fix articles 173, fed Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : fed


How to Solve the US Housing Problem and Avoid a Recession: A Revived HOLC and RTC (tags)

In 1933, Congress passed the Glass-Steagall Act, which banned banks from underwriting securities. Financial institutions had to choose either to be a simple bank lender or an underwriter (investment banker or brokerage firm).

Why the US Bank Crisis is Not Over (tags)

There must always be a financial crash at some point. That is because interest-bearing debt grows exponentially, but the economy follows an S-curve and then turns down. And when the economy turns down... the magnitude of financial claims on the economy exceeds the ability to pay.

Is Trump failing in the fight against the pandemic and the shattered economy? (tags)

The state of the economy is rightly considered the most important factor influencing the re-election or de-election of an American president. Voters* tend to blame the leader in the Oval Office for their personal situation in the labor market and the economic situation in general.

The Forgotten History of the Financial Crisis (tags)

In the United States between late 2008 and early 2009, 800,000 people were losing their jobs every month. By 2015, over nine million American families would lose their homes to foreclosure—the largest forced population movement in the United States since the Dust Bowl.

Is Capitalism Out of Order? (tags)

Growing debt is actually not a big problem in a growing economy as long as it does not grow faster than the gross domestic product (GDP). The debt mountain of the capitalist world system is growing much faster than the world economic output.

Near Zero Percent Federal Funds Rate Since December 2008 (tags)


Misguided Calls for More QE (tags)


$1.5 Quadrillion Time Bomb (tags)


Market Euphoria: The Mother of All Ponzi Schemes (tags)


Fed Ends QE (tags)


The Myth of the Unexpected Crisis and Security (tags)

Many knew the rise of housing prices had to end some time or other... Four theses explain why the Fed was not active during the real estate boom: power of lobbyists, market ideology, trust in abstract academic models and inflation targeting.

2008 Redux? (tags)


Financial Market Inflammation (tags)

Bubble formation covered up a period of long-lasting stagnation... Former US Treasury secretary Larry Summers even spoke of stagnation as a "new normality"... The crisis consequences are shifted to other subjects. Unemployment and indebtedness are exported.

Obama Nominates Three Fed Governors (tags)


AIPAC's Federal Reserve Vice Chairman (tags)


100 Years of Financial Terrorism (tags)


Bracing for An Eventual Day of Reckoning (tags)


Former Fed Official Apologizes (tags)


Yellen's Fed Assures Business As Usual (tags)


The United States of Inequality (tags)

class war

Bernanke Stays the Course (tags)


Janet Yellen Likely New Fed Chairwoman: Hold the Cheers (tags)

class war

Larry Summers: Wall Street's Man (tags)


Wrongheaded Fed Policy (tags)


Quantitative Crisis: Bernanke’s “Stimulus” For The 1% (tags)

When I heard that Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke told Congress last week that it was too soon for the Fed to end its extraordinary stimulus programs, I did a double take.

Gold Drops Most in 30 Years (tags)


BOJ Increases QE (tags)


US Economy: Troubled or All's Well? (tags)


Tim Geithner's Legacy of Shame (tags)

grand theft

QE Shell Game (tags)

class war

Fed Panic (tags)

class war

Emergency Central Bank Intervention Coming? (tags)

class war

2nd Complaint filed in USA v. Arpaio (tags)

Fed Court Issues order in USA v. Arpaio,

Predatory Capitalism Failed (tags)

class war

Hanford CAFO Conditions Creates Mad Cow Prions (tags)

The process in concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) includes feeding rendered cattle and chicken feces to living cattle. By turning cattle into carnivores against their knowledge and free will the CAFOs have opened to doorway to prions that form mad cow (Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy). We humans have the Creutzfeldt-Jakob variant of BSE, and interspecies transmission is probable.

It's not the Federal Reserve, it's the system it serves (tags)

If the Fed were eliminated, the exact same powerful capitalist interests would be continue to bend government policy to their preferred outcome and would continue to exercise the same dominance over government, social institutions and the mass media. The only difference would be that the economy would become more unstable than it already is because there would be less ability on the part of government to dampen excesses. Why would that be good?

