fix articles 161304, automatically
There are some things so blatant, obvious and criminal that only seeing it could be believed. The brief Democracy we are allowed to manifest in periodic spasms of supposed participation is a laughable farce.
Another lame ass federal government program to steal from us??? (tags)
LAPD now scanning license plates (tags)
LAPD have new 'Big Brother' tech
More on AmeriKKKan KKKorporate Media Propaganda (tags)
Welcome to AmeriKKKa Uber Alles: Here's another announcement from "your" KKKorporate propaganda mouthpeice-Lost your home, job or marriage(story on L.A. police case 6/20/01)? Answered the door while "dripping wet"(story on woman who murdered children in Houston, texas 6/21/01)? Congratulations! You're now automatically classified as a "weirdo" or " criminally deviant" in the interest of protecting the "sacred" AmeriKKKan Hegemony!