fix articles 15210, menachem begin
Religious Fundamentalism. An ambivalent phenomenon of the modern age (tags)
The conclusion that Thomas Meyer repeatedly puts forward is obvious: "Fundamentalism proves to be an indeterminate negation of the foundations of Enlightenment and modernization."
Jewish “Defense” League: Nazis in Skull-caps (tags)
The recent arrests of JDL members for assault and hate crimes for a brutal attack on Arab, Jewish and other protesters of AIPAC (the right-wing, pro-Zionist lobbying organization) sent me to the archives to dig up some reportage and investigation I had done for People Against Racist Terror in the 1990s about the JDL. I had been physically attacked at least twice previously by JDLers, once in Brooklyn in 1968 at a sit-in for open admissions for Black and Puerto Rican high school grads to Brooklyn College (then 99% white, mostly Jewish with a small minority of Irish Catholics). I was attacked again by the JDL at an anti-Klan rally in Los Angeles in 1983, by Irv Rubin and Earl Krugel (who pulled a shiv and shouted racist threats at Black marchers). The JDL is and always has been a stone racist, reactionary, pro-imperialist, organization, breeding ground for Meier Kahane’s genocidal Kach party in israel. I use quotes around “Defense” in the title of the article because just like the so-called Israeli “Defense” Forces, they are an aggressive, abusive bunch, and have always attacked Arabs, leftists, people of color and especially Jews who don’t buy their lies.
Thousands Demand Netanyahu's Arrest for War Crimes (tags)
Raucous Swearing In of Israel's New Ruling Coalition (tags)
Evidence Shows Kiev Putschists Recruited Euromaidan Snipers (tags)
Rafik Hariri Murder Trial (tags)
Ariel Sharon's Criminal Legacy (tags)
Peace Without Occupation (tags)
Putin Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize (tags)
Presidential Medal of Freedom Hypocrisy Redux (tags)
police state
America Honors Its Worst (tags)
police state
Profile of Lawless Aggression (tags)
Yair Shamir: Profile of Israeli Extremism (tags)
Anti-Zionism Isn't Anti-Semitism (tags)
Netanyahu: Unfit to Serve (tags)
class war
Netanyahu/Lieberman Unite for War (tags)
Nobel Hypocrisy Wins Again (tags)
Atonement: Not in Israel's Vocabulary (tags)
Yitzhak Shamir's Criminal Legacy (tags)
Targeted Killings: US and Israeli Specialties (tags)
rogue states
Iran Falsely Charged with India and Georgia Attacks (tags)
Targeting Syria and Iran (tags)
Palestinian Statehood: If not Now, When? (tags)
Israeli Street Protests: Suppressed by US Media (tags)
class war
The Oslo Attacks: More False Flag Evidence (tags)
false flag
Commemorating Palestine's Nakba (tags)
Nobel hypocrisy
Israel Prohibiting the Right to Demonstrate (tags)
Israel attacking peaceful demonstrations
The Flotilla Aftermath: Historical Perspective, Aftermath and Implications (tags)
Commandos had names and photos of activists to be assassinated
President Obama and the End of History - But Beginning of a New One! (tags)
These prizes are anything but “empty gestures”. It is both a payoff to tickle the ego of the 'errand boy', and a propaganda seed. In the expert hands of the Mighty Wurlitzer, such a gift can convince the masses of the most ridiculous absurdities, like the War on Terror already has. The proof of these statements of fact is both empirical, and historical. Watch Barack Obama crafted into a fine new global 'savior' at the expense of the 'untermenschen'. That's why the United States President, ceremoniously presiding over the most militarized superpower in the world which has just devastated two civilizations to smithereens, was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize while he rapidly accelerates his war prosecution to bring “peace” in a one-world government.
October Surprise - Peace Prize to a War Criminal (tags)
The IgNobel tradition continues
Israel's Ofra Settlement on Unauthorized Palestinian Land (tags)
more Israeli land theft
Israel lurches to the right.
A Short History of the Israeli - Palestinian Conflict: Past Is Prologue (tags)
Israel chooses violence
Today in Solidarity We're All Palestinians (tags)
World outrage condemns Israeli war crimes
A reality check.
