fix articles 16201, boy Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : boy


Swedish Activist leans the truth about the "occupation" (tags)

Daniel Borg, a Swedish political activist who years ago enthusiastically joined the International Solidarity Movement (ISM) in order to combat what he believed were Israel’s crimes again the Palestinians, has just dropped a major TRUTH BOMB!

American parents stand up for Tammy and Jonah Rief (tags)

American parents are standing up and demanding the return of trafficked child Jonah Rief

Israel: the only nation with balls (tags)

Israel launches airstrikes in Syria after teen is killed Israeli police identified the boy as Mohammed Karaka, 14, of the Arab village of Arraba in northern Israel. Local media said he had accompanied his father, the truck driver, to work.

9 Animal And Tree Rights Poems By Shel Silverstein (tags)

The deep meaning inside Shel Silverstein's poems

Israel Terrorizes 5-Year-Old Palestinian Boy (tags)

police state

Please Expunge Your "Kill List" President Barack Obama! (tags)

Boys will be boys, but don't you think President Barack Obama has gone too far with his Boy Toys by creating a "Kill List"? Please sign the White House petition to protect children from White House, Commander in Chief, computer controlled Drone Strikes

13 year old Boy Questioned by Secret Service after Facebook Post about Suicide Bombers (tags)

?I was saying how Osama was dead and for Obama to be careful because there could be suicide bombers,? the boy Vito LaPinta told Fox News.

Remeber Mothers on Mothers Day: Art Institute?s Lucky Boy (tags)

Thomas Edison, John F. Kennedy and Barack Obama all had mothers who inspired them. Future car developer Alex H-R owes his fortune to the inspiration and support of his mother as well.

Israel Shooting and Electric-Shocking Palestinian Children (tags)

Israel torturing Palestinian children

OC College Student Tortures Mom for Dad (tags)

Domestic violence is rampant in Orange County and the victims have no options but to stay.

Michelle Jackson: Sign-Language Interpreter, First Female San Diego Leatherboys President (tags)

Michelle Jackson knew she was going to be interested in languages from the age of five,when her father took her across the border from San Diego to Tijuana and she heard Spanish for the first time. In college she studied American Sign Language (ASL) and ultimately made her living as an interpreter for the deaf community. It was a job she took to interpret at a San Diego Leatherfest that led her to the Leather/kink/BDSM community — and she's become an energetic activist in it, serving as Ms. San Diego Leather 2005 and recently being elected the first female president of the San Diego Leatherboys.

Faith is Breakthrough (tags)

Soren Kierkegaard spoke of faith as a "leap across seventy-thousand fathoms of water." He sought to introduce Christianity into comfortable Danish Christendom. The language of proclamation runs crosswsays to the language of time. The me-society, the majority society, is lost.

No Sweat (Except in Sedona) (tags)

If you can't stand the heat, stay out of the phony, for-profit sweat lodge. (Heller Mountain)

Dugard Rape-Kidnap Case Highlights Anti-Women Government (tags)

Article with comments questions possible CIA involvement in the Garrido-Dugard child kidnapping ring, and what people can do to prevent these acts from continuing..

Newt Gingrich, "The GOP Poster Boy For Republicans' Hypocrisy" (tags)

Rachel Maddow & Chris Hayes EXPOSES Newt Gingrich 5/20/09

Briant Rodriguez photos from video tapes of suspected kidnappers (tags)

San Bernardino County Sheriff Rod Hoops said during a news conference that the video images were taken from surveillance camera footage recorded at a home-improvement store two days before Sunday's abduction of Briant Rodriguez.


The Alliance-Philippines (AJLPP) vehemently condemned the vicious and unprovoked attacks by the San Francisco anti-riot police on peaceful assembly at the Civic Center in San Francisco last March 21. The AJLPP also scored the police riot on the Palestinian youths and the peaceful assembly who were the targets of their attacks. A baton hit a Palestinian woman and a Filipino youth with the ANSWER peace marshals was also attacked brutality by the cops.

Bush Nazi! You Can Stay Here No Longer! (tags)

Even if some dumkopf has convinced them that they were good Samaritans; they will hear; ""Go away! You are unclean!" people cry to them. "Away! Away!.." When they flee and wander about, people say, "They can stay here no longer.""(James 5:6; Lam. 4:15) 1/29 Bush Nazis bluffing blind men.

