fix articles 151373, employee free choice act now
Employee Free Choice Act: The Truth About EFCA (tags)
Employee Free Choice Act: Leading members of the U.S. Senate and House introduced legislation that would help enable workers to bargain for better wages, benefits, and working conditions by restoring their rights to form unions. The legislation is Known as the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA). The Information provided on our websites provides insight to the Lies being told by such groups as the Coalition for a Democratic Workplace, Navigators Global, Chamber Of Commerce and Associated Builders and Contractors(ABC).
U.S. Senate and House Introduce Employee Free Choice Act ( EFCA ). SPFPA at the Forefront (tags)
Today is one of those defining moments in history as we introduce legislation that puts power back into the hands of the people who are truly the backbone of this economy.
Employee Free Choice Act: New Website Reveals The Truth About EFCA (tags)
"This new website www.TheTruthAboutEFCA.Org is an important tool in keeping the public informed and getting them involved in the political process so they can voice their support for this legislation." stated Steve Maritas, Organizing Director for the International Union, Security, Police and Fire Professionals of America (SPFPA) www.SPFPA.ORG
Employee Free Choice Act: The Rats are Coming Out of The Woodwork (tags)
Labor Relations Institute Offers $10,000 Reward Exposing a key flaw of the Employee Free Choice Act
Exposing Groups Like Save our Secret Ballot and The Coalition for a Democratic Workplace (tags)
Why does Corporate Front Groups like Save our Secret Ballot and The Coalition for a Democratic Workplace continue to Spread Disinformation and Lies?
Who is really behind The Coalition for a Democratic Workplace EFCA FEAR campaign ? (tags)
Union busting is a field populated by bullies and built on deceit. A campaign against a union is an assault on individuals and a war on truth. As such, it is a war without honor. The only way to bust a union is to lie, distort, manipulate, threaten, and always, always attack. Martin Jay Levitt, 1993, Confessions of a Union Buster Employee Free Choice Act Now .Org
Employee Free Choice Act Now - Union Civil Rights Activists Vow to Keep King’s Dream Alive (tags)
by James Parks, Jan 19, 2009 Union civil rights activists this weekend celebrated the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr., by commiting to hold the new administration and Congress accountable and carry on the work they did in the 2008 election to mobilize workers in support of a strong progressive agenda.
Starbucks plans to settle another labor complaint one more reason why we need the EFCA NOW (tags)
Starbucks has reached a settlement in principle over a Michigan barista whom the National Labor Relations Board said was fired in June because of his union activities. " By Poster: This is One More Reason WHY WE NEED THE EMPLOYEE FREE CHOICE ACT NOW!"