fix articles 14911, present Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : present


Present and history (tags)

Postmodern consciousness is completely absorbed in the present, the point of the now, indeed is eager to be absorbed in it - a state of affairs that manifests itself in the fact that all thought and action relates solely to it: There is the present - and nothing else. Or to be more precise: there is the present of the now (which continues indefinitely) and the past presents.

Dear Matriots (tags)

The fire of youth will never be put out. Don’t let them break your spirit. We are only called to plant the seed, to be truth-tellers and story-tellers, to redefine and expand work, to revive our welcoming tradition and decry the tradition of fear.

The Neoliberal Indoctrination (tags)

Homo oeconomicus fades away as an economic theory along with market fundamentalism and market radicalism. Market failure and state violence epitomized by Enron's expansive accounting method and the aggressive wars in Vietnam, Nicaragua, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and Syria should be lessons.

Struggles in the Shadow of the Pandemic (tags)

For Trump, wealth, privilege, and power was even license to invent reality as he saw fit. Thus any divergence from his worldview and interests were ‘fake news’. Trump ensured the plutocratic wealthy were no longer in the political shadows but now in the mainstream.

Brazil: Lula challenges Moro to present at least one evidence! (tags)

Moro and the judges of the second instance did not rigorously present any evidence, sinking Brazilian judiciary into a sea of mud of worldwide repercussion. In

Claims paid involving Pasadena Police Department 2014 to present (tags)

Claims paid involving Pasadena Police Department 2014 to present

Notice of fbi criminality run amuck in a world in crisis (tags)

This report suggests that the fbi poses a deadly threat to people everywhere.

Son Of Vietnam War Criminal Opts For Social Sanity (tags)

It is either walls or bones if it goes on any further, says Vitus Marker, son of army commander Widukind Marker, in the notorious Marker case over the removal of a phoney family home erected by the provincial government without clear order or convincing purpose. Marker argues if it were to turn out true that the building was specifically made for but not formally offered to him, and that it is cause for insanity of his father, and that a removal of the building could provide a circumstantial perspective for healing, then he does prefer the healing over the building.

Excerpts from 2002 report on failed leadership USA (tags)

About 14 years ago I expressed my concern about the failed leadership in the USA. Today, the gross human rights violations by USA (especially the fbi/cia) punctuate my observations on topic.

To all the human monsters of our time (tags)

This report is directed to the professional killers & torturers who work for the usa.

Fbi's relentless assaults (tags)

Here is my diary entry of events this week.

Our Stories Are Puzzling For Many (tags)

In our time the stories of our fellow citizens under attack by government thugs may be viewed as a big puzzle, but...

Western Support for Israeli State Terror (tags)


KPFK of long ago had different views.... (tags)

A KPFK FOLIO of 1967 has editorial that shows how closer to it's origins there was open discussion and sharing with listeners ideas, questions, and even the monthly mailing of a filmy printed schedule with original artworks, poetry and even an editorial. This is one found that seems to talk about 'those long ago' days and times but that also reveals a different attitude that was then Available and Allowed at Our Radio Station. KPFK 90.7 FM radio.

KPFK hosted PACIFICA's board in LA. Missed it? here's some for ya (tags)

More on PACIFICA FORUM in LA june 2015 - as observed and noted. Many KPFK public members - and staff - and programmers came for their brief 2-min comment to the 'parent' company- Pacifica PNB members present, The PNB spoke for hours disputing, conflicting, discussing and also shouting to each other - while the larger-size audience sat way in back behind their circle.

Killers, torturers and the new recommended registry for them (tags)

I propose a long overdue registry to protect us from government killers & torturers.


Stagnation, not growth, is the norm for mature capitalism (tags)

The dynamics of a mature capitalist economy result in stagnation and financialization, creating deepening inequality.

Democracy in Crisis: The Terror of the Economy is a Danger to Democracy (tags)

There is a powerful crisis dynamic that is stronger than the will of the sovereign and its democratic institutions. When capital relations fall into crisis, everything can be instrumentalized: the basic law, democracy, human rights and human life. Economic pressure creates extremism of middle.

UK Uncut's London Street Party (tags)

The fire of youth will never be put out! The future must be anticipated and protected in the present, not extrapolated from the present (J.Moltmann). Private corporations occupy the government. This is destructive of democracy.

The great austerity war (tags)

The great austerity war: what caused the US deficit crisis and who should pay to fix it? The right-wing coalition has been so successful over recent decades that the long-run challenges facing the country today are daunting.

$3.8 trillion budget sets up election-year fight with Republicans (tags)

The US faces a revenue crisis and a war spending crisis. The Congress, a millionaires' club, isn't about upholding the constitution but maintaining plutocracy and crony capitalism. Without the social contract and government of the people, we become wolves to each other.

Unlawful Assembly at a Protest (tags)

Unlawful Assembly at a Protest. What it is. Laws about it. Orders to disperse. Detailed.

Occupy LA and Others Protest Outside Fox News Shareholder Meeting (tags)

WEST LOS ANGLES, October 21, 2011 - A crowd of about 75 people protested today outside the entry to the Fox Studios lot in Century City where the Fox News Corp. annual shareholders meeting is taking place today. Rupert Murdock is expected to attend the meeting today.