Is Bush's Stupidity Worthy of Death? (tags)

In his farewell address Dumb Boy "W" once again repeated the demented ruminations of the SERPENT that wants you to believe that the fabricated conflicts of religious fanatics are the principle terrorist threat while the Bush Nazis murder millions with toxic "harmless" stuff.

Bush Legacy - Stupidity Worthy of Death (tags)

If Dumb Boy "W" falsely claimed that he was a college graduate when he never graduated from anyplace, he is is guilty of treason and shall suffer death. There is no point in letting him live, for he will just continue trying to manipulate things with his professed intelligence and his sweet-talk.

[Athens,GR]16year old murdered by cops, heavy riots (tags)

A 16 year old boy was shot dead by the cops in downtown Athens on Saturday December 06th 2008


Racist Italy goes over the limit and through the words of the Rome Police Prefect comes up with an aberrant proposal: why don’t we use teenage Roma boys as “little slaves”?

Formal Complaint Filed Against W. Covina Cop for Civil Rights Violations (Cop pushes kid) (tags)

People throughout the country have been threatened, intimidated and arrested for merely videotaping and photographing public servants. It has happened again in southern California: Police pushed a kid down, and thug cops failed at their attempt to intimidate witnesses. Photos can be viewed at the link below.

Kidnapped Panchen Lama's Birthday (tags)

April 25th is the Birthday of a little boy kidnapped by the Chinese government...perhaps a nice birthday present for him would be your signature on this petition...

Mehdi, the Iranian gay activist will be deported! (tags)


Omaha killer Robert Hawkinsz HAD taken ritalin and ZOLOFT in the past: (tags)

'Rodriguez said her son's life had been a challenge from the start. She divorced Hawkins' father when the boy was 3-years-old, she said, and by 5 he was taking prescription Ritalin and Zoloft. She said she watched, feeling helpless the way a parent can, as raw anger took root inside her son. '

Palestinian Propaganda Coup (tags)

Tom Tancredo's grandfather was an illegal alien (tags)

by GREGG KNOWLES from Bakerfield

Political Genius: credit where it’s due (tags)

Few even know her name but she was responsible for the Roman Empire enduring for another fifteen hundred years as a theological empire. Most people and historical texts mistakenly refer to the Roman Emperor Constantine as the person who transformed the militaristic Roman Empire into the Holy Roman Empire, however, he was only a manipulated mommy’s boy.

Kill the kids (tags)

Kill the Hajji

Meat Sheik, Anglican paedophilia, and non-regulation Jewish foreskin (tags)

This past week in Australia has been ‘fundamentally’ outstanding; dimwitted fundamentalist religionists vied with each other for top billing in the local media. Never has the nation seen such retarded behaviour from so many diverse religious groups. The prize for fundamentalist imbecile of the week however goes to the Muslim cleric Sheik al-Hilali for his retrogressive reference to women as “uncovered meat”. He unashamedly placed the responsibility for rape and other sexually violent acts onto women; men were exonerated on the basis that “uncovered meat” is sexually provocative! The local media now refers to the cleric as the “Meat Sheik” and continues to sensationalise aspects of the story.

Boy Scouts and Hungry Bears (tags) contains all of the photographs.

Dubai boy slavery suit trumps House link to Abramoff, Dubai terrorist funding (tags)

Analysis of congressional personal financial documents reveals GOP House Judiciary Committee Chairman James Sensenbrenner's conflicts in meeting in Dubai with a reported terrorist banker linked to indicted GOP fundraiser Jack AbramoffDubai's purchase of a building above New York's Grand Central Station with long-time Bush family friend Robert Bass acting as lead investor in the sale to the Dubai royal family and Sensenbrenner's pledge to support the spread of Islamic banking in the United States. We also raised questions about

Don't these pigs have any real criminals to arrest???? (tags)

A judge ignored a former teacher's sobbing pleas for mercy Friday and sentenced her to seven years in prison on charges that she sent explicit photos to a young teenager while on probation for having sex with him.

Dumb ass LA cop lets his 3 year old son shoot him! (tags)

Now if your son or my son got the gun and shot someone we would be charged with several crimes. Will this cop be charged with a crime? Probably not!!!! They never are.

LAPD Police Brutality against SCF Support who is a minor (tags)

LAPD v. Minor. Los Angeles Police Department has a long history of brutality. This was very clear on July 5th 2006. When they attacked a 16 year boy without any provocation.