NYCLAW ANTIWAR DIGEST -- 11.06.08 (tags)
"The basic difference is going to be style."
Sixty Years of Palestinian Displacement, Occupation and Suffering (tags)
On May 14, remember the Nakba.
Israeli Policies Endanger Jews (tags)
A sampling of history for the rising wail of grief and pain in the winds and tides of power.
Israeli Extra-Judicial Executions (tags)
Israeli crimes of genocide
A new book riles the AIPAC crowd, but makes it to the bestseller list anyway. by Scott McConnell
The shameful awarding of the Peace Prize to a war criminal
Reinventing A War Criminal (tags)
Reinventing Tony Blair as a Trojan horse peacenik.
Terrorism Began at Deir Yassin (tags)
We are constantly reminded by our elected officials (and those who steal their elections) and the pro-Israel filtered media, of the acts of revenge that Palestinian and Muslim groups have committed against the people of Israel, however, we are almost never told about the brutal and inhumane acts of state terrorism that the government of Israel has been inflicting against the people of Palestine, ever since its inception.
The ghosts of Deir Yassin (tags)
100,000 RADIATIONS - A REVIEW (tags)
The Zionists Poisoned/Radiated 100,000 Sefardi Jewish Children.
George Bush Psychotic Legacy Fears Drive Him to Nuke Iran (tags)
A psychotic clown in the White House.
A Review of the Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine (tags)
An account of Israel's ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians from uncovered official and other documents.
Congress controlled by outside terrorists
That this lot are a bunch of dangerous fascists.
A project of dispossession can never be a noble cause (tags)
"The secret rotting at the core of the state of Israel is its refusal to admit that the Zionist project in Palestine - to create a state based on the dispossession of the non-Jewish inhabitants of the land - was never noble: the land it coveted was the home of another people, and the fathers of the Israeli nation killed, terrorised and displaced them to turn the project into actuality. But the Palestinian nation lives on - visibly and noisily and everywhere. To make its own denial stick, Israel has to deny and suppress Palestinian history"
What Made Israel Burn Lebanon, Again? (tags)
What made Israel burn Lebanon again? The decision to go to war hurled Israel's economy into a wall, smashed the deterrent' power of the country's army, plunged its northern population into misery, and magnified the hatred felt towards it in the region - all without achieving Tel Aviv's stated goals.
Netanyahu Beats Drum for U.S. War with Iran (tags)
Leave it to a Far Right Likudite, Benjamin Netanyahu, to show up on 09/06/06, in Philadelphia, “The City of Brotherly Love,” and beat the drum for a U.S. war with Iran. What a lethal irony! In his spiel, Netanyahu, an ultra Israeli Hawk, sounded like President George W. Bush, while also ignoring Israel’s many wrongs against the peoples of Palestine and Lebanon.
A History of Judao-Facist Terror Massacres (tags)
A Reference of Jewish Terrorism in Palestine. These are just some of the massacres committed against the Palestinians and Lebanese by the Zionists. If the raids on southern Lebanon old and new were to be taken into account the true magnitude of Zionist crimes against humanity could start to emerge. If one were to go into the gruesome details of the atrocities committed in 1948 the -mopping up operations -, the deliberate humiliation and massacres of Arabs and the desecration of the holy places of both Muslim and Christian as well as the looting of these holy places and personal property by the Israeli army and settlers; one might just start to appreciate what Zionism is all about.
Please copy, e-mail, re-post and distribute this as widely as possible. Also for those without Internet access.
Cease-Fire Now! Take Emergency Action (tags)
A Joint Call from United for Peace and Justice & the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation Qana Victims Killed by Israel with U.S. Weapons Demand that Congress Support Cease-Fire Resolutions and End Weapons Deliveries to Israel Now! THIS WEEK: Call Congress and the White House Every Day NEXT WEEK: Emergency Week of Action, Aug. 7-11
ACTION ALERT! stop the war crimess!! (tags)
* Tell your representatives that you support an end to aid to apartheid Israel until it learns to live in peace with its neighbors. The events taking place now did not occur in a vacuum. Israel occupied Lebanon in the early 1980’s and imprisoned thousands of Lebanese and Palestinian nationals. This is merely a continuation of that conflict.