Refund California Action Results in 11 Arrests. Photo Set 2 (tags)

First Major Arrests of Occupy LA Associated Protesters Photo Set 2 of 2

Refund California Action Results in 11 Arrests. (tags)

First Major Arrests of Occupy LA Associated Protesters Photo Set 1 of 2

Billionaires for Bush are back? (tags)

Dressed in tuxedos and top hats, members of Billionaires for Wealthcare piled out a sleek black Cadillac Escalade to "thank" Schweikert for supporting the wealthy and even attempted to give him a present during the meeting.

Unconditional Basic Income - More than a Social-Political Concept (tags)

"Revolutions are very hard.. Sometimes holding fast to old structures will lead to the abyss. Then very high risks of a new beginning will be accepted to escape the far worse consequences of the collapse of the old structures." Basic income would prevent death from starvation.

Community Centers as a New Beginning (tags)

With $1 billion, the US could build 4000 community centers at a quarter-million dollars each. The network of community centers in Vancouver Canada could be our model. Public spirit could arise to counter the exploding inequality.

US Capitalism in Crisis: An Emperor With No Clothes (tags)

The champions of US capitalism are having to get used to a changing global stage on which they play a diminishing role

Cuba: dialogue ... and debate (tags)

* We present the no. 16 issue (July 2010) of CUBA LIBERTARIA, edited by GALSIC (Grupo de Apoyo a los Libertarios y Sindicalistas Independientes en Cuba). You may obtain a .pdf file of this edition in Spanish at

PGC CELEBRATES 80th B-Day of Lola/Nanay Lydia. (tags)

Sons and daughters, relatives and the whole Gaviola-Espiritu clans celebrated the 80th birhday of Lola Lydia S. Espiritu last May 8 at Golden Coast Buffet in Alhambra, CA. Present were all her grandsons and grandaughters and great grand daughters with their nephwes and neices from all over California. Also present were her only living sister Penafrancia Sals and sister-in laws Luzviminda Espiritu from LA and Carmez Zita from San Diego. Musical numbers, dances and games were given for her honor.

Fight for the Dream: Whoever has a vision can be a physician (tags)

Brave New Films presents "War on Greed" starring Larry the Loophole

Citizen Money as a Bold Social Utopia (tags)

"Spring has returned. The earth is like a child that knows poems." (Rainer Maria Rilke) Citizen money would guarantee a reasonable life for all. Citizen money challenges our social and cultural assumptions and uncouples work and income.

THE NEXT 100 YEARS (tags)

Analysis of George Friedman's book.


The Philippine Embassy Chancery on Bataan St. in Washington is an expression of the state of the Philippines Today. Old, decrepit and ailing like the Philippine economy propped up by the remittances of Filipino workers abroad. The ECPP NEWS elarned this from the Filipino writer Rodney Jaleco who said; “ blast from the past, the historic Philippine chancery finally reopens its doors in a few weeks. The old chancery stands opposite the present Philippine Embassy building along Massachusetts Ave. NW. It was purchased in the 1930s by Resident Commissioner (the Philippine representative to the US Congress) Joaquin Elizalde. It served as the seat of the Philippine government-in-exile during World War II.

Green Party of California 20th Anniversary Celebration, Feb. 6 (tags)

EVENT REMINDER SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 6th: Green Party of California 20th Anniversary Celebration Green Party of California: 1990 to the present Celebrate Green History • Look Ahead • Green Politics • Fun Saturday, February 6, 2010 • 12pm to 9pm

It's Not About Health Care at All (tags)

There has to be more behind the proposal than simply taking care of Americans.

If the cap fits - wear it. (tags)

Present day war criminals hold meeting with successors of past war criminals - in Berlin.


The first hearing of the Mehserle murder trial in Southern California took place on Friday January 8, 2010. The 7am gathering and press conference in front of the L.A. Superior Court Building was in many ways a meet-and-greet between the newly formed LA Coalition For Justice for Oscar Grant and representatives from Oakland.

Furlough? Hell No! Cutback? Fight back! UCR Walkout (tags)

In one of the largest campus-based demonstrations in recent memory, UCR students, faculty, and staff joined together to protest tuition hikes and the budget cuts that are prompting furloughs and bad-faith bargaining with UC workers' unions.

Border Patrol hits day labor corner in Rancho Cucamonga Cae la migra en Rancho Cucamonga (tags)

Se llevaron a un jornalero de la esquina y a otros cinco o seis en una casa cercana. They kidnapped one day laborer from the corner and five or six others from a nearby house.

FBI Arrests Four Dupes in Marketing Extravaganza (tags)

Need terror? Just add an FBI informant and "Presto!" Instant terror!

seth speak (tags)

Other events literally become invisible to you. Since basically past and future exist at once, you are at the same time dangerously constructing your future along the same lines

Enjoy life to the fullest……………. (tags)

Don't over do ; keep your limits 14. Don't take yourself so seriously ; no one else does 15. Don't waste your precious energy on gossip 16. Dream more while you are awake 17. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.

A Mass Awakening in Process (tags)

WE Love you with the Highest Love, Honor and Respect. WE Love you Unconditionally. Love Mother and Father God/Amon Ra, ALL your Family of Light, ALL your Angels

GERMANY: Oscar Lafontaine on the Financial Markets (tags)

"The present crisis cannot be overcome without a regulation of the financial markets.. When banks are given billions through the so-called bank bailout and these billions disappear somewhere, that is a misappropriation or embezzlement of tax funds.."