Footage of Child Shot Erased by Associated Press (tags)

6-minute movie about the shooting of a 14-year-old boy. The Associated Press had footage of this boy screaming and bleeding. The footage was erased.

W's "ham sandwich" withdraws from Supreme Court (tags)

Among Washington DC insiders, the Harriet Miers nomination was considered a 'slam dunk' event, as the spineless Congress is said to approve even a 'ham sandwich' were Boy Emperor George to nominate such a quality nominee to his 'Supine Court.' Unfortunately for the slumping Pretzel, both the Right Wing & even the Dems finally got the nerve to challenge the mortally-wounded White House "W"easel of Mass Deception. Here are some juicy tidbits from a leaked version of Harriet's letter to Boy George,

60th Anniversary of the Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki (tags)


Johnny Got a Gun - Protest Song (tags)

By: Johnny's Dad (Please distribute freely)

The Treaty of Amsterdam. (tags)

The University of Amsterdam.

LAPD Pump 10 Shots into 13-Year-Old (tags)

13-year-old gunned down by LA-COPS. PHOTO of the boy: Devin Brown LINK TO THIRD ARTICLES BELOW:

Land of the Paranoid, Bunker of the Skittish (tags)

December 21, 2004 Bunker of the Skittish Losing It in America By DAVE LINDORFF In this post-Columbine, post 9-11 era, America has simply lost it. Just this past week, a 10-year old girl who brought a pair of scissors from home to school in her school bag to continue work on a magazine clipping class project, was summarily turned over to police in Philadelphia by a bureaucratically blinded principal, who allowed her to be shipped off to jail, handcuffed, in a police wagon. The principal didn't even bother to notify the frightened child's mother, who learned of her daughter's ordeal when police detectives called her and said they had her daughter in a holding cell. The school district is justifying its over-the-top handling of this incident by citing the several hundred cases of weapons and sharp objects being brought into Philadelphia schools this year, as well as some serious incidents of attacks on students by other students. Earlier, a young boy's parents in Ohio were interrogated by detectives from the local sheriff's office because their junior high school son, in a classroom discussion on the war in Iraq, had opined that he hoped American soldiers would all be killed in that military adventure. The boy had not engaged in violence, nor threatened it; he had merely expressed a perhaps unpopular and unpatriotic political wish. The list of these over-zealous persecutions of children resembles nothing so much as the mentality of the Puritans during the Salem witch trials. I experienced a little of this madness myself when my son's second-grade teacher called his mother and me in for a meeting. We had no idea what the problem was but the woman sounded dead serious. When we arrived, she sat us down in the classroom and handed us a sheet of drawing paper, saying in a voice that sounded like someone had just died, "I found your son drawing this in class." We looked at the page, on which were neatly arrayed a set of artfully drawn swords of all types-daggers, scimitars, cutlasses, epees, broadswords, dirks and the like. We both broke out in laughter, to the teacher's dismay. Our son, we explained, was fascinated with medieval weaponry, and this was a graphic cataloging of his knowledge. What did she think? That our second-grade, 48-lb son was going to come to school with a Roman broadsword and decapitate a few classmates someday? The teacher looked skeptical, but the matter was quietly dropped. What made this visit so annoying was that our son has never shown the least sign of violent or aggressive behavior, and in fact is known for his openness and willingness to be friends with everyone he meets. What is going on here? Universities report that they are losing foreign students, who used to flock to this country to study, because the immigration service now makes it so difficult for anyone from overseas to get a student visa. Many potential students have just given up the idea of going to the U.S. because it's not worth the hassle or the unpredictability of the visa process. Even in Taiwan, where I taught last spring, which has yet to send a terrorist to American shores and which probably ranks among the most pro-American societies in the world, frustrated students say they are given the third degree when they apply for a visa to study in the U.S. Every foreign student these days is viewed as a potential terrorist! The Home of the Brave has become the Bunker of the Skittish. It's not that the nation has become less safe, either. Schools always had bullies, kids with knives, and in fact, by most measures, the crime rate has been falling (though you wouldn't know this if you get your news watching local television). And don't get me wrong. I don't want kids coming to school with guns either. But probably the best way to guard against that would be to make it harder for them to get guns-something our perverse society and political leadership seem averse to doing. What seems to have gone wrong is this notion that bureaucratic rules and draconian punishments will cure the problem. Principals and teachers, like those involved in the above incidents are checking their common sense at home and turning into slavish automatons on the job. Administrators are handing down so-called "zero tolerance" guidelines on behavior and even speech that belong in China, the former Soviet Union or Iran, not in an American school. The answer to student alienation is not more draconian school rules, any more than the answer to anti-American terrorism is banning foreign exchange students. What we need are more humane and engaged schools. If the welfare and development of all students is the goal, students who misbehave or exhibit anti-social behavior will be treated with kindness and sensitivity, and offered appropriate treatment or therapy, not shipped off in cuffs in a police van.

