fix articles 163256, s. no
Hurricanes Katrina, Harvey, Irma, and the Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process (tags)
This article surveys the relationship between the Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process and catastrophic weather events in the US.
Does "Indignez-vous!" in The Nation mag deny Hessel a bestseller in the USA? (tags)
Now Stephane Hessel has another reason for outrage, though at 94 he may be exempt from personal ambition and he always has been selfless, and that is the chance to also have a bestseller in the US.
GOP Wants To Use Illegally Seized Evidence To Prosecute Americans (tags)
No doubt government is sitting on a ton of illegally obtained evidence.
Corruption has become a cancerous disease of US society. No end or even weakening of the lies and deception is in sight. In the politics of the nation, corruption scandals have long reached the center of power.
Virulent Strain of B. S. (tags)
No new "strain" has been detected. Just ONE person who did not respond in the usual way to antiretroviral drugs...and if one's immune system is destroyed through drug abuse, the anti HIV drugs, which are hard on the body by themselves, certainly are not going to help a patient in this situation.