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¡Por un 1° de Mayo proletario y de lucha! (tags)
La única manera de resistir a los ininterrumpidos ataques del capital y sus agentes, es emprendiendo luchas reales y por medio de otros métodos, otros medios y otros objetivos que los que decretan los aparatos sindicales colaboracionistas y sus seguidores.
Venezuela: ¿Vía constitucional al socialismo? (tags)
En medio del frenesí de la victoria electoral presidencial, en diciembre de 2006, el gobierno venezolano había decidido reformar la Constitución. Según el mismo Chávez, esta reforma tenía por objeto «profundizar la revolución bolivariana». Para Chávez es indispensable deshacer los nudos que «nos impiden superar los obstáculos que tiene esta Constitución» - ¡la misma que él hizo adoptar en 1999! - «y en los hechos, para dotarnos de una nueva herramienta que permita adelantar y profundizar los cambios» (1).
No to French Military Intervention in Chad! (tags)
While the devastating rebel offensive marks time, the French government is showing its teeth. The sending a few days ago of several hundred soldiers to Chad to reinforce the thousand military already in place had been presented as intended to help expatriates (those local agents of imperialism which, it seems, still haven’t been bothered by anybody), the French military authorities said, without laughing, that they observed an attitude of neutrality vis-à-vis the internal affairs of the country. This so-called "neutrality" was reflected, however, by “logistical, medical and intelligence assistance” to the army of Chadian dictator Déby.
Workers Assassinated at the Thyssen Krupp Steel-works in Turin! (tags)
During the night of Thursday December 6 the latest in a tragic series of "industrial accidents" struck 7 proletarian families at the Thyssen Krupp steel-works of Turin (Italy): 7 workers were overcome and charred by flames in a section where metal castings are cooled by an oil bath. Antonio Schiavone, 36 years old, married and father of 3 children was incinerated immediately, while 3 other workers, after suffering critical burns, died a few days later.
France: The workers must take the struggle into their own hands! (tags)
Seldom has trade-union unity been so great in the country: almost all the trade unions, including the most collaborationist, call for an indefinite strike at the SNCF, because of the determination and combativeness of the workers! But what objective does this united leadership set for the struggle to come? In 1995 the objective was clear: total withdrawal of the Prime Minister Juppé plan against the pensions. Today what is the objective of this trade-union unity? Total withdrawal of the new attack against the pensions?
Guinea: the Unions Bosses liquidate the General Strike (tags)
At the end of discussions with the authorities, religious leaders and a delegation of the CDEAO (economic community of the States of the area) directed by the former President-general of Nigeria, the gangster Babangida, the trade-union leaders decreed the "suspension" of the general strike which had lasted for 2 weeks, as of Sunday midnight. For his part, President Lansana Conté promised to name a new Prime Minister from a list of 5 names indicated by the trade unions and the opposition parties. The trade-union leaders speak about a great victory (while evoking a possible resumption of the strike), but it looks more like a capitulation!
Solidarity with the General Strike in Guinea! (tags)
Four days after its official beginning on Monday, the general strike continues in Guinea. The production of C.G.B, the second leading Bauxite producer in the world, has been halted, the workers also having stopped the trains carrying ore, while the production of the other consortium continues to grind towards a halt (provoking incendiary inflation in the prices of bauxite and aluminum on the world market). All economic activities are paralysed.
Against the repression in Oaxaca, Anti-capitalist class struggle! (tags)
For several months the town of Oaxaca, capital of the Mexican State of the same name, has been the center (of a movement) of important struggles which have undergone (or suffered) repeated attacks by the forces of repression (police, army and paramilitary) with many victims: at the end of November the toll was 22 dead and 34 disappeared.
¡Palestina, el Líbano: sionismo asesino, imperialismos y Estados árabes cómplices! (tags)
Los recientes ataques israelíes contra el Líbano han recibido, según la expresión de la prensa internacional, la “luz verde” de los Estados Unidos y el “acuerdo tácito” de los otros grandes Estados imperialistas, comenzando por Francia (¡pese a declaraciones de “amistad” con el Líbano!).
¡La Cólera Y La Violencia Proletarias De Los Suburbios Franceses Anuncian... (tags)
El puño de hierro de Sarkozy es el puño de hierro de la burguesía, de una clase que espera mantener su dominación sobre toda la sociedad y su sistema de explotación del proletariado.