fix articles 163158, british labour
Pinochet is dead! It is time to kill the system that spawned him! (tags)
The fact that the death of Pinochet on Sunday sparked off celebrations in Chile and around the world should surprise no one. He was a hated figure, a living symbol of the real face of the bourgeoisie. In "normal" times the capitalists prefer to govern through "democratic" parliamentary means, so long as their fundamental interests are guaranteed. But the capitalist system cannot always guarantee that its interests can be defended through parliamentary means. History is full of examples where the bourgeoisie has preferred to do away with the niceties of "democracy"... Hitler, Mussolini, Franco, Suharto... the list is endless.
The Nuremberg Principles are the basis for our demand that individuals seeking to prevent crimes against the peace and humanity not be criminalized. Please sign and circulate.
UN Authorization Can't Mke Rank Imperialism Just (tags)
If a war without UN authorization would be wrong, does that mean that a war with UN authorization would be right?