Money Power World Rule (tags)

class war

Want to legalize drugs? Vote for Ron Paul!!! (tags)

If you want to end America's insane, unconstitutional war on drugs, Ron Paul is the man to vote for! Same goes for ending the the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and bringing home all the American troops stationed in 100+ countries around the world!

Central Bank Intervention: Much Ado About Nothing (tags)

class war

Bailout Roulette (tags)


Quantitative Easing: Elixir or Poison? (tags)

QE indeed poison as being used

Wrecking the American Dream (tags)

bipartisan supporting for anti-populism




ADD THIS ARTICLE ALSO 2 YOUR BUSH JR ~ KARL ROVE PONZI TARP FILES...little ripped~off American taxpayers !!!



Restore Financial Sanity (tags)

Restore Financial Sanity and the People's Wealth

Greenspan and the Guilt of Others (tags)

Before the committee, Greenspan immediately went on the offensive (cf. Creole trick). The irresponsible loans of banks caused the crisis, not the low interest of the Fed. The Fed failed in regulating the banks because its employees were not neutral.

Bogus Washington-Proposed Financial Reform (tags)

banker, not people reform

Selling Out America to Wall Street (tags)

pillaging American wealth

Abolish the Fed and Return Money Creation Power to Congress (tags)

Only Congress empowered to create money

The Washington establishment suffers a serious defeat (tags)

"Today was Waterloo for Fed secrecy," a victorious Grayson said afterwards. The bill still faces substantial hurdles in becoming law, of course, but yesterday's vote has made that outcome quite possible, and it's worth noting several important points highlighted by what happened here: (1) Our leading media outlets are capable of understanding political debates only by stuffing them into melodramatic, trite and often distracting "right v. left" storylines. While some debates fit comfortably into that framework, many do not. Anger over the Wall Street bailouts, the control by the banking industry of Congress, and the impenetrable secrecy with which the Fed conducts itself resonates across the political spectrum, as the truly bipartisan and trans-ideological vote yesterday reflects. Populist anger over elite-favoring economic policies has long been brewing on both the Right and Left (and in between), but neither political party can capitalize on it because they're both dependent upon and subservient to the same elite interests which benefit from those policies. For that reason, many of the most consequential political conflicts are shaped far more by an "insider v. outsider" dichotomy than by a "GOP v. Democrat" or "Left v. Right" split. The pillaging of America's economic security by financial elites, with the eager assistance of the government officials who they own and who serve them, is the prime example of such a conflict. The political system as a whole — both parties' leadership — is owned and controlled by a handful of key industry interests, and anger over the fact is found across the political spectrum. Yesterday's vote is a very rare example where the true nature of political power was expressed and the petty distractions and artificial fault lines overcome.

Court Orders Fed to Disclose Emergency Bank Loans (tags)

Manhattan Chief U.S. District Judge Loretta Preska ruled against the central bank yesterday, rejecting the argument that loan records aren’t covered by the law because their disclosure would harm borrowers’ competitive positions.

America lets audit the fed who controls our money (tags)

We're almost there! HR 1207 (to Audit the Fed) has a whopping 207 co-sponsors. Can you believe we've made it this far? Here's the latest, and what you can do to push HR 1207 over the top:

AUDIT THE FED by Bill Gallagher (tags)


Reviewing Ellen Brown's "Web of Debt:" Part II (tags)

Part II of Brown's superb book.

Obama's Latest No Banker Left Behind Scheme (tags)

the looting of America

"Down the Memory Hole," Alan Greenspan Style (tags)

Greenspan-caused housing bubble

Mass Mobilization In Los Angeles On Obamas Inauguration Day! (tags)