Israel is a gansta state. (tags)

To be in power in Israel you must be either a rapist, a fraudster, a baby killer or a smuggler.

First interview (tags)

Maitreya’s first interview by the Master

99% of House joins 100% of Senate in Supporting Israel with HRes34 (tags)

On January 9, 2009, one day after the fascist US Senate voted 100% to support US/Israel terrorism in Gaza with Senate Resolution 10, the House of Representatives, with House Resolution 34, voted 99% to support the same genocide with only 5 No votes. Democrat Barbara Lee did NOT vote No; she played around in the “Present” pool, inexcusable in the face of genocide perpetrated with $15 million a day from the American taxpayers.


Despite the tremendous efforts of the Communist Party in the Philippines to destabilize the government, its popularity is at its lowest.


The Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV)wholeheartedly supports the Filipino Cultural Group as they present SAYAW, SIGLA.SAYA SA PASKO- A “Filipino Cultural Show” on Saturday, December 13, 2008 at the Glendale Civic Auditorium, 1401 N. Verdugo Road, Glendale, CA 91209. JFAV cordially invites the public to support such worthy endeavor for our community and our culture. JFAV as member organization of the Echo Park Community Coalition (EPCC) based in central Los Angeles. The JFAV commends this early Christmas present which is a fund raiser for some constructions and renovation at the St.Columban Filipino Parish in Historic Filipinotown.

Americans attacked and nearly killed in Mexico (tags)

Baja California authorities said three masked gunmen walked into the Bar Utopia in Tijuana over the weekend where many Americans where present, the mask gunmen wearing bullet proof vests began spraying gun fire randomly using AK-47 assault rifles. The terrorist killed two men and a woman at the scene, while the other two women died later at a hospital. The Tijuana police told the Laguna Journal that there where patrons present during the shooting that claimed to be Americans.

Filipino Cultural Show in Glendale, Dec.13 (tags)

-The Echo park Community Coalition (EPCC) announces that the Filipino Cultural Group, will present SAYAW, SIGLA.SAYA SA PASKO- A “Filipino Cultural Show” on Saturday, December 13, 2008 at the Glendale Civic Auditorium, 1401 N. Verdugo Road, Glendale, CA 91209. This early Christmas present is a fund raiser for some constructions and renovation at the St.Columban Filipino Parish in Historic Filipinotown. This historic landmark for Filipino-American history was built in 1965 and after more than 43 years needs much needed renovations.

Further Oppression of the Poor likely at the UN: America – both the Problem and the Soluti (tags)

After many years I devised a human rights approach to address the problems faced by societies, national and international. This includes immediately addressing core minimum obligations (i.e. dealing with the most serious violations), including the empowering rights to human rights education (re democratic support for human rights) and the right to development (re small business promotion) as well as non-retrogression (the protection of existing rights). However remarkably I was to find that the rights I focused on were virtually identical to the rights excluded by the complaints procedure due to be adopted by the UN General Assembly next month. I am now even more convinced than ever that my socially responsible ‘bottom-up’ human rights approach is the path forward while the global elites, international and national institutions fear any change that threatens their positions and lifestyles.

Tarot Cards and the Left (tags)

How prognostications of doom encourage passivity over action


“We want peace now, stop the Philippine military offensives in Mindanao.” The Alliance-Philippines strongly demanded that the US-Arroyo regime stop all military offensives in Mindanao and return to negotiations. The AJLPP also condemned the US armed intervention in Mindanao. This as the number of war refugees swelled up to 300,000 from 210,000 in two weeks as the conflict escalates. The AJLPP also supports the stand of Manila Auxiliary Bishop Broderick Pabillo that “arming civilians would not help the government’s efforts to restore peace in southern Philippines. He said, “We are against it, because violence can never be a solution. It will not solve the problem,”

Sunday 10AM: Blasé Bonpane KPFK On-Air Tribute to Don White (tags)

Blasé Bonpane KPFK On-Air Tribute to Don White 6/29/2008 at 10:00 - 11:00 AM KPFK 90.7FM Airways on World Focus Theresa and Blase Bonpane worked closely with Don White longer than almost anyone else in Los Angeles.

V.P. Candidate wants U.S. ethanol production cut to feed poor (tags)

A recent report prepared by the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization identified 22 nations that are threaten by the global food crisis; riots, due to food shortages are now occurring in most of these poor countries. To prevent the escalation of the present world food crisis, Stewart Alexander, Vice Presidential Nominee for Socialist Party USA, wants a freeze or a roll back on U.S. ethanol production to the levels prior to December 2007.

The Present Rice Crisis in The Philippines (tags)

The Philippine Peasant Support Network (Pesante)-USA, a Filipino farmers, environmental and human rights advocacy group based in Los Angeles expressed dismay over the US-Arroyo regime’s way of solving the present rice crisis in the former rice producing nation of the Philippines. The Philippine government is going to buy two million metric tons of rice abroad at a cost of $600 or P24,600 per metric ton, that will be P49.2 billion, which is 146 times than the Philippines annual post-harvest budget. President Arroyo already released P1.5 billion to boost rice production especially in the top 10 poorest provinces. The rice will be imported- from of all places-- the United States and Vietnam.

