fix articles 153200, academics
Neoliberalism, Democracy and the University as a Public Sphere (tags)
What can educators & others concerned about the future of higher education do to make sure it is not colonized by corporate & other antidemocratic interests? First, educators & others need to figure out how to defend more vigorously higher education as a public good & how central it is in producing the formative culture necessary to educate young people to be critical & engaged.
Iceland Boycotts Israel (tags)
Top academics rebel against State capture in favor of truth and ethical human rights. (tags)
Top academics rebel against State capture and discuss ethical approach to human rights,development, globalization to replace neoliberalism and omitted children's rights. Former emphasizes bottom-up, unleashes potential the latter is top-down, crushes potential.
Labor Under the Democrats #1 (tags)
Labor article 1
Economists Search for New Definition of Well-Being (tags)
To the vulgar materialist, all life consists of cloud-atoms and sky-atoms. A world without spirit is not human.
Nous les zonards voyous (riot in the french banlieue 2005) (tags)
We need to understand the reason of the Watts’ riot and what we need to prevent it in the future. Because only if we study and assimilate the Los Angeles’ lesson, drawing the due conclusions, could we hope to keep the unstable social components, which are presently clashing in the United States, under control (Robert Conot, The Watts’ summer, 1967). Prevent the phenomenon? Keep it under control? At present? In the United States? (n+1 editorial staff’s note, 2006).
Lecturers back boycott of Israeli academics (tags)
Critics of state policies exempt from sanction · Narrow vote welcomed by Palestinian groups