fix articles 146560, i think that
Eric Bidwell: "Revolutionary" Mayor for the Rest of Us (tags)
Zenger's Newsmagazine is proud to endorse 25-year-old "revolutionary" candidate Eric Bidwell for Mayor of San Diego.
Peace Walk with Thich Nhat Hanh - Part 3 (tags)
Part 3 of a series. See part 1 at, and part 2 at
Behind the Scenes at “Democracy Now!” (tags)
Sonali Kolhatkar interviews Amy Goodman and David Goodman on “Uprising”, KPFK. Produced by Thatcher Collins. Monday, April 19th, 2004 KPFK studios, Los Angeles, CA. Subjects covered: Amy's early academic work, her approach to journalism, coverage of insiders turned dissidents, Mumia, Michael Moore, collectively run media, and sleeping.
a second march route for 3/20 (tags)
the antiwar movement is enormous and complex.... the March route(s) should reflect this.
We Are Seriously Concerned About the Fate of the State of Israel (tags)
"The best thing now is to convince and create public opinion that will come and say: This is what we want. We want to withdraw from the territories" The Yediot interview, with four former Shabak (Security) heads who sharply spoke out against the way our government handles the Israeli- Palestinian conflict, attracted worldwide attention. Here is Full Translation.
Unspinning Fox News Channel’s Bill O'Reilly (tags)
FOX creates programming for an audience that is angry about Jesse Jackson or reparations for slavery, or are still angry about Bill Clinton, or who think -- like O'Reilly does -- that Hillary Clinton is the most dangerous politician in the country.
Fight Fascism on the Net (tags)
Fight pro-war activists everywhere on the net.