duty of Civil Disobedience (tags)

Thoreau's essay became the most influential of his writings, serving, for example, as a model for Ghandi's campaign of passive resistence in India, and as a handbook for the underground in Nazi-occupied Europe.

Censorship right before my eyes! (tags)

If I had not seen it I wouldn't have believed it.

Road to war paved with LIES? (tags)

The road toward war in Iraq may be paved with LIES.

Thunder Bay Police (tags)

Do Police Assault

Pt. 3, On the Duty of Civil Disobedience (tags)

Offered in the spirit of Muhammed Ali, Carlos Cortez, the Kent State students massacred, all those that got their heads busted or gased in 1968 in Chicago, or elsewhere, Mark Clarke, Fred Hampton Sr. & others in the movement killed by the authorites.

Total control by IAO (tags)

try this new patriotic feature

A Guide to Videotaping Police at Demonstrations (tags)

A Training Manual for Videotaping Police at Demonstrations


an essay on the necessity of direct action

Faith Heals Reason (tags)

"There is a beautiful fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen where the devil builds a mirror that distorts everything beautiful and good into nothing.. I asked myself whether or not Andersen meant scientific reason.." This sermon is translated from the German.

Reports From Palestine (tags)

Garrick Ruiz, a Los Angeles activist and food justice organizer, has been sending reports from Palestine. These are the first few, which have been sent to several listservs in LA.

Bush Daddy: The Bane of Houston? (tags)

My Daddy said that wherever that Crazy Asinine Lowdown Fool, Bush Daddy goes, he curses the very ground that he walks on. To "Everyman": Just in case BD heads your way.

33: Is war our basic human nature (tags)

This is a call for revolution We exist within a community of life Our choices influence the course of existence Are we leading or are we being led Will we choose peace or war

Bill Joy Says the Elite Will Rule Us (tags)

Bill Joy says the new technology may make humans useless eaters.

no better time then now... (tags)

The World Liberation Army is looking for revolutionary anti-capitalist people and groups.

Why's the O22 Turnout So Low? (tags)

Could it be that it's three o'clock on a Monday, and not a Sunday? Could it be that L.A.'s protest "movement" isn't as mobilized as it was a year ago today? Maybe a little of both.

If I Were a Conspiracy Theorist... (tags)

If I were one of those crazy conspiracy nuts, I might think something like this: The attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon were carried out by the CIA, in collusion with the President and his "advisors", in order to bring about an inter-related set of objectives:

KPFK Manager Censors Democrcy Now! (in exile) (tags)

Demonstation called at KPFK Wed. Sept. 19 7 - 10 am



If You're in the 4th CD, Vote For Denise (tags)

Los Angeles' city council has traditionally been home to the lowest kind of cash-register politics, where servile sycophants protect the interests of fat-cat land developers. Here's a rare opportunity to buck that trend.


let's stop the BS!!

Clarence Thomas Coming to San Bernardino? (tags)

There is a rumor that Clarence Thomas, one of the "Felonious Five", responsible for installing George W. Bush to power in the Bush Family Coup of 2,000 by stopping the ballot re-count in Florida just when it appeared Al Gore would move ahead, may be appearing at California State University in San Bernardino this fall or early next year. If his appearance is confirmed, we must organize a massive "Unwelcoming committee" demanding he and the other four step down or face impeachment!



"Media Beat": A Green Party Campaign (tags)

Two years from now, the Green Party will make a big decision: Should it run a candidate for president in 2004? For many Green the choice is a no-brainer. But others are not so sure. If the Green Party enters the next presidential race, it will largely appear to a lot of prospective constituencies to be a political party locked into a counterproductive tactic. If the Green Party seems contemptuous of such concerns, many progressives are likely to perceive it as a party too impractical to merit support. That would be a shame.

Moncada Day in Cuba (tags)

"If we win tomorrow, we will achieve that much faster what José Martí aspired to. "If the opposite were to occur, the action will serve as an example to the people of Cuba, to raise the flag and continue forward. The people will support us in Oriente [province] and in the whole island. "As in 1868 and 1895, here in Oriente we raise the first shout of ‘Freedom or Death!’" Fidel Castro Ruz addressing the Moncada combatants at dawn on July 26, 1953.

Letter to San Diego Union-Tribune (tags)

"San Diego Police hit a home run..." This is a letter I sent in response. Stephanie

Stephanie Black interviewed on NYC IMC Webcast tonight 9PM (tags)

Stephanie Black will be on tonight's webcast to speak about her recent film, "Life and Debt." -

Vandana Shiva at the BioJustice 2001 Kick Off (tags)

Vandana Shiva spoke passionately at this evening's teach-in events in San Diego. The room for this panel on organic agriculture was packed with over seventy people.

Neighborhood Councils: Democracy or Crap? (tags)

Per the new L.A. City Charter (1999), we will have Neighborhood Councils, for better or for worse. The activist community in L.A., which seems to be gaining momentum, is perhaps the only constituency that can stop these councils from becoming a total sham.

Response to DJK and the call for active defense (tags)

For those who think that non-violence is not working and are claiming that they want to step-up to the baiting of violent agencies and bodies, the question is are you going to be the one to take charge of a situation and be on the front line, the buffer to take the hits?

Open Letter to Ted Hayes from an Anarchist (tags)

One anarchist feels that Ted Hayes has taken it upon himself to slam anarchists in front of the corporate media as well as do everything possible to disrupt and cause dissent within anarchist ranks. Hayes seems to find it necessary to videotape fellow activists presumably to turn them into the police.

I wonder... (tags)

Write to CNN and PRAISE them for this. (tags)

e'mail Lynne Abraham (tags)

work from within

e'mail Lynne Abraham (tags)

work from within

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