A Texas Preacher Leads Campaign To Let Israel Fight
Israel’s Barbarism in Lebanon/Gaza Protested (tags)
On July 25, 2006, a spirited rally was held in front of the Israeli Embassy in Washington, D.C. The protesters demanded an end to Israel’s murderous attacks on Lebanon and Gaza. The rally was preceded by a march through the neighborhood, which included the protesters carrying 50 coffins draped in black. The coffins symbolized the innocent Lebanese and Palestinians, who have been slaughtered in the latest war crimes committed by Zionist Israel.
Lies, Double Standards, and Culpable Fallacies (tags)
"Lebanon is being sold for the price of a word: Terrorism. What a bad joke!" by Beirut artist and blogger Mazen Kerbaj. View more of his work. The following is a list - by no means exhaustive - of lies, double standards, and culpable fallacies perpetrated by US and Israeli officials.
Hamas: A Pale Image of the Jewish Irgun And Lehi Gangs (tags)
The reality is that when faced with a superior military force, such as Britain possessed in 1947 and Israel does today against the Palestinians, terror is the underdog’s only viable weapon. Once a state has been established and legitimized, however, as in the cases of Israel and South Africa, the former “terrorists” tend to gain a veil of legitimacy as well. But legitimacy is now being denied Hamas.
Before Israel became a state in 1948, Jews world-wide were filled with the Zionist propaganda that Israel would be a homeland for all Jews, a refuge for persecuted Jews, a truly democratic country, and the fulfillment of Biblical prophecy.
Quotations from Israel’s leaders: (tags)
"From the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks".
What an Odd Bird that Elie Wiesel Is! (tags)
To some, Elie Wiesel is a “messenger to mankind.” Well, Alexander Cockburn doesn’t think so. He said that Wiesel, a devout Zionist, failed as a messenger when it comes to those “victimized” by the policies of the U.S. and Israel. After the first Persian Gulf War, Wiesel gave Dubya’s daddy, Bush I, a humanitarian award and called that bloodbath “a magnificent victory!” This supposed moralizer has also been silent about the evils of the Iraqi War.
This article looks at Prime Minister-elect Olmert's contention that the elections were a referendum to carry out further withdrawals/expulsions from Judea/Samaria (the West Bank).
Things I Wish I Had Not Said In Public: (tags)
Why Israel cannot be trusted.
Quotations from Israel’s leaders: (tags)
Can real peace ever be achieved with a legacy as dark as these? “…From the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.” - Jesus
Beware of the coming police state, things are about to get nasty. Stay armed to the teeth is my recommendation.
It looks at the new Labor-Likud-UTJ government in Israel and reviews the discussion about whether or not to have a referendum over Prime Minister Sharon's Gaza Plan.
The Left is dead in Israel
Terrorism Began at Deir Yassin (tags)
We are constantly reminded by our elected officials (and those who steal their elections) and the pro-Israel filtered media, of the acts of revenge that Palestinian and Muslim groups have committed against the people of Israel, however, we are almost never told about the brutal and inhumane acts of state terrorism that the government of Israel has beeen inflicting against the people of Israel, ever since its inception.
Will the Green Party become Zionist-occupied territory too? It will if Gerald A. Gerash of the L.A. Green Party has anything to do with it -- complete with Zionist mudslinging and character assassination against anyone who ever dares to criticize Israel or its ethnochauvinistic state ideology -- and, of course, complete with the usual promiscuous charges of "anti-Semitism".
Zionism as Jewish National Socialism (tags)
There is a law in Israel, passed in 1985, which forbids political parties to openly oppose the principle of a Jewish state. Neither are they allowed to work for a change of this principle through democratic means. A party so doing will be banned from elections to the Knesset. Democracy is thus denied to those citizens - even Jews - who wish to work within the parliamentary system towards replacing the Jewish state with a secular state which represents all its citizens' equal rights regardless of religion or ethnic origin.
Perhaps if the world's Muslims could invest more in normal education and less in blaming The Jews for all their problems, we could all live in a better world.
