fix articles 149452, roseanne barr
2012 Presidential Election & Cal Props Results (tags)
All elections confirm the class struggle that has preceded them and the 2012 presidential general election confirms the fact that there has not been much class struggle in this country. There has been some effort to bring this backward country into the fold of civilization with the placing of a repeal of the California death penalty, Prop 34, on the ballot by the voters, but as of 5 a.m., 11/7/12, it has 47% of the vote. The presidential election, with the re-election of the latest fascist war criminal in the White House with a bare 50.3% of the vote is no mandate and this termed out president is now a lame duck president. The 2016 presidential election begins today.
Nov 6: Vote Your Conscience: Peace & Freedom & Green (tags)
It is barricades time now as election day is November 6, 2012. When we vote, we remember Roe v Wade, the 1973 decision under President Nixon, legalizing abortion in the US, with the majority opinion written by Republican Nixon appointee, Justice Blackman, with a Democratic Kennedy appointee, Justice White, dissenting proving that it is mass movements that make the difference. The so-called “lesser” evil is just plain evil. You have to vote your conscience if you want anything to improve as Peace & Freedom Party and the Green Party are products of grassroots movements.
Cindy Sheehan Speaks at Reception in San Diego (tags)
For four years, from her emergence as an anti-war activist following the death of her son Casey in combat in Iraq, Cindy Sheehan was a hero among liberals and Democrats for her attempts to hold then-President George W. Bush to account for starting the Iraq war and taking her son's life in vain. Then she ran for Congress against Democratic icon Nancy Pelosi and made it clear she held both major parties responsible for the war and the rest of America's ills. Now she's Roseanne Barr's running mate in the Peace and Freedom Party's Presidential campaign, running on a socialist platform that says education, housing and health care are human rights.
US Socialist Stewart Alexander Leaves the PFP (tags)
I have met many wonderful and dedicated activists throughout my experience with the Peace and Freedom Party, and hope to maintain many of those friendships in the upcoming years. While my position with regard to this past weekend's PFP Convention may be unpopular, I feel obliged to express the motivation behind my resignation. My commitment to the Peace and Freedom Party extends as far as the Party's commitment to socialism.
What I learned from the Peace & Freedom Party Convention (tags)
I quickly realized that I needed to use this experience to motivate me and to understand that our movement will be challenged from those outside the movement and from within. We will not be deterred, and our fight towards socialism will continue. We will continue to build our party and build our cause. We will continue to build coalitions. We will continue to embrace other socialist organizations and work closer with each other. And personally, I will continue to work diligently with the Stewart Alexander campaign, with my Local and others, and hopefully work closer with the FSP and other organizations that truly embrace socialist values.
Roseanne Barr to Speak at Chemtrails and Geo-Engineering Conference in Los Angeles & Live (tags)
Don't miss this critical event. Many thanks, ~GKPR
Sean Wherley: Activist Comedian Laughs Out Proud (tags)
Veteran activist and political staffer Sean Wherley found another outlet a year ago when he took up stand-up comedy and started the Laugh Out Proud shows the second Thursday of every month at Martinis Above Fourth in Hillcrest, San Diego. His monthly shows present Queer and Queer-friendly comedians from San Diego and L.A. — and they're funny!
KPFK is one of the left’s few major assets in Southern California, and now that asset may be under serious threat.
The DVD from the recently held CIA: Mind Control event (held June 5th in L.A.) is now available.
Beware right-wing infiltration of KPFK (tags)
Right-wing material is creeping into KPFK programming. Why?