fix articles 156733, new jersey supreme court
Eyewitnesses frame innocent people about a third of the time? (tags)
Eyewitnesses are frequently WRONG, and because of that many people are framed by the police for crimes they didn't commit! - "Of the first 250 DNA exonerations, 190 involved eyewitnesses who were wrong ... Every year 75,000 eyewitnesses identify suspects in criminal investigations. Those identifications are wrong about a third of the time"
N.J. lawmakers approve bill to legalize civil unions (tags)
The Legislature voted Thursday to make New Jersey the third state to allow civil unions. Democratic Gov. Jon Corzine said he would sign the measure.
Trump Seeks Widdow's Home Demolished (tags)
Donald Trump Wants Vera Cooking's Home Demolished To Make Room For Limousines To Turn Around Easily; Atlantic City Wants Him To Get His Way