fix articles 15632, washington bureau
Here's how the landings at Normandy would have been covered by today's media. On the coast of France, June 6, 1944
Shrub In Trouble over CIA Leak (tags)
Seems like da shrub is in some VERY hot water right now....
Bush Lied About Weapons of Mass Destruction (tags)
The Bush Administration’s main witness about Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction told UNSCOM and IAEA Officials that all the weapons have been destroyed! Newsweek also reported that this information was conveyed to the CIA and British intelligence. Yet no other major news media is reporting this!
Urgent call for Congressional investigation (tags)
DoD and intelligence officials coerced to cook books! Congress needs to investigate these charges NOW - BEFORE continuing its deliberations on the war powers resolution. This changes everything.
Speaker of the House Calls for a vote on delayed Fast-Track (tags)
Interesting stuff below. It seems that the pro-trade forces are jockeying for a better position, rather than actually pushing for a vote on Fast Track. Apparently, a lot of pressure is set to come down on Harlem's Rep. Charles Rangel.