Change In International Travel Documents (tags)

Travelers who do not present one of the documents listed below may be delayed as U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers attempt to verify their identity and citizenship

What Works and What Doesn't In Building A New Workers’ Movement (tags)

There are thousands of activists of one type or another who want to change society and recognize that we need a movement to do that. many of these people are in organizations and groupings, many are in Unions. What is causing the delay in the building of a new movement to throw back the present capitalist offensive. One major factor is the heads of Organized Labor, but they are not the only factor.

What is the Border Patrol doing in an evacuation zone? (tags)

We have witnessed the presence of the Border Patrol in Fallbrook during a brief visit we made earlier today. We witnessed them entering into Mexican neighborhoods and we believe there is absolutely no reason for the Border Patrol to be present in this time of crisis. Their presence in fact discourage people who may be in need to seek aid.

Social Economies and Political Conflicts (tags)

Most of our serious social, ecological and economic problems can only be solved bottom-up with the insight and will of concerned citizens. The challenge consists in a radical democratization of the economy. Otherwise we put the cart before the horse and bridle the horse by the tail.

The Future of Work-driven Society (tags)

When less and less time needs to be spent working for a living in Western industrialised countries, this partial freedom of gainful occupation is increasingly becoming a problem for those dismissed. The vision of working less and living longer is a utopia that is also realistic.

Report from Rod Coronado trial (tags)

After spending the court day on Monday with jury selection, the 12 person (plus one alternate) was seated Tuesday morning, Sept. 11, and opening statements were made by both prosecution and defense attorneys before Tuesday’s noon lunch break. The jury is mostly white in this conservative town with a large military population, with one African American and 4 Latino, and a seven/five gender split, with two more women than men.

Moondance International Film Festival (tags)

The Colombian Film director and award winning screenwriter Sophia von Wrangell is comming to Moondance! She will lecture on Dramaturgy of Film on Saturday.

The Royal Prerogative (tags)

The present economic crisis has the capitalist class calling for state intervention again. They claim another bout of memory loss, they simply "forgot" the business cycle exists.

War Against Iran: Hawks Winning the Argument? (tags)

"It could just stop exporting oil itself. Pulling only Iran’s three and a half million barrels per day off the market, in its present state, would send oil prices shooting up into the stratosphere. Or it could get tough and close down all oil-tanker traffic that comes within range of those missiles — which would mean little or no oil from Iraq, Saudi Arabia or the smaller Gulf states either. That would mean global oil rationing, industrial shutdowns, and the end of the present economic era." Maybe we should share this around? I wonder if these outcomes are what Cheney and his Neocon pals really want? Great for the price of "their" oil. Good cover for crimes of treason.

Body and Mind (tags)

During a long time the Medicine kept itself unprepared for understand the association of the diseases of the body with the psychosomatic beginnings, but, at present, doctors show itself well open to the emotional aspects of his patients, passing to consider the human bring as a whole one, and not barely like a liver or a heart.

Can America save itself? (tags)

From the foreign agents within. Far more dangerous than The Bin.

Candidate Alexander: LAPD Assaults May Day Supporters (tags)

Los Angeles police officers brutally assaulted peaceful marchers and supporters at a rally in Los Angeles creating outrage and anger from millions nationwide. Many of the people that were present in the park were mother, children and babies. The cops were seen beating many with sticks on television; people and children that were offering no resistance. Also there were members of the press that were brutally assaulted.

The Failure of Modern Western Society (tags)

Wind down from your artificially induced stress/pace and confront your personal reality – take stock for a moment. Your existence has been confined to sustaining and maintaining a system that makes ever-increasing demands on your liberty and freedom – the pillars upon which joy and satisfaction are built/derived! The frenzied pace of western society is largely the result of the manic need for ever increasing profits and greater concentrations of wealth in the fewest possible hands, which inevitably makes higher demands on those at the bottom of the financial scale. Obtaining wealth is simply a matter of applying unfair downward pressure in favour of upward flowing benefits; wealth is not created it is the result of manipulation and/or theft – the historical record bears this out. Put simply, profit is exploitation/theft!

Israel call for (tags)

nations to shun peace

Criminal Empire (tags)

Move over Mafia, Cocaine cartels, Russian, Balkan, Cuban groups, Triads and numerous other criminal organisations – the U.S. State is taking over! Today, the methodologies of the American State cannot be distinguished from the methods of organised crime. The latest executions of Saddam’s cronies and the newly signed deal to allow American Oil Companies unprecedented access and open slather exploitation of Iraqi Oil reserves leave little doubt regarding the real intentions of the illegal invasion. The Washington line of spreading ‘liberty’ and ‘democracy’ will go down in history as a feeble and transparent charade. Nevertheless, America has proven that caveman tactics of brute force and mindless violence (over 655,000 dead) succeed in satisfying immediate needs. It has also become apparent that the USA is unable to see the untenability of its actions in the long term – America has failed to assess the real costs of its morally bankrupt actions!