Rockets, Napalm, Torpedoes & Lies Israel's Attack on the Liberty, Revisited (tags)
After more than two hours of unremitting assault, the Israelis finally halted their attack. One of the torpedo boats approached the Liberty. An officer asked in English over a bullhorn: "Do you need any help?" The wounded commander of the Liberty, Lt. William McGonagle, instructed the quartermaster to respond emphatically: "Fuck you."
LA Times: Officials Confirm Israeli Nuke Launching Subs (tags)
The story contains the first official confirmation from both American and Israeli officials that Israel can launch nuclear weapons from its submarines. The ultimate guarantee of mutually assured destruction (MAD). The acronym MAD also makes for a most appropriate word to describe the human condition.
Protest of 27 pilots highlights class divisions in Israel (tags)
Israeli Irgun terrorist group (tags)
The History of the birth of the state of Israel is complex and involved. Many have sacrificed much to bring the Jewish State into existence. One such body was the Irgun also know as the Etzel group. The Irgun was a military group that refused to bow to political pressures in securing a state for the Jewish people. Much of the modern Israeli politics today stem from the Irgun and the organization from which they broke, the Hagganah.
The Bombing Of The King David Hotel (tags)
The King David Hotel explosion of July 22, 1946 (Palestine), which resulted in the deaths of 92 Britons, Arabs and Jews, and in the wounding of 58, was not just an act of “Jewish extremists,” but a premeditated massacre conducted by the Irgun in agreement with the highest Jewish political authorities in Palestine-- the Jewish Agency and its head David-Ben-Gurion.
Germany's Apology to Israel for Iraq Poison Gas Sales (tags)
Germany, after being called on the carpet for supplying Iraq with poison gas intended to be used against the nearly 6 million Jews who live in Israel, gave three undectable German-built submarines capable of launching nuclear missiles to Israel for free as an apology of sorts.
what israel hope yu dont learn
In The Beginning there was Terror (tags)
So, with the suppression of the actual History of the founding of Israel come the PR Flacks retelling a more palatable and "heroic" beginning. However, is the new revised story true?
Ariel Sharon: Israel's Prime Minister of Concentration and Absorption (tags)
"The failure of the Israeli legal system to act obligates the international community -- in particular the European Union since all its member states are High Contracting Parties of the Geneva Conventions -- to hold Ariel Sharon accountable, regardless of whether he is a private citizen of Israel, a cabinet minister, or the head of a government."
On the admission of many Israeli leaders, this war was the result of a long-planned, calculated aggression. It was undertaken in order to expand Israel's ocupation of Arab territories and not (as falsely claimed by Israeli apologists) as a pre-emptive strike to avoid annihilation.
This article documents some of the many Jewish massacres of Arabs. In particular, it documents the many Jewish massacres of Palestinians in 1948. These massacres were usually committed to strike fear in the hearts of Palestinian civilians and force them to flee for their lives (with the intention of never letting them return to their homes, that is, these massacres were committed to ethnically cleanse Palestine of its Arab population).
A listing of Jewish/Israeli massacres of Palestinians and other acts of Jewish/Israeli terrorism.
Protocols of the Elders of NeoCons (tags)
What the administration fails to understand is that it cannot hide or ignore the huge elephant in the middle room, namely Israel. Retired US Gen. Anthony Zinni said “my worst nightmare would be an Al-Jazeera TV picture of American troops in combat fighting Iraqis, at the same time the Israeli defense forces is in the West Bank and Gaza killing Arabs.
Area from Egypt to Iraq (tags)
The metamorphosis of tiny Israel from a midget to a giant is in the making. The grand design of Judaic-Zionist expansionist doctrine is to seize all the oil-rich lands from the shores of the Euphrates to the banks of the Nile.
Israeli Zionists collaborated with German Nazis in the 30's and 40's (tags)
"Zionism promised independence; it has produced a society in which the Prime Minister must periodically affirm to the people that the existence of the nation depends on the delivery of fifty or a hundred Phantom jets from the United States... Zionism promised physical security to the Jews; Israel is the most dangerous place on earth today for a Jew, and it will remain so as long as Israeli-Jewish society retains its colonial character and its function as an instrument of imperialism." -- the Israeli Socialist Organization, in 1972