fix articles 154634, knight
WITHERED Arts Journalism in LA? (tags)
"All historic epochs have cynics who pontificate that everything under the sun has been accomplished, and that there are "no more movements" on the horizon. Such proclamations are the clearest sign that all hell is about to break loose. Artists have always reacted to the world around them - with their collective actions forming schools or movements. To declare that we are in a "post-movement" period while the world is burning is nothing short of delusional."
Gore Vidal on the Inauguration (tags)
Robert Knight interview conducted Jan. 20, 2005 for WBAI.
Adbusters takes on Nike at its own game
Building Bridges - Labor Internet Radio - Wed 8/1 (tags)
Building Bridges, which was exiled from WBAI-Pacifica is still produced by Mimi Rosenberg and Ken Nash and is now broadcasting over WBAI in Exile, Wed. 5-6 pm PT
Flashpoints Radio, July 26: Interview w ROBERT KNIGHT FIRED BY WBAI (tags)
KPFA Flashpoints Radio July 26, 2001 (link to audio in 'full story' text below) - AWARD WINNING JOURNALIST, ROBERT KNIGHT, FIRED BY UTRICE LEID, BANNED FROM WBAI - Dennis Bernstein, Noelle Hanrahan: Interviews with Barbara Lubin, Bernard White, Pacifica Board member Leslie Cagan (35 min) - INTERVIEW W ROBERT KNIGHT (17 min)
Miami-Herald, Knight Ridder, and the Bush#t Continues (tags)
The Imposter thinks he can garner support by playing hard ball with the Chinese over some stupid, fabricated spy-plane incident. Meanwhile, in the land of the fleeced...
Hundreds of FOI obtained FBI and Other Pertinent Documents (tags)
The link below goes to a discussion and links to amazing series of docs posted on American Indian Movement website. Including a signed letter from Peltier condemning Dark knight Field notes.