fix articles 169472, anglo saxons
“How Do You Know” is a real cat shit slow ball of a movie. (tags)
James L. Brooks’ new movie “How Do You Know” is a real cat shit of a slow ball (that is as Owen Wilson, or Matty Reynolds, the never-too-conscientious autistic, actually relates a hope-you-feel-better story to Reese Witherspoon, as Lisa, about a disgruntled x-baseball player who sent cat shit by mail to the manager that fired him). Once upon a time there lived an insulated, highly paid, professional straw blonde pitcher who lived like a prince in a castle—that is an expensive high rise, posh, penthouse. By the way, this movie really is a more or less a juvenile fairytale—although at times it’s surprisingly funny.
Well, wow you know how racism feels, Dishonest Abe (tags)
in response to Dishonest Abe's response to my earlier post about the Latinos and racism. I never doubted that there are Latinos who are racist or give preferential treatment to other Latinos. Please, I even alluded to that in my piece. But to judge Latinos in general based on two traffic incidents in Latino-dominant L.A. and based on Rafael Perez, come on. Do I judge all European Americans based on Trent Lott, David Duke, Jessie Helms, et al. Come on now, your liberal "white guilt," as Tim Wise would put it, is seeping through.
John Allen Muhammad Trial Day Fifteen 11/3/03 (tags)
The book was "The Tao of Health, Sex and Longevity" when these books were entered in as evidence; the media viewing room became very silent, you could hear a 'rat pissing on cotton' why? because Black wisdom was being revealed.
After the War is Before the War (tags)
The Marburg professor of political science gave this address at the union conference "After the Kosovo War" on Sept 4, 1999. Translated from the German