fix articles 161018, treaties
The hidden costs of trade treaties (tags)
The free trade treaties with Canada (CETA) and the United States (TTIP) are not threatening European standards, the negotiators in Brussels assure us. Yet environmental and food safety regulations have already been weakened.
Palestine to Join 15 UN Bodies and Treaties (tags)
Increased rotational presence of US troops, decreased Philippine sovereignty (tags)
"Decreased sovereignty." This is how Akbayan Representative Walden Bello summed up the ongoing negotiations between the Philippine government and the United States to craft a framework for the increased rotational presence of American troops in the country.
Support "Protest the Pope" week (tags)
Support the mass protests in London against the visit of the Pope to the UK. Join the mass march on September 18th or make a donation.
Fate of Lakotahs Highlights America's Failed Native American Policies (tags)
continued genocide against our Native peoples.
Lakota Nation declares independence from U.S. Empire (tags)
Lakota Nation tribes withdraw from treaties with U.S. government, citing numerous treaty violations on part of U.S. and loss of cultural identity resulting from forced assimilation programs..
U.N. expert questions U.S. terror law (tags)
Of course it's unconstitutional! It flushes the Bill of Rights down the toilet! But will the Supremes rule that?
Make love, not war the time of the Vietnam war. Make law, not war is proclaimed by Europe at the threshold to the Iraq war. Bush acts according to the slogan: Make war, not law. The brave new world of military security replaces the logic of treaty..