Bush Challenges Opposition -- A Response! (tags)

In his daily radio address, George W Bush challenged those who oppose his insane route to oblivion, to ‘put up or shut up’. “To oppose everything while proposing nothing is irresponsible," he said, “offer an alternative”. In view of the fact that U.S. Democrats are unable to effectively deal with the situation, we formally and directly accept this challenge and remind Bush that we are aware that this response will be read by him and his neo-cons; indeed, we have been aware for some time that Bush is a regular reader of this site as indeed is Rice and others. There is no avoiding this response!

new book on Christian objection to war and military service (tags)

new book on Christian objection to war and military service

Lifting the Fog on 9/11: Experts Present Scientific Evidence at UC Berkeley (tags)

An all day symposium, titled "Lifting the Fog", took place Saturday at the Valley Life Science Building at UC Berkeley. To an auditorium full of attentive listeners, a number of experts (most notably Dr. Steven Jones, a renowned physicist) gathered to present their findings about the destruction of the World Trade Center on 9/11/2001.


There is something wrong with the picture. The high incarceration rate of blacks, drug and alcohol addiction, black on black crime, the soaring rate of black students being suspended from school, expelled or dropping out. Why is this? Some would lead you to believe that this is typical behavior related to the Black race. To understand the present, we must and can not ignore the past.


research and investigations raising serious questions concerning what the American people have been told about 911.

Iran War is Bush's "Salvation"! (tags)

Zionist "War Mongers" like CNN and the New York times etc.are desperately trying to use every opportunity to brainwash the American public on the dire need for the U.S. to immediately attack and obliterate Iran!

U.S.Govt's "Instigation" of wider Middle East War will be Iran War is Bush's &qu (tags)

Zionist "War Mongers" like CNN and the New York times etc.are desperately trying to use every opportunity to brainwash the American public on the dire need for the U.S. to immediately attack and obliterate Iran!

Slow Motion Diplomacy: Rice and Matza Balls (tags)

Condoleezza Rice (finally) announced that she would visit the war torn Middle East in the near future – let’s not rush to the assistance of innocent civilians and perhaps even prevent a humanitarian disaster! Rice also dismissed any hope of brokering an immediate cease-fire. She added that negotiating a cease-fire would be counter-productive at present! The international community has noted America’s lethargy and unwillingness to act in the present circumstances. The world is aware however that Israel would not have pursued its present hostile course without consent from Washington; Rice’s inaction and firm dismissal of any hope of a brokered cease-fire spells very clearly the relationship between Washington and Tel Aviv.

Preview of Playwrite John Sinner's New Works at The Walt Disney Concert Hall (tags)

REDCAT presents the season’s final showcase for new experimental works and works-in-progress by local music, dance, theater and interdisciplinary artists.

South Central Farmers to Present Documentary on Their Struggle (tags)

Members of the South Central Farmers will present a 10-min documentary on thier struggle for land rights and food security at the Santa Monica Green Party office: 2809 Pico in Santa Monica (on the #7 Big Blue Bus Line)

Can the State Save Us from Work? (tags)

Whenever more profits are produced with fewer and fewer workers, income should be separated from work. Every citizen should automatically receive a part of the money cake to buy goods produced without his help and find his or her own fujlfillment.

Mexican Activist is Beaten & Brutalized by Costa Mesa PD (tags)

TV Cameras catpure and broadcast footage of Costa Mesa PD beating, dragging, and brutalizing Mexica Activst while speaking out against anti-immigrant policies

Rally to Save Tookie Williams (Article and Photos) (tags)

Hundreds of supporters of condemned youth activist and Nobel nominee Stan Tookie Williams rallied Saturday, December 3rd, 2005 in South Los Angeles' Leimert Park.



Report from Alhambra Anti-Racism Rally (tags)

I would like to first of all congratulate and thank all the organizations and individuals for responding to the call to mobilize and confront the nascent fascist organization "SOS" who tried to assert themselves here in Alhambra on June 18, 2005.

Women of Excellence Ministries is proud to present Juneteenth 2005 (tags)

Women of Excellence Ministries is proud to present Juneteenth 2005 at Chino High School Stadium

Women of Excellence Ministries is proud to present Juneteenth 2005 at Chino High School St (tags)

Women of Excellence Ministries is proud to present Juneteenth 2005 at Chino High School Stadium.

Art Show in LA closed by Police (tags)

On April 23rd, 2005, the LAPD raided and closed down a political art exhibit at the Transport Gallery in downtown Los Angeles. Artist Mark Vallen reported the details on his web log - - his report follows:

The Omniscience of Memory (tags)

Except for the recallable memory, especially the one in human beings, there is not a single entity in this universe that knows more about the changes taking place in this universe. This is so, because whatever the whole content of the universe is undergoing, it is but a "change of condition." The fact that man has the ability to recall the impressions of the "past condition" recorded in our brain as memory is indeed worth our admiration. If the claim that no other creatures, not even those from outer space, have recallable memory turns out to be true, we are definitely left with no other choice but to accept it as fact that man is the only creature capable of knowing the course of events of the whole content of the universe. Now, who actually is this creature that we call man?

The Trannie Road Show is coming.. to town! (tags)

Have a rockin' good time watching awesome trannie/queer sexuality performance art. Monday April 11 The Parlour 7702 Santa Monica Boulevard West Hollywood, CA 90046 (between Fairfax and La Brea at Stanley) Time 11:30pm Cost $3 Ages 21+ For more info (323) 650-7968

April 10th, Options and Actions for a Post Carbon Los Angeles (tags)

Sunday, April 10th, 4 - 8 PM, Venice, CA The Post Carbon Institute will present a screening of The End of Suburbia: Oil Depletion and the Collapse of the American Dream as well as a panel of speakers who will discuss the serious issues we will be facing in Los Angeles with the coming global decline in fossil fuel extraction and present local projects which represent a step towards sustainability.