Tell The Criminal Bush Administration To Go To HELL (tags)

How this scumbag can do some commie thing like restrict overtime pay is beyond me....companies need the FREEDOM to create incentives of ALL types for their employees, that is the key to production and efficiency, which so many corporations in USA and World have forgotten because of their penny counting antics...pennywise and pound foolish, thats them... this action by boy george bush worm is just another grab for foreign elite financiers....tell boy george to go to HELL:

Police Man's Cabin Boy (tags)

Anti-Brownshirt Poem

For Fresca (tags)

Israeli Army Jeep Crushes Palestinian Boy to Death


Received this email, subject GODS WRATH, no text, just attachment named 3999....below is the list of addressees...the first is who it was from....judge for yourself...

Back In The USSA (tags)

Sing to the Beatles tune BACK IN THE USSR...

California Court Considers Whether Violent Poetry Is Criminal (tags)

The California Supreme Court is deciding whether to throw out the conviction of a 15-year-old boy who served 100 days in juvenile hall for writing a poem that included a threat to kill his fellow students.

Dunce vs Preppy (tags)

dumbass, smartass, or none of the above.

14 Year Old Retarded Boy Used As Human Bomb by Terrorists (tags)

This morning a would-be suicide bomber was apprehended near Nablus. The suicide bomber was a mentally slow 14 year old boy who was often the but of teasing by other youths. His "handlers" told him the only chance for him to have sex with 72 virgins was to blow himself up at a border crossing.

Peace Porridge #36: 24 December 2003 - Juvenile Justice In Iraq (tags)

Things were different before the invasion! Liberation? Hardly! Terrorize? Absolutely! What possible chance is there to bring about peace in Iraq with storm trooper tactics against school children and teachers? The fact that some of these children have chosen Saddam over the soldiers of the US occupational forces must tell you something! It certainly should!

They're out to get my son, the poor dumb bastard (tags)

They're out to get my son, the poor dumb bastard Chapter One: The Beginning of the End

No More Lonesome Howl Of The White Trash Wolf (tags)

It was said of Johnny, that he never was "seduced" by the money or showmanship of it all. He never went the way of so many others, giving his music over to showmanship, in lieu of the telling of those struggling, and in poverty; outside the warm circle of pretend country--pretend simple living--pretend poverty. One can't sing nor write of , what one hasn't lived.

Federal Courts and the Imaginary Constitution (tags)

Ridiculous as sodomy laws may be, there clearly is no right to privacy nor sodomy found anywhere in the Constitution. There are, however, states' rights -- and Texas has the right to decide how to regulate sex using local standards.

This Just In (tags)

Britney Spears Says She's Not a Virgin

While Bu$h dines in L.A., more G.I.s and Iraqis die in Baghdad (tags)

U.S. occupation troops have shot and killed an 11 year old boy in western Baghdad. He was on the roof of his home when he was shot. People in Iraq seek relief from the heat by sleeping on their rooftops. In the photo, a young boy watches a British soldier take up position in the village of Majar al-Kabir, Iraq, Saturday June 28, 2003. (AP Photo/Denis Doyle)

Statement from Spokesperson for family of Injured Iraqi boy (tags)

Akbal Fithyab (Um Haider), the mother of Mostafa the 8-year-old Iraqi boy here in Los Angeles for medical care, wishes to thank those who have provided support and expressed interest in their story since their arrival. Both mother and son are resting from their travel and ask that no one disturb them for a few days.

Peace Girl and World Weary Boy -- April 5th Oakland Peace Rally (tags)

Peace Girl and World Weary Boy -- April 5th Oakland Peace Rally

Boy in Dallas suburb predicts start of WW III day before attacks (tags)

Sept. 19, 2001, 9:26PM By R.G. RATCLIFFE Copyright 2001 Houston Chronicle

The Great Lemming Race (tags)

"I thought those guys didn’t like the label ‘neocon.’ It means ‘new conservative,’ and they get upset when people use it to describe them. They’re really ‘former conservatives,’ aren’t they?" "All right, son, if you insist. If they are former conservatives, let’s not call them ‘neocons,’ but ‘ex-cons.’ Is that better?"