This is a Call out for all those out there fed up with the U.S. government. Their Abuse of the Economic Crisis among the American People and the Global Community. For the Continuous Murders commited by the LAPD and Surrounding Police Authorities and the Constant Racial Profiling and Discrimination done by the Police. This is For the U.S. Involvement in Israel and the Gaza Massacre which has claimed over 300 lives. Mass Mobilization In Los Angeles On Obama's Inauguration 200 N Spring St, Los Angeles-Also Known As Los Angeles City Hall. This is a Call out for all those out there fed up with the U.S. government. Their Abuse of the Economic Crisis among the American People and the Global Community. For the Continuous Murders committed by the LAPD and Surrounding Police Authorities and the Constant Racial Profiling and Discrimination done by the Police. This is For the U.S. Involvement in Israel and the Gaza Massacre which has claimed over 300 lives. So! A Call out to all, passionate, hopeless romantics, to all families who struggle, to all races, ethinicities, genders, Homosexuals Bisexuals, Transgendered, to all anarchists and marxists, democrats and republicans, to all those who are unhappy with the current state of the world. Lets Make Obama, the United States, and the Rest of the world Know that We Arent going to Stand for the Oppression the U.S. Government, Police,and Other Governing Bodies Commit.

Wall St. and the Fed Get Fatter, While Main St. Suffers (tags)

The greed of some of the Wall St. banksters, and the Fed’s inept policies, like condoning deregulation, are the real causes of the current financial meltdown. Nevertheless, the U.S. Congress has given them a green light to rake in trillions of dollars in taxpayers’ bailout money, with little or no public disclosure. The Fed’s functions should be taken over by the Treasury Dept. Main St. needs to be Congress’ prime concern, not Wall Street.

The Federal Reserve Abolition Act (tags)

Abolishing the Fed.

Global economy collapsing along with the world financial system (tags)

Conditions are going to get considerably more difficult for Americans. Chapman says in 2 years 25% to 38% of all Americans will be out of work and living or waiting outside homeless shelters for a place to sleep. Tens of thousands including the elderly or single women and children will be homeless and hungry.

Lurching Toward Gomorrah: More Signs of An Unstoppable Economic Meltdown (tags)

a deepening economic crisis

Fed Defies Transparency On Bailout Monies: Refuses to Disclose (tags)

By Mark Pittman, Bob Ivry and Alison Fitzgerald Nov. 10 (Bloomberg) -- The Federal Reserve is refusing to identify the recipients of almost $2 trillion of emergency loans from American taxpayers or the troubled assets the central bank is accepting as collateral.

Public Enemy Number One (tags)

Fed- engineered crisis.

The Fed, AIG, Congress, Third Party Candidates and the Debt (tags)

The Fed,” William Greider said, “decides who shall prosper and who shall fail.” American International Group (AIG), Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and Bear Stearns, all private entities, will be bailed out by the taxpayers. Third Party candidates want an audit and investigation of “The Fed,” an unelected clique. “The Fed,” and the Treasury Dept., are currently submitting a Mother of All Bailout schemes to the Congress. It may cost the public $1 trillion!

Friday 5:40 pm ICE raids protest going on now (tags)

Protest going on now at downtown Fed. Bldg. About 40 people there now.

William Greider Raps Predatory Usury Schemes (tags)

How did the country get into this unholy financial mess? Think usury! Acclaimed author William Greider points the finger at banks, and people of great wealth, “taking advantage of poor people by lending them money on terms that are sure to fail.” He blames others, too, like “The Fed,” under the reign of Alan Greenspan, the U.S. Congress, and Wall Street. Mr. Greider charges that these parties worked to “castrate” the watchdogs.

Potential Future Hyperinflation (tags)

Potential economic trouble ahead.

Global Economic Meltdown (tags)

Financial Instability is Leading to an Economic Catastrophe

"Immoral Hazard" (tags)

Economic troubles are broad, deep and worrisome.

Farewell to Neoliberalism (tags)

State interventions in the economy are unpopular and generally regarded as "against the system"-when the state interferes in profiteering. In the case of a crisis, the losses should be socialized.

The economy is not what they are saying!5 (tags)

"And another horror is that the stock market went up, which is Pretty Freaking Strange (PFS) since Barron’s reports that the earnings of the Dow Jones Industrials went down, dropping to $225.53 from $234.49. This has produced the unbelievable price-to-earnings ratio of 57! Earnings are going down, but the stocks are going up! To a P/E of 57! Un-freaking-believable!"

