fix articles 145713, s 1315
The next two weeks SEPT 26-OCT 9, 2008 WILL BE CRUCIAL because the joint Congress conference committee will decide how to reconcile the two disparate bills- SB 1315 and HR 6897- the inequity bill that gives nothing to the Filipino veterans. For the latest news, the lower house has alloted $ 198 million for the benefits under the HB 6897 as a result of our actions. Are we contented with this? NO! A MILLION TIMES NO! While the US Congress will bail out crooked and corrupt corporations with our money, they give pennies to our veterans? We say PASS 1315 and restore Section 4 for Filipino veterans and trash HB 6897 ( Filner's Folly) - the quit claim bill!
Letter to Cong. Bob Filner, Pass the House Version of SB 1315, Now! (tags)
While we, as a Filipino-American community, always appreciate your efforts for the Filipino veterans, we do not agree with the direction you are taking. But, we will ask you to go an extra mile for our cause and let it not be you who will let it go to waste after 18 years of long, hard struggle. We want equity, we want justice, and we want it now! Pass the House version of S. 1315 now!
After 63 years, finally US Senate on April 24, 2008 passed the Veterans Expanded Benefits Bill with a vote of 96-1. This bill is generally an omnibus bill enhancing benefits to most US veterans. The provision of S.57 was partly incorporated in S. 1315 which will afford the Filipino veterans in the US to receive the same benefits as those of their US veteran counterpart. Those who are residing in the Philippines shall receive a monthly special pension of $300/month if the bill is finally signed into law. The Senate also voted 56-41 to defeat the effort of Sen. Richard Burr(R, NC) to redirect pension to wards U.S veterans. Almost all those who opposed the bill including Senator Burr and Craig voted for the bill. Democratic Senator Barack Obama who promised to vote for the bill and Republican candidate John McCain were not able to vote and were absent. Senator Hillary Clinton voted for the bill. Work Ahead “Our work has just begun our next target will be the House of Representatives to pass the bill and give justice, equity and correct the errors of racism for the Filipino World War II veterans” Arturo Garcia. JFAV and People’s CORE Coordinator said. For more than half a century, the Filipino World War II veterans have been seeking for just and equal recognition as US veterans. The house bill HR 760 should continue to gain support from legislators in the House with the passage of S. 1315 in Senate.
US Senate Passes Equity Bill, 96-1 (tags)
The US Senate began deliberation on S.1315 or the Filipino Veterans Equity Bill on April 22, 2008 and today, with a vote of 96-1, the bill was finally passed. This bill is generally an omnibus bill enhancing benefits to most US veterans. The provision of S.57 was partly incorporated in S. 1315 which will afford the Filipino veterans in the US to receive the same benefits as those of their US veteran counterpart. Those who are residing in the Philippines shall receive a monthly special pension of $300/month if the bill is finally signed into law. " We would like to thank the leadership of the Senators Inouye and Senator Akaka and all veterans advocates especially the youth for making it a possibility for this bill to pass. This is our long awaited desire to be recognized for all our sacrifices during World War II," said veteran leader Peping Baclig, National JFAV Coordinator..