fix articles 151409, absurd war
Whose Police? Our Police! (tags)
"Whose fucking police? Our fucking police!" chant Philly ACT UP. “The people who chant this will never be creative. The people, bad slogans, will always be defeated.” New twists on tired slogans, new tactics such as coming as protesting the protest...for fun!
A Personal Chronicle of a Season of ‘Better to Laugh than Cry” Antiwar Activism. (tags)
Here is one NY-RTS' memories of the recent past- a memory of the particular groups anti-war activism.-- To be published on-line in the Journal of Aesthetics and protest. (print issue #2 to be released in late June, early July)
Absurd Responses vs. Earnest Politics; Global Justice vs. Anti-War Movements; Guerilla The (tags)
The Bush Administration is drawing the United States and the world ever closer to a state of permanent military engagement, So what do we do?” the front of the card asked. The back explained: “Throw a party!!! Activism doesn’t have to mean droning speeches, dull chants, and tired slogans. To sustain the growing movement over the long haul, we need humor, theater, music, flamboyance, irony, and fun.”