Potential Health Hazards of Genetically Engineered Foods (tags)

The dangers these foods pose to human health

A Generalized Meltdown of Financial Institutions (tags)

By Mike Whitney 11/24/07 "ICH" -- - Reality has finally caught up to the stock market. The American consumer is underwater, the banks are buried in dept, and the housing market is in terminal distress. The Dow is now below its 200-Day Moving Average -- the first big "sell" signal. Anything below 12,500 could trigger program-trading and crash the market. The increased volatility suggests that we are watching a "real time" meltdown.

Imperial wars and genocide, Petrodollar Recycling System and meltdown of financial world (tags)

Imperial wars, crimes and genocide, Petrodollar Recycling System and meltdown of financial world order. Articles, analysis and video documentary

Greenspan's Dark Legacy Unmasked (tags)

Alan Greenspan's true record of public disservice.

Central Banks Reduce Their Holdings (tags)

Japan, the largest investor in US debts, has been reducing its holdings for three years.. The decline of foreign treasury holdings is not surprising because foreign dollar investors suffered massive losses through the dollar's devaluation in the last two months.

judas durazo hands elvira arellano over to bush's ice (tags)

mayday defense committee

Judas Durazo hands over Elvira Arellano Bush’s ICE (tags)

Mayday Defense Committee

Sunday 8:00 PM – Protest has started at Fed Bldg Downtown. (tags)

Sunday 8:00 PM – Protest has started at Fed Bldg Downtown.


Washington DC – August 12, 2007 – By deciding to ante up $38 billion for a hopeless bailout of predatory Wall Street hedge funds and the banks that stand behind them, Federal Reserve Chairman Helicopter Ben Bernanke has placed the bankrupt US dollar on a direct course towards the precipice of hyperinflation.-

A "Slow Motion Train Wreck" (tags)

Financial market turmoil and the Federal Reserve increases it

maria elena durazo (lacfl) behind miwon's lapd lies (tags)

maria elena durazo, exec dir of la cty labor fed, is working w/ v-rat to protect bratton. she signed (wrote) miwon's "provacateur" lies.

Services sector overtakes farming (tags)

Services sector overtakes farming





The Federal Reserve is Privately owned (tags)

The secret to enslaving a nation.

Fed Privately Owned (tags)

Learn about the financial fraud that has enslaved you your whole life!

News Junkie Scott's Blog (9/10/05) (tags)

New Orleans: the specter of military dictatorship

Greenspan Foreknowledge of London Bombings ??? (tags)

"Two days before the London subway bombings, Fed-Master Alan Greenspan flushed nearly $40 billion in liquidity into financial markets. The sudden activity was an astonishing departure from the current policy of tightening interest rates to stifle inflation. The Chairman has not explained his erratic behavior, but there’s growing speculation that Greenspan may have had information about the likelihood of terrorist attacks and decided to “preemptively” head-off a run on the markets."

County Fed gears up for offensive (tags)

L.A. labor council holds historic congress building labor community unity for progressive issues. .

Rats are Smarter than People (tags)

at least they know better than to eat GM food

President Kennedy the Fed and executive order 11110 (tags)

How America has slowly been enslaved by banksters, worthless paper they designed and printed, and a fraud so bold none would suspect it!

Welcome to the Banana Republic (tags)

New $20 Bills to Become Available in October. See photo at web site.

The High Cabal's Economic War Against the World (tags)

Money, money power, and the Federal Reserve Swindle/Scam are fundamental to the Bush Junta's operations. They are after all petty and venal people whose primary interests are money and power. "Know the truth and it shall set you free."

Webs of Power - Part 2: The Federal Reserve (tags)

The Federal Reserve Bank of America is not a government entity. It is a private corporation with stock owned by shareholders. A majority of these shareholders are not American. The prior paragraph is common knowledge by economists and professors, and can easily be found with minimal research.

Abolishing the Fed & World Bank (tags)

After we abolish the Fed and the World Bank, perhaps we should abolish formal schooling as well.

Hacking Las Vegas (tags)

Black Hat Briefings ran for two days beginning on Wednesday at Caesar's Palace, and the largest hacker conference in the US, Def Con, began on Thursday evening.

Thief on our Homes (tags)

The Federal Reserve is an illicit corporation that is trashing America every day. The act that empowered them, the Fed. Res. Act of 1913 needs to be repealed!!

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