fix articles 148796, armor Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : armor


Aim for the head if you get into a gun fight with a cop (tags)

If you get into a gun fight with a crooked cop aim for the head? Also high powered rifle rounds will usually penetrate the bullet proof vests cops wear.

Looking For Harvey Weinstein (tags)

The true story of Modern day Michelangelo in a place where folk think Fresco is a soda and Michelangelo a puffy hairdresser from Becerly Hills.

A Petition To Ask For Rumsfeld's Resignation (tags)

Please sign the petiton by visiting the link & forward it to everyone you know.

Like the Song Says: It's Deja Vu All Over Again (tags)

Soldiers dissing the Secretary of Defense, mutinies, desertion at record highs. Can officer fragging be far behind? Does any of this sound familiar?

The Hill Takes a Leak on the Bush Bulge (tags)

A small Washington newsletter runs an anonymous Secret Service leak story attempting to debunk the Bush bulge as an armored vest, but raises more questions than it answers.

RENT-A-SPY, INC. (tags)

American corporation USDS involved in foreign and domestic espionage

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