Poems for Another World (tags)

The world, nature, women and the impoverished South cry for an alternative where workers are more than cost factors, where all persons share in the social wealth and where profit is no longer worshiped.

Let's Organize (tags)

It is our present leadership we should fear. Let us not be a nation so cowardly that it can be bullied by the implication that criticism is unpatriotic.

The Misconception of Time and the Holy Books (tags)

The concept of time originally derived from the constantly changing conditions, which man later divides into the "past," the "present," and the "future," has, as it turns out, been giving rise to a number of questions. Isn't it an irony that while all we have the whole of our life is but the "present," the fact that we possess memory has yet led us to assume that we have a "yesterday" and a "tomorrow"? This admittedly is an issue that contradicts the various ideas associated with the word "time" as it is popularly used in our daily life, in the various scientific literatures, and in the different Holy Books, which consequently makes it real difficult for us to have it brought to the surface. What seems to further complicate matters is perhaps the very fact that even scientists have so far tended to look upon the issue as one that is strictly a matter of our misconception of time, thereby ignoring the fact that man is destined to have memory.

Natural is best (tags)

Seems that 'safe sex' was really very unsafe sex. The new slogan should be: - With a glove, it's NOT love.

Quantum Physics: ElectShun2004 NOT Written in Stone, Keep Working to FIX It! (tags)

We have entranced ourselves and fallen under a self-created spell if we imagine that the past exists in a solid, objective way. To quote Wheeler “It is wrong to think of that past as ‘already existing’…..the past has no existence except as it is recorded in the present.” When we become convinced that the past exists in a solid way, we solidify it in our imagination as being that particular way, which will thereby create compelling evidence that proves the rightness of our point of view (that the past really is that way). When we imagine that the past is a particular way, for example, this conviction effects our present moment experience AS IF the past really was that way, which just confirms to us our conviction that the past REALLY IS that way, which just makes the past seem even more AS IF it really was that way, ad infinitum.This is to fall into a self-created and infinitely self-confirming feedback loop that is synchronistic and atemporal in its operation and thereby has the nature of a self-fulfilling prophecy. We have unwittingly literally hypnotized ourselves by our own power of effecting reality by the way we observe it...KEEP PUSHING AND FIGHTING, We are 'lifting the veil' OFF this fundamental issue and steadily breaking through into consensus reality- at the Ohio Capital last saturday the response from motorists was OverWhelming! ALSO, official Government document, Declaration of Intent to Nullify Ohio's Electors as chosen by biased Blackwell and send another set of electors representing the "Will of The People"

Review of Chaz Bufe's "DESIGN YOUR OWN UTOPIA" (tags)

Review of Chaz Bufe's "DESIGN YOUR OWN UTOPIA" - by Bob Black

Globalization & Civilization Teach-In (tags)


Yesterday and Tomorrow (tags)

It is very surprising indeed that man feels the presence of "the past" only when, at "the present," he recalls his memory. What's more, even his feeling that "the future" does exist is but a feeling that he derives from the total recall he had at "the present time" of some "sequential conditions" of the past event. Is it not to be admitted that we ourselves feel that we are constantly at "the present" throughout our lifetime? Now, what do all these talks about our having "the past" and "the future" has to do with us? Is there something wrong with our concept of time or is it our memory that is in the wrong?

Notes on What to Be Done (tags)

Some thoughts on the tasks of revolutionary social movements Notes on What is to Be Done

Iraqi Exit Strategy Plan and Analysis (tags)

I have adapted a statement that was made by the venerable Buddhist monk, scholar, and poet Thich Nhat Hanh in Washington, D.C on June 1, 1966 regarding the disasters of The Vietnam War. It is astounding how closely his insight relates to the war in Iraq today in 2004. I have juxtaposed and substituted all the Vietnam references and language with Iraqi references and language. The transposition that follows is certainly discerning. Here is my adaptation.

A Life of Illusions (tags)

Would you believe it, should someone tell you that at this very moment you are experiencing a number of pasts simultaneously? No doubt your immediate response would be, "That's just absurd!" But doesn't it ever occur to you that the stars you see in the sky are actually in their past condition, not in their present condition? Does this not mean at present we too are experiencing "a number of pasts" of the stars?

The Present Time (tags)

All we can feel about our selves is that we are experiencing "the present time" on and on throughout our lifetime. Could all this possibly be a result of the fact that the basic matter that forms the contents of the universe is "always present" and that all it experiences is but a change of position?

Groupthink and the slide into fascism (tags)

On July 9th the Senate Intelligence Committee blamed "groupthink" as the basis for the Iraq War's false premises. But a noted psychologist and an eminent political scientist warn of US fascism, this front-page article revealing the reality of present circumstances.

When is Political Violence Justified? (tags)

Today I am writing about a very sensitive subject. Indeed, at this point in time it is a very dangerous subject to write about. The subject is political violence: when is it justified and when is it not justified. There are many positions on this topic and like most topics there are extreme positions. One extreme position is that political violence is never justified. This is the belief held by pacifists and followers of Gandhi. At the other extreme we find believers in political violence ranging from Stalinists, some Anarchists, Fascists, to Imperialists, among others. These political ideologies generally support the use of violence to achieve their ends.

