fix articles 151522, chemical warfare
Ebola Virus in the Philippines (tags)
In the last couple of weeks, news broke out about the presence of a strain of the "ebola virus" here in the Philippines and the infection of a pig farm worker in Bulacan. Upon inspection, the DOH and WHO declared all the pigs in that farm infected with the "ebola virus". Because of this, all the pigs in that farm will be slaughtered to control the spread of the disease brought about by the "ebola virus". A person with "ebola virus" can die by hemorrhage. "Ebola virus", is one of the viruses invented by the U.S. Army Biological Facility in Fort Detrick, Maryland, U.S.A.. This is now being run by the World Health Organization (WHO). Among the viruses the US Army made were ANTHRAX, AIDS virus and "mad cow disease".
A Vietnam Vet Against Bush and Perpetual War (tags)
Another Veteran against Bush's War. One who has sacrificed more than most.
A chemical plant which the US says is a key component in Iraq's chemical warfare arsenal was secretly built by Britain in 1985...