fix articles 164207, anna mae
John Graham: Injusto Caso de Extradición (tags)
John Graham es un guerrero indígena de la nación Tutchone de Norteamérica (Canadá) y es ahora un preso de la guerra colonial en los Estados Unidos de América. Él es también el objetivo de un montaje gobierno y policía federal (FBI) para el asesinato de Anna Mae Pictou Aquash, una guerrera en el American Indian Movement en los años setenta. Más que 60 personas indígenas fueron matadas en la reservación Pine Ridge de la nación Lakota por escuadrones de la muerte de gobierno-apoyó en los años setenta. Lo jucio fijan para el 6 de octubre de 2008. Aquí está el fondo del caso, antes de que el suyo fuera obtenido la extradición en diciembre de 2007.
Native Youth Movement Tooled by AIM,Inc and ideologically-challenged naivete? (tags)
For many years there's been a storm of building hype in indigenous country (especially around the militant aspect of indigenous resistance), but of late, it's become more and more hyped-up in a most curious way, including character assasination attempts against long-time figures without contexts and empathy. All this appears to be having an effect of someone trying to drive a wedge between the vital experience (or praxis) of the elders, and the too often easily-exploited anger of youth just entering the movement. This time around it's centered on different conceptions about how to run a resistance, one swamped in ideology (and a short history of merits in direct action), the other having a long record of uncompromising defense of indigenous peoples who insist on their autonomy. This article goes thru, albeit roughly, some of the history of the building hype and ways in which movements are divided and conquered, and gives lessons about the remaining apparently easily-exploitable weaknesses of the radical movement today.
Motion to enforce filed in Peltier's lawsuit against editor Paul DeMain (tags)
In a lawsuit filed over one year ago, a motion to enforce a settlement agreement was filed today with the Eighth U.S. District Court of Claims in Minneapolis, Minnesota, between Native American activist and political prisoner Leonard Peltier and Paul DeMain, editor of News From Indian Country.
Dineh (Navajo) youth imprisoned for documenting desecration (tags)
A sacred Sundance arbor on the homesite of a Dineh resistor was bulldozed by Hopi officials Friday with the support of BIA, and Navajo County police. A young Dineh was arrested for attempting to document the desecration of his church. This follows the recent attempt by officials to shut down a Sundance ceremony happening at camp Anna Mae, by setting up roadblocks, cutting off the nearest water source and turning away food, water medicine and doctors