fix articles 16387, cat
Freedom for Hoover the tiger after life spent in circus cage (tags)
A new video released by Animal Defenders International (ADI)
Former Circus Tiger Rescued in Peru by Animal Defenders International Arriving at MIA (tags)
After a lifetime of suffering in a Peruvian circus, Hoover the tiger will finally be flown to Miami International Airport (MIA)
Abused tiger retiring to Florida sanctuary after South American circus rescue (tags)
Hoover the tiger has found his forever home
Exposed: The Miserable Lives of the Last Exotic Animal Act on The Las Vegas Strip (tags)
The last exotic animal act exposed in Las Vegas
“How Do You Know” is a real cat shit slow ball of a movie. (tags)
James L. Brooks’ new movie “How Do You Know” is a real cat shit of a slow ball (that is as Owen Wilson, or Matty Reynolds, the never-too-conscientious autistic, actually relates a hope-you-feel-better story to Reese Witherspoon, as Lisa, about a disgruntled x-baseball player who sent cat shit by mail to the manager that fired him). Once upon a time there lived an insulated, highly paid, professional straw blonde pitcher who lived like a prince in a castle—that is an expensive high rise, posh, penthouse. By the way, this movie really is a more or less a juvenile fairytale—although at times it’s surprisingly funny.
Animal Liberation Forum 2010 (tags)
CAT presents their 2nd annual Animal Liberation Forum from Thursday April 15 - Sunday April 18, 2010. Cease Animal Torture welcomes an array of speakers and participants who will share their perspectives, tactics, strategies and experiences through panels, workshops, films and discussion. The Animal Liberation Forum is a space where activists will be able to network, organize with others and ultimately, become more efficacious for the animals.
Animal Liberation Forum 2010 in Long Beach, CA (tags)
CAT will be holding a 2nd annual Animal Liberation Forum in Spring 2010 (April 15-18, 2010). We are currently looking for speakers and organizations to participate and are asking those who are interested to send us an application (see below)
Year of the Rats: How I Achieved Peaceful Coexistence with My Rat Neighbors (tags)
“. . . Meanwhile I continued to try and make the best of the situation. I started putting items into the live trap which needed to be broken down. . . The rats began to shred up my old bank statements for me. I had a huge accumulation of them and had been reluctant to buy a shredder—I’ve been trying to use less electric devices, not more. . . . I had an almost-empty peanut butter jar with some hard-to-reach glop still stuck inside. One night I left the jar outdoors in an area where Snaggletooth was known to go. The next morning the jar was all cleaned out and ready for the recycling bin. . . .”
Bisbee cops shake down homeless people! (tags)
The guy should file a U.S.C. 42 Section 1983 Civil Rights lawsuit in Federal Court against the pigs who arrested him.
Rescued cats still need homes (tags)
Abandoned cats still need homes.
Day of Action Against Caterpillar- March 16th in Whittier (tags)
March 16, 2006 is the three year anniversary of the death of Rachel Corrie. Rachel was a 23 year-old U.S. peace activist who was killed by an Israel Defense Forces Caterpillar bulldozer while trying to prevent the demolition of a Palestinian home in the Gaza Strip.
Protest Catepillar- Remember Rachel Corrie: 3/16 in Whittier (tags)
International Day of Action Against Caterpillar (3/16 @ 11:30am)- Since 1967, the Israeli army has used CAT equipment to destroy over 12,000 homes in the West Bank, Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem. Rachel Corrie was run over and murdered by a CAT bulldozer on March 16th 2003.
Cat Rescue in the San Gabriel Mountains (tags)
17 abandoned cats were rescued from the San Gabriel Mountains
Pirate Radio Station Broadcast to Two Cities (tags)
Press Release
Cats abandoned, need help (tags)
In the San Gabrial Mountains above Azusa, California, 11 or more domestic cats have been abandoned because their care givers have been evicted from the Camp Follows area, leaving a lot of cats behind to starve.
Help Stop Caterpillar, Inc. (tags)
Throughout the Israeli belligerent occupation, now in its 39th year, Caterpillar, Inc., a US based cooperation, has supplied the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) with Caterpillar bulldozers and other products. The specifically designed bulldozers have carried out the IOF’s illegal home demolition policy in the Gaza Strip and West Bank
It is estimated that there may be 4 million feral cats in L.A. County alone. And the numbers are growing. A single female cat and her offspring can multiply to 420,000 cats in seven years, unless there is human intervention.
Korea - Dog and Cat Meat (tags)
Scandal in South Korea
International day of protest for S. Korean Dogs and Cats (tags)
In an effort to shine a spotlight on the illegal trade in dog and cat products thriving in South Korea, IDA is joining Animal Freedom Korea and others for an international day of protest.
April 13: International Day of Action to Stop Caterpillar (tags)
Human rights groups to demand investigation of Israeli war crimes at Caterpillar's Annual Meeting in Chicago on April 13 - Simultaneous protests scheduled for dozens of cities around the world.
MOVE and the Abuse of Animals (tags)
MOVE and the Abuse of Animals
China fur video
IMPORTANT and URGENT: Why there has to be a god. (tags)
Want to end the war? Let the cat out of the bag.
Still Killing Stray Animals While Promoting Tourism And Trying To Enter The EU (tags)
CROATIA Please send a letter of protest.
Even cats are oppressed in IsraHell (by Latuff) (tags)
News from Associated Press, brought you by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff.
Who exactly are the paranoid anti-Americans? (tags)
Those who spy shall be spied upon.
Judith nails it again. Welcome to "Alice World" where all is taken care of. Freedom and Orange Alerts for all.
go to my site for more
Genetically moggified answer to cat problem (tags)
A biotechnology company in the US is working on producing a genetically altered, allergen-free cat.
China's Reaction to U.S. Spy Plane Incident Related to Its History of Conflicts (tags)
Robert Weil, author of "Red Cat, White Cat: China and the Contradictions of Market Socialism," who examines the historical context of this incident in which China is challenging U.S. military power on its national border while U.S. business is lured to China's cheap labor pool and enormous markets.