NEW!! book release: Globalize Liberation (tags)

JusticeDesign is proud to present a City Lights Books premiere: ** GLOBALIZE LIBERATION ** How to uproot the system and build a better world. Edited by David Solnit

They need a bomb and they will get one (tags)

Fear & Panic Election show

We Are Everywhere tour joined by David Martinez and Jo Wildings tonight! (tags)

May 17 Los Angeles, CA– Arts in Action 7:30pm - 1919 west 7th Street (between Westlake and Bonnie Brae) on the fourth floor w/ David Martinez May 18 Los Angeles, CA- 7:30pm Flor y Canto - 3706 N. Figueroa Ave-in North East LA - w/ David Martinez and Jo Wildings

We Are Everywhere Tour-UPDATE! (tags)

This Just In: We Are Everywhere tour joined by San Francisco based filmmaker David Martinez and British activist Jo Wildings! Recently returned from Iraq where they were kidnapped by the resistance and then released unharmed, they will present video and stories from their experiences.

Message from Tre Arrow (tags)

Tre's next hearing in Tueday, May 11th, to establish if he is admissible to Canada, an innital step in his application for refugee status. He needs our pressence, our prayers, and funding for his attorneys.

Reclaim Lenin from "Leninists" and "Leninism", Part 1 (tags)

A Critique of Doug Lorimer's article, in Links (No. 24, pp. 96-112), on "Leninism" and a few suggestions as to what an organisation drawing the useful lessons of Lenin's activity, experience and writings, might look like in modern conditions. How we might possibly get there from the present situation of a proliferation of Marxist sects.

Drug War Film Festival Fund Raiser (tags)

On March 12/2004 and the British Columbia Compassion Club Society will present the Drug War Film Festival in Seattle at the 911media location.

URGENT! Gov't attacks on Amer Jubran, Thursday 11/6 (tags)

After a year of refusing to present evidence or witnesses in its endlessly delayed prosecution of Amer Jubran, the federal government handed Amer's lawyer a fifty-two page document presenting its case--scarcely more than a week before Amer's final trial.

Ghosts, Apocalypses and Lies (tags)

An op-ed piece.

Humanism and freethought at CSULA (tags)

Lois Lyons will talk about rationality vs. superstition.

Humanist talk on Freethought at CSULA (tags)

A speaker from the Humanist Association will talk about the benefits of rational, free thought.

Ridiculous Liberal Posturing re Israel's Syria Incursion (tags)

Blowing up innocent children in Haifa is accepted as pretty much normal business in the Middle East. But taking out the supposedly empty infrastructure of a killers' training base on Syrian soil is terrible.

Wonderful Jean Ziegler (tags)

Jean Ziegler, the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food, payed an official visit to Palestine in July 2003. This the first time a UN Rapporteur was allowed to investigate the situation in the occupied territories.


Those present will introduce themselves and briefly, but concretely, provide a review and update as to the work they are doing around the question of Raza progressive media [*they must present concrete examples of their work, past and present].

Denouncing Oppresion in Summer 2004 (tags)

Corruption, socialism, fascism, etc. has become all too great in the last few years, but sadly, no one has noticed.

Flor y Canto Film Fridays (tags)

Film Night at Flor y Canto...bring a snack to share.

Petition For Chemtrail Disclosure (tags)

This is serious. Please read and take note. The government may be behind these phenomena, and we need to take note and possible immediate action.

Ché Y Qué! Images of Ernesto Ché Guevara (tags)

Information about upcoming exhibit!

Solidarity in Greece (tags)

Protesters treated barbarically by authorities and judical system in the aftermath of the anti-EU demo

The Omnipotence of God (II) (tags)

The fact that almost all religions believe that nothing, not even a single space or a single entity, is capable of restricting God’s existence is an obvious indication that sub-atomic particles are part of God.

Present situation in Latin America (tags)

The present situation promises to be a period of growing social and political polarization in Brazil, Ecuador, Peru and Argentina. Before the end of 2003 we are likely to see a new alignment of political and social forces from below and perhaps some "regime changes" from above or from below.

The Omnipotence of God (tags)

The fact that almost all religions believe that nothing, not even a single space or a single entity, is capable of restricting God’s existence is an obvious indication that sub-atomic particles are part of God.

Progressive Productions presents "Land of Hypocrisy" (tags)

Progressive Productions will present "Land of Hypocrisy" at the "Festival of Books" at UCLA on April 26-27, 2003 (Booth# 170).

Reality Check (tags)

After three days of reading the many posts here at LA-IMC, and experiencing the gamut of emotions, thoughts, and opinions put forth by its publishers, I am persuaded now to join in and express my view point on the discussed topics. Before doing so, I feel it necessary to open a new topic in hopes of interjecting an all to often overlooked fact.....

Documentary Screening "The Revolution will not be televised" (tags)

In April/May last year, two Irish documentary filmakers were in Carcas filming a documentary profile of Hugo Chavez. It will be shown this Thursday 13th of March in LA.




Despite intense pressure from Washington and White House promises of Billions of Dollars in "aid" (bribery)... Turkey has REJECTED plans allowing U.S. Troops on their soil.

BeeHive Collective Present "Plan Colombia" at Flor y Canto (tags)

BeeHive Collective Present "Plan Colombia" at Flor y Canto Friday Jan. 31st @7pm

Iraqi Nuclear ENERGY Authority??? (tags)

What. . . are the Iraqis afraid they'll run out of OIL???