Tortured ninth grader in Nepal innocent (tags)

"They asked about my family members and told me that they even would rape my small sister back at home after they knew I had a sister at home," the boy stammered.

Picture of slain Iain Hook and other victims of Israel (tags)



Here are two versions of yesterday's "clashes" in the occupied territories. One from the "liberal" Haaretz, the other from the Chicago Tribune. IT'S WORTH READING


Here are two versions of yesterday's "clashes" in the occupied territories. One from the "liberal" Haaretz, the other from the Chicago Tribune. (of course, a couple of dead Palestinian boys isn't "news" for Israel)

Baby's Arm Severed in LAPD Pursuit (fwd) (tags)

A 2-week-old baby's arm was torn off and six other people were injured when a car pursued by police crashed into another vehicle Tuesday, officials said. A limb reimplantation specialist examined the boy and determined that his arm could not be reattached, said Dr. James Stein of Childrens Hospital Los Angeles.

Irish Poet, Tom Paulin's Poem: "Killed In The Crossfire" (tags)

Harvard professors met for two hours Wednesday and voted to reinvite Tom Paulin, who has made statements comparing US-born settlers in the West Bank with Nazis, and saying they "should be shot dead."


Your basic backyard brown shirt...

Boy Scouts of America - Hitler Youth revisited? (tags)

"First they came for the trade unionists ..."

Regarding Media Perspective (tags)

it is all but perspective.

Bono, the New Poster Boy for Globalization (tags)

NPR State Radio just aired a report stating that Bono of the band U2 agrees with the conditions that the IMF and the World Bank set before an already raped and pillaged nation can get a loan.

Sixteen Dead and Aggression Against Las Madres de Plaza de Mayo (tags)

In the repression in the Plaza de Mayo this morning seven members of Las Madres de Plaza de Mayo were hurt.

PFLAG Protests Boy Scouts in Orange County (tags)

PFLAG joins queer rights activists in Orange County to protest the Boy Scouts' homophobia, and the Orange County Board of Supervisors' funding of homophobes. This protest brought out West Hollywood City Council member Steve Martin.

Queer Rights Activist Protest Boy Scouts in Orange County (tags)

Queer rights activists in Orange County protest the Boy Scouts' homophobia, and the Orange County Board of Supervisors' funding of homophobes. This protest brought out West Hollywood City Council member Steve Martin.

75 Protest Boy Scout Homophobia in Orange County (tags)

Queer rights activists in Orange County protest Boy Scouts' homophobia, and the Orange County Board of Supervisors' funding of their hate.

75 Protest Boy Scout Homophobia in Orange County (tags)

Queer rights activists in Orange County protest Boy Scouts' homophobia, and the Orange County Board of Supervisors' funding of their hate.

Over 125 Rally Against Boy Scouts in Balboa Park (tags)

Over 125 local activists rallied in Balboa Park Sunday, August 19 to demand that the city stop supporting the anti-Queer, anti-atheist Boy Scouts of America by giving them 18.5 acres of city parkland for a nominal $1 per year. The Scouts' leases expire in 2007 and 2008, but the Scouts and their supporters on the current City Council want to renew them now.

Full Transcript/San Diego Scouting for All, Aug. 19, 2001 (tags)

Full transcript of the San Diego Scouting for All rally August 19, at which over 125 local activists came together outside the Boy Scouts of America campground in Balboa Park and demanded an end to city support of the anti-Queer, anti-atheist Boy Scouts. The city leases the Scouts 18.5 acres of parkland for a nominal $1 per year.

More from the Inside (tags)

CORPORATE MEDIA EXPLOITS LITTLE BOY AT BIO2001 - One little boy whose health was improved as a result of “biotechnology” was interviewed by a corporate radio station that had set up a studio (see photo below) at the conference. After the boy said a few words to the effect of how biotechnology had improved his health, the interview ended, and the producer yelled a loud “YES!”, clearly due to getting a soundbite he was hoping for, not out of excitement for the boy’s health.


May 19th March and Rally in Solidarity with the Palestinian People(Westwood Federal Building).

boy in shadow of Crack the CIA (tags)

young boy stands beneath Crack the CIA banner.

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