fix articles 172543, united nations committee
'Profound' Arrogance at UN creates elitist human rights (tags)
Describes the 'Profound' Arrogance of bureaucratic elites at the UN in disregarding history, as it they 'know', to reinvent human rights to emphasize elites rather than individuals. Discussion with Islamic Assist Professor of Law on global ethical human rights.
Freedom from our social prisons require Rights Revolution (tags)
New Zealanders come home - you are needed. Submission below before UN Human Rights Commission today re NZ. Below shows NZ headed to third world status. Obama also follows UN and global elites - mass discrimination re social class.
The Lessons of Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (tags)
how to stop Israeli crimes
The Most Credible Challenge to Neoliberalism (tags)
The People's Age is near but will have to be struggled for by focusing on the 'bottom-up' human rights approach which are the rights left out by the Global Elites at the UN in their discussions of economic and social rights over the past four years which resulted in the 'we are all in it together' approach presently being adopted by States.
Targeting Israel with Boycotts, Divestment, Sanctions and Prosecutions (tags)
It's time to hold Israel accountable.
The Neo liberal elite seize their opportunity to increase unemployment globally. (tags)
The neo liberal elite seized their opportunity to create global unemployment when an ideological shift by the global elites occurred over the past four years at the UN from right wing neo liberalism (Bush) to left wing neo liberalism (Obama).
Racism: Italy reported to the United Nations... (tags)
CERD will have to ascertain the violations of articles 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 of the “International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination.” Italy, in fact, is accused of carrying out a series of measures, both on a national level and on a local level, aimed at hitting the Rrom and Sinti communities on Italian territory - from the 14 security packages to the emergency expulsion decree for EU citizens put forward by Giuliano Amato. The International Criminal Court of the Hague will evaluate the actions carried out by the Italian institutions against the Rroma to determine whether – and to what extent – any crimes against humanity were committed.
The Case for Socialized Medicine in the United States, and the Struggle to Achieve It (tags)
The California Nurses Association/National Nurses Organizing Committee blasted insurance giant CIGNA for failing to approve a liver transplant one week earlier for 17-year-old Nataline Sarkisyan, who tragically died just hours after CIGNA relented and agreed to the procedure following a massive national outcry. “CNA/NNOC Executive Director Rose Ann DeMoro called the final outcome ‘a horrific tragedy that demonstrates what is so fundamentally wrong with our health care system today. Insurance companies have a stranglehold on our health. Their first priority is to make profits for their shareholders – and the way they do that is by denying care." "It is simply not possible to organize major protests every time a multi-billion corporation like CIGNA denies care that has been recommended by a physician," DeMoro said. “Having insurance is not the same as receiving needed care. We need a fundamental change in our healthcare system that takes control away from the insurance giants and places it where it belongs – in the hands of the medical professionals, the patients, and their families."
Stop "Divine Strake" Bombing in Newe Sogobia (NTS); May 28 (tags)
On May 28, 2006 dozens of indigenous, environmental justice and peace and disarmament organizations will converge at the Peace Camp outside the Nevada Test Site near Mercury Nevada to protest the Divine Strake test scheduled for June 2, but now apparently postponed to June 23.
The fight for water. A fight for human rights (tags)
Water. We see it everywhere. (see related story below) Many of us take water for granted. All we have to do is open a faucet and this life-sustaining liquid just pours out into our glass to quench our thirst. But in many places it is not so simple to get that clean glass of water.
A New Movement Against Apartheid (tags)
International Movement Against Israeli Apartheid