fix articles 16693, swift boat veterans
Subverting Democracy Through Electoral Fraud (tags)
Rigged election show democracy is pure fantasy.
The controversy surrounding Barack Obama and his long-time minister, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, and the speed with which New York governor Elliot Spitzer was forced out of office after he was revealed to be using prostitutes, just shows how screwed-up Americans are about race and sex. Even within the Queer community, bigotry exists, as shown when a board member of a San Diego nonprofit questioned whether her agency should accept donations from the Leather community and referred to Leatherpeople as "those people."
U.S. Ambassador Sam Fox:From Swift Boat War Fraud to Brussels,Belgium SWIFT Finance Fraud (tags)
Sam Fox would be an economic,political and social parasite by any other name but to place him as U.S. Ambassador to Belgium after the W Bush Regime's SWIFT financial spying scandal by ex Treasury Secretary John Snow and the U.S. CIA in Belgium is a lot like putting a fox in charge of the chicken coop.
Utah Gov Jon Huntsman,Senator Bennett, Hatch call Republican Senator Shelby 'a gangster' (tags)
If Patrick Byrne,the largest campaign contributer, or 'briber', of Utah Governor Jon Huntsman Jr., and Utah Senators Bob Bennett's and Orin Hatch's favorite 'securities' fraudster and Republican 'dirty tricks' financier says Alabama Republican Richard Shelby is a 'gangster'he must be speaking for them as well,after all all three of those right wing Mormon bozos support every lie he has had to offer so far as well as his generous Republican donations......
Perry Homes Signs Are Changing Into Kerry '04 Signs (tags)
Bob Perry, resident of Houston and owner of Perry Homes, has donated more than one million dollars to the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth. The Swift Boat Veterans for Truth have bought expensive mass media airtime and distributed misleading information about Senator John Kerry's military record in order to aid the George W. Bush campaign.
If party politics is the art of lying (and it is), then for the ordinary person political conventions are to be avoided at all costs. If these were judged by the standards of that other massager of the truth, advertising, then every one would be sued for being misleading.
Some of Kerry's biggest fans are in the press (tags)
Pesky Citizens Will Not Shut Up! (tags)
Bush Making an Issue of Kerry’s Military Service Is Dumber Than--Well, Anything, Rea (tags)
Why would a president who did everything he could to not put on a uniform during wartime but couldn’t wait to don one years later as the most protected person on Earth, cast aspersions about a guy who volunteered to wear one in Vietnam and upon arriving back home as a decorated vet did everything he could to help other soldiers take theirs off? For more details about the Bush Baby’s last-gasp grasp at a straw man, read on.
Club for Growth member Bob. J Perry funded 'Swift Boat' ads (tags)
Houston homebuilder, Christian zealout and hardcore GOP backer Bob J. Perry was funded, at least partially, the 'Swift Boat' attack ads since recanted by one Veteran.