Ed Rosenthal Trial Update: Gag Order Sought (tags)

Federal Government Seeks to Silence Self-Help Author Ed Rosenthal

The Deceptive Memory (tags)

There is no “past,” “present” or “future”! What is really happening is that we are constantly undergoing “a change of condition.” Apparently we are “being deceived” by those “impressions of the previous conditions” that have remained imprinted as our memories.

NO WAR - New York Times Ad (tags)

TopangaPeaceAlliance list-serve announcement. Pass it on.

The Deceptive Memory (tags)

There is no “past,” “present” or “future”! What is really happening is that we are constantly undergoing “a change of condition.” Apparently we are “being deceived” by those “impressions of the previous conditions” that have remained imprinted as our memories.

The Deceptive Memory (tags)

There is no “past,” “present” or “future”! What is really happening is that we are constantly undergoing “a change of condition.” Apparently we are “being deceived” by those “previous conditions” that have remained imprinted as our memories.

basic stats for US imperialism (tags)

a reference guide for activists.


Lies and deception mar the Bush record on Iraq, with Administration fabrications forming the basis for war, reports investigative journalist Ritt Goldstein. While Goldstein published this article in Europe, the following piece is his original, un-edited copy.

The bankruptcy of the anti-Americanists (tags)

The End of An Era

Guerilla culture is popular culture (tags)

Revolutionary culture is present and is nurtured by the people. It is the expression of rebellion charged with social content that has flourished in spite of everything throughout our history - in spite of the massacres, the bullets and the negation with which they think they can silence the voice of a people.

Forum on Civil Liberties Post 9/11 (tags)

Refuse & Resist! of LA and the National Lawyers Guild present a forum on how the government is using the post 9/11 environment to attack civil liberties. The public is invited to participate.


Here's a chance to support Artists and two wonderful social change organizations, while purchasing some Fine Art for yourself! At this upcoming Benefit, you'll be able to view and acquire the works of socially conscious L.A. Artists both new and established. The prices will be affordable to Proletarians... so come and support the Artists who support you! (Photo from the Arts in Action Grand Opening).

History of Mayday (tags)

May 1st is a day of special significance. Its a day of worldwide solidarity. But why Mayday? What is its history?

Moses & Elijah, Come Forth! (tags)


RESIST THE "NEW NORMALCY"! FORUM , DEC . 1st at Loyola Law University (tags)

RESIST THE "NEW NORMALCY"! Refuse & Resist! and the National Lawyers Guild Present a Forum on the New Police State Measures


Marathon westside teach-in explores peaceful solutions to, and examines roots of, terrorism.

Faith in corporate media is rooted in authoritarianism (tags)

This may be obvious to some

critique of border hack report (tags)

Performance Artist Coco Fusco takes on border hacker boasts

300 workers and MIWON Present Platform to Politicos (tags)

MIWON and 300 workers present a platform

Immigrant Workers of Los Angeles Demand Their Rights! (tags)

Los Angeles, August 18, 2001: MIWON, the Multi-Ethnic Immigrant Workers Organizing Network,held a Community Town Hall Meeting to present platform on worker’s rights on August 18. Hundreds of workers from restaurant, garment, day laborers, domestic workers, home health-care workers and other low-wage industries united to present an immigrant worker platform to a panel of government and community leaders.

Immigrant Workers of Los Angeles Demand Their Rights! (tags)

Los Angeles, August 18, 2001: MIWON, the Multi-Ethnic Immigrant Workers Organizing Network,held a Community Town Hall Meeting to present platform on worker’s rights on August 18. Hundreds of workers from restaurant, garment, day laborers, domestic workers, home health-care workers and other low-wage industries united to present an immigrant worker platform to a panel of government and community leaders.

Biugliosi At Midnight Special Talks on "The Betrayal of America," FAIR Meeting (tags)

VINCENT BUGLIOSI, former Manson Family prosecutor and author of "Helter Skelter," will discuss his new work "The Betrayal of America," (how 5 members of the Supreme Court criminally selected our present President) at Midnight Special Bookstore on Tue., Aug. 7 at 7:30.

Anti-Racist-Action at Pantera Concert (tags)

A small ad-hoc ARA leafletted at the Pantera concert in Long Beach, in response to reports of flyering by the National Alliance. The fans were generally receptive and anti-racist.

Feds, Multinationals Conspire With Nazi Cartel-Marijuana/Hemp Suppression (tags)

Documented Evidence of a Secret Business and Political Alliance Between the U.S. "Establishment" and the Nazis - Before, During and After World War II - up to the Present. An Open Letter to All Americans-By R. William Davis Please Spread Far&Wide If You Value Life, Liberty and The Pursuit Of Happiness

Vancouver Stops Water Privatization Scheme (tags)

Read below.

The Bio-Electronic Energy Revolution (tags)

Details on: The Bio-Electronic Energy Revolution This gives background on the "Radical" Italien plan submitted to the E.U. conference in Gothemburg last week. Only a year ago, no plan like this was even considered possible At present there are three main types of Bio-Electronic Vehicle Energy Generators: they are:

Scab Dispute Outside LaborReady (tags)

Dispute outside LaborReady in question.

Fight Back Big Money Media (tags)

Put counter friction on the machine. Hit Big money Media where it hurts, MONEY

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